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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7181. 13 Jun 2010 05:33


Catching up and LOL, Dragon ... so much rain that an ark has docked nearby! Hope your rain has let up. Ours has not.

We have plants blooming that normally don't flower until mid July, so yes, a lot of rain here. Then last night, when there was a break in the weather, we took the cats out and I saw two slugs (tiny ones) on the stone patio. We never see slugs. Later when we brought the cats in there was something gooey in the Maine coon's fur.

Have you ever tried to get a slug out of the belly fur of a long-haired cat? Well, not the highlight of my day. The cat was not happy either and I won't even mention the poor slug! (Well, I do imagine that critter at the "slug pearly gates" and he's rather disgusted as he relates that he met his demise in cat fur, or rather in removal from cat fur. However, I did put the slug in our compost pile and it may be that he still lives. Hard to tell about slugs that have cat fur stuck all over them.)

Also, always enjoy sheftali's garden musings. Does she hear the baby red-bellied wp's cheeping? That's how I've found many of their nests. Their babes are noisy! At least the ones in MO.

And so happy our host has not died. Hope he gets his stone work completed and feels great satisfaction. ' )

7182. 14 Jun 2010 09:41


LOL at Qsilv's pic. We did get a break in the rain, strangely just in time for the weekend. It was beautiful and sunny here for 3 days. Of course it's raining again now but so far not in torrents (fingers crossed). The Red Deer river (which was pitifully low 3 weeks ago) had risen by at least 2 feet if not more. It's not a very deed river, at least not here in town it isn't. You'd be hard pressed normally to be able to find a spot that was more than waist deep but now that's different. It's become very popular to go down the river on floaties and for the last couple of years I think that on any hot saturday or sunday you could walk across the river on floaties and not get your feet wet, that's how thick they are.

7183. 16 Jun 2010 09:34


Woke up this morning and looked out the window and saw this fiery orb in the sky. It took me a minute to recognize that it was the sun, it's been so bloody long since I've seen the darn thing I'd forgotten about it altogether!

7184. 16 Jun 2010 15:13


lol Dragon--glad you saw that orb today. We used to call it a USO when we lived in Germany and didn't see the sun much one summer--USO being Unidentified Shining Object!!

7185. 17 Jun 2010 09:28


I lived in Vancouver for 6 months a few years back and it rained pretty much every day straight for the first 4 months I was there. When the sun did come out I almost didn't know what to do with myself. Fortunatly I had a good roommate who suggested Ceasars out on the back lawn. Ahh how good it is to have a little sun, and good friend and a couple of bottles of Clamato juice!

7186. 17 Jun 2010 09:38


marius was talking about slugs in her garden (and cat's fur ) and it reminded me of how they took care of slugs in Vancouver. Vancouver has a lot of slugs owing to its damp weather and it seems one of the favorite methods of choice to control them is to put a bowl of beer in your garden. The slugs are attracted to the beer and will climb (do slugs climb? maybe they squidge) into the bowl where they get so drunk they drown. Now that story put me in mind of an Irishman joke I got not too long ago.

Mrs. Murphy opened the door to find her husband Paddy's friends on the step looking somber. They told her of how they had all been touring a brewery when Paddy tragically fell in a vat of beer and was drowned. Mrs. Murphy, in a state of shock asked "Did he go quickly?"
Paddy's friends looked at each other and one of them finally said, "Actually no, he got out three times to pee."

7187. 17 Jun 2010 11:35


pffffffffffffff... Dragon!

oooh Sheftali just brought back the most squidgiest? ..memory of a summer in Dortmund when it rained or was at least utterly gray almost every single day. The place had a laundry room with airers ...wooden drying racks... where 3 days after you hung stuff there it was still damp and you could smell that slightly sour odor...

lol... I am sooooo resisting the urge to draw marius' fur-covered slug..............

7188. 17 Jun 2010 12:07


Q.........GO FOR IT!

7189. 17 Jun 2010 20:09


Yes, YES--we must have a fur-covered slug--go Q, go Q!!

7190. 18 Jun 2010 02:07


(Q half-muffles a laugh..............................
and wanders off to dream of well hopefully NOT this!)


7191. 18 Jun 2010 07:00


Tee hee! Looks just like the fella! Thanks for the smile Q!

(still giggling) ... and just in case any of you ever need to know - there is less resistance if you roll the little bugger out of the fur. ; )

7192. 18 Jun 2010 09:31


marius, once I get it covered in fur, there's no way the little %@*%&~ is going to get out again.

7193. 19 Jun 2010 08:04


'Summertime, and the living is easy..........'

7194. 19 Jun 2010 08:22


'Stones are rollin', and they gather no moss..........'

[..continuing same melody.. next?]

7195. 19 Jun 2010 10:17


'Sun is shinin', the day's light and breezy...'


7196. 19 Jun 2010 10:59


Baldur is illegible to add another line, having started it all.

That being said it's time for a Boughbreak update.
I have been quietly dieting since my birthday in February and this was breakthrough day. 30 pounds of Baldur are no more!.
There is much more to go as with even the loss of another hundred pounds I would be still be larger than average.

7197. 19 Jun 2010 11:00


What is neat is that this winter I was squeezing myself into pants with a 44" waist, now size 42 is too loose and requires a belt to stay up.

7198. 19 Jun 2010 11:28


(eyes widening...) ok, *I'm* impressed. I suspect it's up there with quitting smoking for soul-deep hard to do!

[next line in the song almost HAS to go--
'So hush now, TD-ers... and follow Bob Ross....'

...ducking and running] ;>

7199. 20 Jun 2010 05:25


Congratulations Baldur...I know how hard it is to lose weight.
Constant struggle for me...I have 60 pounds to shed. Quitting smoking was so much easier! Anyway....happy for you!

7200. 20 Jun 2010 14:32


Congrats Baldur! There are many persons who never had to fight weight and they don't know how lucky they are! But for those who do, this should be one more good example (humbly trying to point out i've lost some 'milestones' myself, lol ). Hope you won't have trouble staying fit, but if you do, don't hesistate to ask for some tips.