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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7121. 21 May 2010 17:26


No, Baldur went to a smaller gallery, here is the link:

Emperor Justinian is the artist who is featured this month. I had met him at the Steampunk Tea in Norwich a couple weeks ago.

Qsilv, when you were straightening up where did you stash the bottle of mead? I've searched everywhere that I can think of.

7122. 21 May 2010 19:32


Time for a very obscure musical moment.
This was something Baldur only heard on late night radio back in the 1980's.
Seeing matthew's mermaid drawing reminded me of this.
Not that the song is about mermaids, but the name Ariel is probably forever linked with them now.

'Ariel' by Dean Freidman

Way on the other side of the Hudson
Deep in the bosom of suburbia
I met a young girl she sang mighty fine
Tears on my pillow and Ave Maria
Standing by the waterfall in Paramus Park
She was working for the friends of BAI
She was collecting quarters in a paper cup
She was looking for change and so was I

She was a Jewish girl
I fell in love with her
She wrote her number on the back of my hand
I called her up,
I was all out of breath
I said, "Come hear me play in my rock and roll band"
I took a shower and I put on my best blue jeans
I picked her up in my new VW van
She wore a peasant blouse with nothing underneath
I said "Hi"
She said, "yeah, I guess I am"
Ariel, Ariel

We had a little time, we were real hungry
We went to Dairy Queen for something to eat
She had some onion rings, she had a pickle
She forgot to tell me how she didn't eat meat
I had a gig in the American Legion hall
It was a dance for the Volunteer Ambulance Corps
She was sitting in a corner against the wall
She would smile and I melted all over the floor
Ariel, Ariel

I took her home with me, we watched some TV
Annette Funicello and some guy going steady
I started fooling around with the verticle hold
We got the munchies so I made some spaghetti
We sat and we talked into the night
While channel two was signing off the air
I found the softness of her mouth
We made love, the bombs bursting in air
Ariel, Ariel
Ariel, Ariel

Way on the other side of the Hudson
Deep in the bosom of suburbia
I met a young girl
She sang mighty fine
Tears on my pillow and Ave Maria

Tears on my pillow and Ave Maria
Tears on my pillow and Ave Maria

7123. 21 May 2010 21:01


gallery --
ohwow... you realize now I want to assemble a hand like that...!

ariel -- (the photos alone are worth it)

mead --
uh oh (thinks fast...) ...what style bottle? have you looked in the glass recycling bin?

7124. 22 May 2010 08:59



I think your Think Draw playback issue may have been solved (I think by Qsilv)... in your web address, is it "" or ""... if the "WWW" is not there, the pics will not load...

Try & see

7125. 22 May 2010 18:20


The mead bottle was not in the recycling bin, there were several empty bottles of 'Annie Green Springs' there.
It turns out that Baldur found the bottle of mead tucked away safely in the lint trap of the clothes dryer. How it got there is anyone's guess.

Also thank you matthew and Qsilv after a cursory test, it does seem to help immensely to add the www. prefix to get the playback to work.
I don't understand how the site can even open without it now, but it certainly does

7126. 23 May 2010 14:36


Here's a little bit of random fun for the cat lovers out there.

7127. 24 May 2010 14:20


Thank you for that link Dragon. That was fun.

Time for a musical moment here on Radio Baldur.
This seems appropriate since mean people have been a recurring theme on this site lately

Music and Lyrics by Roy Turk & Fred E. Ahlert

You're mean to me
Why must you be mean to me?
Gee, honey, it seems to me
You love to see me cryin'
I don't know why
I stay home each night
When you say you'll phone
You don't and I'm left alone.
Sing the blues and sighin'

You treat me coldly each day in the year
You always scold me
Whenever somebody is near, dear
I must be great fun to be mean to me
You shouldn't, for can't you see
What you mean to me

7128. 24 May 2010 18:21


Auntie B here again, with another priceless gem from her mailbag....

Dear Auntie B,
My imaginary friends are no longer speaking to me. What can I do?
It's so much work to hold multiple conversations without outside help.
I feel completely flummoxed.
Without those voices in my head there is no meaning in my life.

7129. 24 May 2010 18:23


Gentlest listener,
How about just not talking for a while?
Enjoy the bits of silence for the gems that they are.
I know that I enjoys silence from time to time.
Do let me know how it all turns out, as I really do care.
Auntie B

7130. 24 May 2010 18:25


...and as a side note
Happy Birthday matthew

7131. 24 May 2010 19:00


I want to thank you for the "Special" present Auntie B... A night I will never forget

7132. 25 May 2010 06:45


THANKS Dragon for the CAT FUN.....Tiggy the talking cat is exactly
what my cat sounds like!! Also love When Cats Pray...LOL!

7133. 25 May 2010 07:01


Dragon, lol the cat link. Baldur, sorry I missed out on your cryptogram.

No Missouri Moments right now because too hot and suddenly humid to think! But here is email and youtube link that mademe smile this morning:

"This is a story about a baby hummingbird I found on a sidewalk. He couldn't fly so I took him under my wing. At night, he would come home to our house for safety. During the day, he was in the backyuard of the house near where I found him. About 4 days after I found him, I was holding him in my cupped hands when his mama came by to feed him. She had seen me around, I guess, because she just flew over, perched on my hand and then fed him. This happened a number of times, so I called a freind who is good with a video camera and he came over to film it.
There's a lot more to this story, but that's enough info to give you some context for the video we posted on YouTube. Here's the link:"

7134. 25 May 2010 07:02


+made me
: )

7135. 25 May 2010 09:41


Oh, that was wonderful marius! There's a link on Ustream with a hummingbird nest. The first time I saw them the babies (there are 2) were like little peanuts in the bottom of the nest but now they are quite crowded in there.

7136. 25 May 2010 09:52


Thanks marius for that link....that was so adorable and heartwarming!
Good to see the happy ending!

7137. 25 May 2010 17:05


Marius (Peter), that was so wonderful! We don't have humminbirds here, so it was treat to see. Mother had a real maternal instinct, to trust you enough to feed her chick by landing on your hands. Marvellous!

7138. 27 May 2010 05:20


Baldur had completely wilted yesterday. It got up to 96 degrees F here in Primrose.
That weather is more typical of mid-August, not May.
Late last night a thunderstorm moved through the area followed by a 20 degree drop in temperature.
It will remain cooler through the weekend now.

7139. 27 May 2010 05:24


This morning the FedEx truck arrived here at Boughbreak to deliver my plant order.
One of my favourite online nurseries was having a huge Spring clearance sale.
Once unpacked everything appeared to be in great shape. I was especially anxious about the new lilac bush. This variety has very dark purple coloured flowers. They will contrast nicely with the standard 'lilac' coloured ones we already have.

7140. 27 May 2010 05:30


We seem to have more hummingbirds than usual this year.
I'm already seeing a ruby throated one, rather early in the season.
Robert general puts out the feeder for them in June, but it went up weeks early because they are hovering around all the shrubs looking for nectar.