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7081. 12 May 2010 18:29


I might add that despite being sold in flower in the Spring, these will rebloom later in the Summer when put in the garden.

7082. 12 May 2010 18:34


Thanks spam. Actually the african violet is looking very healthy, it simply isn't blooming. I have no doubt a lot of that is to do with the light it gets. I used to live in a place where I could keep my plants in the kitchen window, they loved it there and both my Christmas cactus and the african violet I had then did in fact blossom regularly and sometimes with gusto. When I moved out of that place into a tiny basement suite with only 1 decent window my plants were not happy with me. In an attempt to give it some decent natural light I kept the violet under the one window. Unfortunately my cats spent most of their days in and out of that window, my poor little violet drowned in a sea of cat hair.

7083. 12 May 2010 18:36


Ooo, thanks Baldur. Maybe if I ever have a garden... scratch that, maybe when I do have my own garden (power of positive thinking!) I'll plant it there.

7084. 12 May 2010 19:02



7085. 12 May 2010 19:06


Hopefully I have managed to create this puzzle without typographical errors.
As always please post the solution only on 'Baldur's Answer Channel'.
Thank you and Good Luck!

7086. 13 May 2010 06:40


hee hee

7087. 14 May 2010 04:24


...and the winner is sheftali52

Good work, all of my other listeners are so immersed in solving the puzzle that they've fallen off the face of the Earth.
Gravity can be so unreliable.

7088. 14 May 2010 04:26


I solved it ages ago Baldur, but as I had a beau coming by for dinner on the terrace posting an answer slipped my mind.

7089. 14 May 2010 04:27


Martha makes excellent Steak au Poivre.
We had that with oven roasted baby pink potatoes and steamed asparagus.

7090. 14 May 2010 11:56


Dear Auntie B, if I had the same meal you had, I would've blown off posting the answer, too! Especially if the asparagus was white.

7091. 14 May 2010 19:13


Dragon would have participated as well but she is feeling a decided lack of intelligence when it comes decrypting cryptic messages just now.

If I wasn't so full from my dinner my mouth would be watering from hearing about Steak au Poivre. I think just about anything would be good au Poivre.

7092. 14 May 2010 20:32


Dragon, intelligence is fleeting at times, as Sheftali well knows. Solving Baldur's last cryptogram was a fleeting moment that fortunately bore fruit. As for steak au poivre, my mouth is still watering.....

Thunder is booming in the distance, getting closer all the time. At any moment now, my dachshund will run over and attempt to climb in my lap. Thor is very active at this late hour.

7093. 14 May 2010 20:52


The thunder is very close now, and sure enough, my dachshund is trying to climb in my lap. It's quite a lightning show, and the rain is coming down in earnest.

The best lightning shows I've ever seen were in Tucson, Arizona. In the monsoon months of July and August. That lightning was spectacular, branching every which way. I'd sit on our back porch, under the overhang, gazing at mother nature's fireworks. The clear desert sky was a magnificent backdrop for all of that energy.

7094. 15 May 2010 05:45


Ooohh, sheftali ... did you note the peculiar colors of the thunder-clouds in Tucson? marius was there in July one time, saw that lightning you wrote about and it thrilled to the bone. The next day the sky was full of thunder-clouds and there GREEN in them, but not the sickening green we see in the tornado-weather clouds of Missouri. The Tucson green was a dark pastel, wide swaths of it painted in among the pinks, purples, and oranges. It was stunning. Anyway, love storms ... hope the little dachshund was comforted in your lap.

marius just took a trip to the Ozark "mountains" in Arkansas. Monday night (the night Oklahoma got hit with tornadoes) NW Arkansas was graced with the most bizarre lightning. It was strobe-lightning (my name for it). Seemed there was a low cloud bank about thirty feet above the cabin. I sat on the screened-in porch watching (and smelling) it all, thunder, torrential downpours and then the lightning started. It was flashing every one to three seconds. One second black, the next second all the hickories, oaks and cedars in the yard lit up like a sunny day. This went on so long I thought I'd get a seizure if I kept watching. My, it was eerie! Went to sleep thinking, "What did you expect? You rented a cabin in Devil's Den State Park!" : )

7095. 15 May 2010 05:47


Baldur, sorry to miss your cryptogram but may try to solve it anyway. The brain seems to like them now. : )

7096. 15 May 2010 06:49


There's just something compelling about a thunderstorm isn't there. I think one of the neatest things I've seen on TV was on the NASA channel. I used to flip to it occasionally and it would have views of earth from space. One time when I flipped there it was a view of a huge thunder storm seen from space. You could see the flashes of light in the clouds all over ther place, sometimes 6 or 7 at once. I miss that channel, I'm not sure if it's still around but I know I don't get it.

7097. 15 May 2010 06:57


Well, it's a sunny and beautiful day here in Central Alberta. We seem to have given up on spring altogether and have jumped right into summer. That's alright with me, summer's my favorite anyway and my inner Mexican is smiling. Of course we still just barely have leaves on the trees and next weekend is the Victoria day weekend and the official beginning of the camping season so we're bound to get several inches of snow. Ah life in Alberta...

My sweetie and I are heading up to Rocky Mountain House (his hometown) today to go riverboating with his dad. His dad's been absolutely itching to get out on the river since about March but the huge ice pack along the bank (including the boat launch) didn't clear out until a couple weeks ago. The river (the North Saskatchewan) was flowing very nicely you just couldn't get to it. Hopefully there won't be too many repair to do before getting under way. Inevitably we're told to get there at a certain time so we can get lots of time on the river only to show up and find 2 or 3 hours worth of fiddling needs to be done before we can get going. Oh well, it's a free trip up the river and a good time is always had by all so what the heck.

7098. 16 May 2010 17:39


Hey Dragon, hope you had a nice day boating yesterday, without too many delays. Sheftali would love to go boating, maybe kayaking, in the numerous waterways near where we live in Virginia. Hubby isn't into that sort of thing, so Sheftali hopes to find a boating buddy sometime. Don't want to go by myself, as hubby would worry too much, so finding someone who likes kayaking would be a good thing.

A garden note: the pea pods are filling out, and I hope to harvest them towards the end of the month. The other plants are doing well so far, and seem essentially bug and disease-free. I'm particularly looking forward to harvesting the bhut jolokia peppers late this summer--have been curious about this so-called world's hottest pepper. I've read that even the bhut jolokia's fumes are deadly.

7099. 16 May 2010 18:04


Well our boating trip started wonderfully but on the trip back down the river we tryed to help rescue a drownig victem to no avail, I won't get into the details to much, I don't want to bring this whole thread down but I put a note into the Prayer Requests thread.

I don't want to be a downer but I don't really have anything fun to say right about now. I'm glad your garden is coming out so nicely sheftali, we went to Home Depot today and went through their garden dept. This is one of my favorite things to do but I don't know why as it's a little bit of torture to go through and look at the things I'd want to plant if only I had a little bit of dirt!

7100. 16 May 2010 18:32


Dragon, I read the Prayer Requests post--very sorry for the tragedy, and especially because of the five children affected. Thinking of you.....