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721. 22 Jun 2009 17:48


I like to think I'm more the Man in the Mirror.

722. 22 Jun 2009 18:35


I suppose I should have known that joke would be censored. I wasn't sure how well it would go over in the first place, but I thought it might have made it a little bit longer than that, after all Channel Baldur is usually full of free thinkers who like a good penis joke

723. 22 Jun 2009 18:48


what dya want to bet that the mere mention of the anatomical part gets it deleted again?
(...sighing softly and pondering a discussion of biology here... beginning to smile... )

724. 22 Jun 2009 18:57


I'm just grateful that I got to read it while it was still available.
I put it back into circulation on the internet after editing out Dragon's 'asides'.
No one that received it from me would question why the first man looked over at the second man.
I enjoyed it Dragon.

725. 22 Jun 2009 19:00


I'm glad you enjoyed it Baldur (I sorta thought you would get a kick out of it).
Qsilv, I was sort of testing the theory that putting the name of the anatomical part in the comment would get it deleted again even though there's nothing particularly offensive about the comment itself. We'll just have to wait and see I geuss.

726. 22 Jun 2009 19:04


Maybe that could be a challenge of sorts.
We can tell dirty jokes in the style of 'madlibs'.
For those not aware of this mental exercise let me explain.

In 'madlibs' key words are left blank but labeled as to their part of speech, the game is to fill in the blank.
An example:

'There was a 'ADJECTIVE' 'NOUN' from ' PROPER PLACE NAME',
Who's 'NOUN' was so 'ADJECTIVE', 'PRONOUN' could 'VERB' it.....

727. 22 Jun 2009 19:07


There is a notice that reads:

'*** This post has been removed at the request of our users. ***'

Do you think it's a general comment concerning automatic deletion or could there have been complaints that triggered it?

728. 22 Jun 2009 19:09


I thought it was triggered when the comment got 3 'Flags' for offensive matter.

729. 22 Jun 2009 19:10


Baldur would have gone on and finished the 'madlib' frame for that limerick but I would have had to start researching parts of speech to be sure they were correct.

Is 'said' something like an 'intransitive' (another 10 points for Baldur) verb?
For all the English and Grammar Baldur studied it is still confusing.

730. 22 Jun 2009 19:13


In that case Dragon, Radio Baldur has a wider audience than I imagined, my suspicions were that only a few people read this. None of whom I thought were easily offended.

731. 22 Jun 2009 19:13


I always loved Mad-Libs. I found it really funny to just look at the empty spaces and fill in the ADJECTIVEs or NOUNs before I actually read the story they were going in. That way they made no sense at all but were hyterically funny. I remember doing one about George Washington where my version had him saying "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down my little mother's head"

732. 22 Jun 2009 19:16


One of my prize ones involved Pope Pius XXIII, gonnorhea and an unfortunate souffle'

733. 22 Jun 2009 19:17


-n = gonorhea

734. 22 Jun 2009 19:17


I would swear my first version was correct, but Webster's New World Dictionary disagrees

735. 22 Jun 2009 19:18


+ another r for gonorrhea

That sounds like one good Mad-lib and one very unfortunate souffle!

736. 22 Jun 2009 19:23


Ok it's late night dessert time at Chateau Baldur.

Take a large cup, such as this cafe' au lait cup in my hand.
Into the bottom of the cup slice a ripe banana
on top of the sliced banana put a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream.
you acyually don't need that much ice cream because the banana takes up a lot of space in the cup.
On top of the ice cream pour some chocolate syrup
Baldur recommends Hershey's brand 'Special Dark' syrup.
Take one OREO cookie firmly in your fist and crumble it over the syrup.'


737. 22 Jun 2009 19:24


That spelling sounds better Dragon, maybe I'm too tired to be reading dictionaries.

738. 22 Jun 2009 19:24


-y +t = actually

739. 22 Jun 2009 19:26


Sounds good except for the banana, the dark chocolate and the chocolate sauce. I'd try strawberry, vanilla ice cream and caramel. (But otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.)

740. 22 Jun 2009 19:33



At my local supermarket there seem to be 4 brands of ice cream in their sale rotation. Some have better flavor choices than others.

On any given week 3 brands are priced highly and the 4th is ridiculously cheap. Even cheaper if one has coupons.

There are some flavors that just don't appeal to me, the big one at the moment that bugs me is 'bubble gum'. which actually smells like baby powder and it's hard to suppress a gagging sensation when eating it.