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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7161. 31 May 2010 09:58


Let us know how that goes. You could be on to!

When we lived in Saskatchewan, you weren't safe outside until the dragonflies got to be the size of small helicopters. By then you knew they'd eaten a good portion of the little critters.

7162. 31 May 2010 18:24


Tomato plants absolutely refuse to grow anywhere near walnut trees.
Plants have both allies and foes.
Garlic and marigolds are wonderful to use in fighting off insects.

Baldur has been lugging mountains of granite around the neighborhood this week.
When a neighbor down the road had her front yard excavated to repair a well quite a large amount of granite was unearthed.
She naturally thought of me... probably along the lines of:
'Who would be crazy enough to take this off my hands?'

7163. 31 May 2010 18:27


Baldur is noticing some 'Mad' behaviour in a few of the other forum threads, hopefully it will taper off again.
I can't imagine why this site attracts so many dysfunctional people.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

7164. 1 Jun 2010 07:42


you called???

7165. 1 Jun 2010 09:42


I was starting to wonder if our least favorite person who we refuse to speak to was making a reappearance. I'm not yet conviced otherwise.

7166. 1 Jun 2010 09:44


Baldur, my fella's uncle in Clearwater could have used you. He had to pay to have the rock removed from his lot before building (I'm quite sure the company that removed them resold or reused them because the whole neighbourhood is surrounded by a rock retaining wall that looks remarkably like the same kind of rocks they removed) then he had to pay to have gravel brought in to level the ground where the rocks came out.

7167. 2 Jun 2010 04:05


Maybe in the age of the Internet, 11 year old girls just 'seem' obnoxious online through no fault of their own.
I also keep thinking that each offensive poster is 'she who must not be named lest she return to haunt us'.
For a while Baldur was keeping track of how many aliases he thought she was using. In a way it's my version of a conspiracy theory.

7168. 2 Jun 2010 04:09


Along that line I an not wholy convinced that the recently vocal V, D, PP and ML are not all the same person.
They are far too much a single minded mutual love society for me not to think that.

7169. 2 Jun 2010 07:41


Had to drop in and share about that website Dragon turned me onto awhile back. The hummingbird webcam on Ustream. I've been glued to it since yesterday because the surviviing baby was about to fledge. This morning I was rewarded, just about half an hour ago, when the little booger took its first flight! It won't ever return to the nest, so if you go to the site now, it's just an empty nest. They said the mama will stick by it for a couple of days to teach it to find its own food, but after that she would treat it like any other competitor if they met at the feeder! Here's a link to the video of the first flight. It's about 8 minutes long, but if you scroll near the end you'll see it! Thanks Dragon!!!

7170. 2 Jun 2010 09:46


Oh, that was precious, those little wings just beating away! Thanks for that Robin. I've been so preoccupied with a million different things that I've been forgetting to watch them. Now I'll have to go check in on the Falcon family I follow!

Oh Baldur, I'm quite sure you're right about that group. Can't remember which thread they completely took over last week but it was the most schizophrenic conversation I've seen in a long time.

7171. 2 Jun 2010 09:58


Well, I'll do a little Red Deer Rambling here, last night my fella and I went to see the Beatles tribute band "Rain" in concert. What an amazing show! I think the only thing better would be to go back in time and see the actual Beatles play. These guys played all their own instruments and sang (no prerecorded lipsynching) and they sounded amazingly like the originals. They came out dressed for the Ed Sullivan show and did several wardrobe changes throughout the show including the full Sergant Pepper regalia. They, of course, had different hairstyles and facial hair to go along with the era they were performing and at by the end of the show "Paul" had a beard and was performing barefoot on stage. It was a helluva show and my throat is actually a little sore from all the screaming and singing along. On our way to the car afterward we were walking behind a family, the little girl (who was maybe 7 years old) was busy saying "Oh but they didn't do this song and that song" to which her mother had to say "Well we'd have been here all night if they did all of them". Her father assured her he'd load them all on her i-pod and I was struck by the ridiculousness of it. I mean, do you suppose any of the actual Beatles, when they were writing their songs could imagine that 35 years later little girls would be so excited to have their music downloaded en mass.
Anyway, if you ever see that "Rain" is coming to town, seriously consider going. It was damn entertaining!

7172. 3 Jun 2010 19:30


sorry 2 b off subject but Baldur and Dragon can u plz go to Channel goldie i have a question 4 both of u thank u

7173. 6 Jun 2010 16:19


Aaah, well. We just finished the MS Walk today in Calgary and what a glorious day it was for it. I've done the walk 5 or 6 times before but I can't ever remember it being such a nice day for it. There was barely a cloud in the sky the whole morning (as opposed to other years which definitly had clouds- one year we went as Team Bond Girl and we were refilling our water guns from the rain pouring off our umbrellas!). The route had changed this year so it gave us a new view to look at on the way, though I did miss walking by the zoo They had 3 options for routes, a 3km, 4km and 8km route any of which could be combined to do the full 15 or 16kms, or of course you could stop at a shorter length depending on your energy level. We started quite early (we were the first people to get to Check stop 1) and we started with the 8km route. Just as we were getting back to the start finish line the official start went off and thousands of people went streaming out to start the walk we'd just done. We decided instead of being stuck behind everybody else we would do the 8km route again, but this time we'd do it in the opposite direction. So we got to see all the folks streaming by us. We also got to see the course from a different angle which was cool too.
Well by the time we got back to the finish (we actually missed our bridge and ended up adding even more distance to our walk!) we were all feeling quite tired and worn out. We had a very long nap upon getting home and I'm heartily looking forward to a very long soak tonight.

7174. 6 Jun 2010 21:27


Sounds like you had a nice day, Dragon. I know you were worried about the weather not too long ago, as you had snow then. Hope you had a nice, long soak.

7175. 10 Jun 2010 09:31


Well it's a good thing it was so nice for Sunday because it has not stopped raining ever since. I'm pretty sure I saw a guy leading animals two by two down to the boat launch this morning.

7176. 11 Jun 2010 04:17


I should comment here to let everyone know that I am not dead.
Just burnt out at the present.
In the real world it's rerun season, that must happen for a good reason.

Auntie B flew off to Florida to enjoy the beaches. She vows to keep hopping in a Southerly direction in the Gulf Coast ahead of the oil.

Baldur is doing stonework in the garden this summer.
I'll be back

7177. 11 Jun 2010 18:16


Ah, it's good to hear that our host is indeed alive. Baldur's hard work will certainly pay off. Stonework can be quite exhausting.

LOL Dragon, on the "animals two by two" being led down to the boat launch. That must have been a real drencher of a day.

Sheftali has been entertained by the wild birds feeding their young lately. I'm particularly pleased to see a redbellied woodpecker feeding its youngsters.

My garden continues to keep me busy--I try to keep it weed-free, which means I'm out there daily. It's gratifying to see a few cucumbers forming. Now, if only the bugs will stay away! Not likely!

7178. 12 Jun 2010 00:01


Aye, not likely, sheftali, but good luck with the vegetables.
Dragon, I hope you, gummi bear and giraffe got on board the ark.

7179. 12 Jun 2010 14:44


Not that I want you to leave here ... just don't want you to get your feet wet.

7180. 13 Jun 2010 02:23


... looks like Qsilv saw you embarking ...