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7061. 7 May 2010 11:39


We've had the same here in Canada for a few years now though we call it a minority government. Things mostly seem to move smoothly (as smoothly anything can in gov't anyway) but there is the occasional big issue that has the whole parliment fighting and the parties not in power threatening to bring down the ruling party and wind up with another election. The politician do know how much Canadians hate one election after another so usually things end up in a comprimise.

7062. 8 May 2010 09:41


Rain, rain, rain
Another wet morning in Primrose.
Work had been steadily progressing on a stone retaining wall this week. Eventually when everything is backfilled with loam the area will be a new, enlarged vegetable garden.
Just 3 days ago I started 2 packets of marigold seeds in a starter tray outside on the front steps. At least 2 dozen of the seeds have already sprouted. Have are a mixture called 'CrackerJack' which are a mix of Semi-Dwarf French varietals in shades of orange and yellow. The other half are of a new variety called 'Snowdrift'. These will get to 22" tall and are a soft off-white shade.

7063. 8 May 2010 09:44


Baldur has also started some Lupines, Baptisia, Pumpkins, Winter Squash, Summer Squash, Cucumbers and Tomatoes. No sign of any of them coming up yet.
This week I need to plant yet more seeds.
One must remember that in New England it is still conceivable to get snowfall in May.
Even though the weather seems very Springlike things can quickly turn around.

7064. 8 May 2010 09:44


Have - ve + lf = half

7065. 8 May 2010 14:41


Thanks for the video clip Robin. I saw this fella too. Typical behaviour in any country, if there's a camera involved, someone will always grab their minute of fame! Interesting to know that Canada has the same problems as us Dragon. We think that there will probably be another election before long - until we get it right! Lol!

7066. 8 May 2010 17:49


Baldur I like how you say "in New England it is still conceivable to get snowfall in May". We say "in Alberta it is inevitible to get snowfall in May"

7067. 9 May 2010 06:06


Happy Mother's Day to all my faithful listeners.
(That includes you matthew)

7068. 9 May 2010 10:08


We had Mother's Day in March here Baldur, but thanks anyway - better late than never, though I'm still waiting for one of my son's to remember! Maybe next year?

7069. 9 May 2010 11:31


Ha! Puzzler, you slay me! I have to work today for Mother's day, but didn't have to be here til 11a, so my son got up and made me a yummy breakfast. Then his dad arrived to pick him up and I was left with the dishes! Typical! Happy freakin' Mother's Day to all you other slaves out there! LOL

7070. 9 May 2010 14:28


Puzzler I sympathise with you as my son is exactly the same - I think I would suffer severe shock if he actually remebered one year! Fortunately my 2 daughter's always remember. Anyway Happy Mother's Day to all those who celebrate this today even if I am rather late in saying this! Robin am so sorry you got left with the dishes - LOL

7071. 9 May 2010 18:49


and a little something for you Baldur & &

7072. 10 May 2010 18:17


For tonight's musical moment, here is a promotional clip from the musical, 'Wicked'.

7073. 11 May 2010 09:37


Ooo, I hope that show comes to my neck of the woods. I really have to see it.

7074. 11 May 2010 12:29


I'd like to contribute to another musical interlude. This speaks to progressive men and women everywhere:

7075. 11 May 2010 16:06



7076. 12 May 2010 05:41


Hello Again, Here's another pleas for help from my mailbag....

Dear Auntie B,
My family is falling apart around me.
Several months ago my mother passed away, rather suddenly without any warning.
My oldest sister Gastrella, being named executor of the estate went through the house and divided up the belongings. Generally the material wealth was handled fairly. None of the 6 other siblings can quibble about that but she did take something of great sentimental value for herself.
Mother was a great baker, each recipe of hers was amazing. She had promised all of us that we could not have her Pecan Pie recipe until she was gone. Well she is gone and Gastrella refuses to share the recipe that she spirited away.
What makes matters worse is that she served the pie at the family gathering immediately following Mother's funeral.
I fear for the rest of our lives she will taunt us by baking it for every family function, this family tradition which was once so anticipated and enjoyed has lost a lot of it's sweetness.
What can we do?
Not Betty Crocker

Gentlest listener,
Actually I did not seriously mean that, it's just become expected of me.
You sister wants to be the special one, the center of attention. I agree this was rather meanspirited of her, but perhaps she just doesn't view it that way. She is after all continuing to bake the pies for other.
Auntie B assumes you have all pleaded with her to no avail.
I personally hate these situations where families hold each other in some variation of blackmail.
The only thing that I can offer here is that you should all find another pecan pie recipe. It may not compare to your Mother's recipe but it will not be tainted by the taste of sour grapes either.
You obviously won't enjoy the pie when your sister brings it to the next event, your anger will boil up at the thought of it, so just don't eat it. Find another recipe and have your other siblings agree upon the fact that it IS the heirloom one, eat the new one to the exclusion of the original.
Gastrella needs to be taught that you cannot accept the pie under her terms.
You may never get the recipe as she will no doubt become angered.
Let your mother deal with Gastrella in the afterlife.
Do let me know how it turns out as I really do care,
Auntie B

7077. 12 May 2010 09:44


mmmmm, pecan pie. I think I'm drooling just thinking of it.

7078. 12 May 2010 09:56


Dragon had a lovely surprise. Last year while shopping at Costco I came across a very pretty little plant arrangment which included an African Violet in full bloom, some sort of ivy, a miniature rose plant, and an Easter Lily with several large flowers on it (this was obviously at Easter time). They did quite well for a month or so and then lilies naturally wilted and the roses too. As the lily plant started to die I cut it off at the stem about an inch or 2 above the soil as I've been told to do in the past. Sadly the rose plant died completely and the african violet has never again produced so much as a single blossom (not unusual for my plants, if it's supposed to blossom it probably won't at Chez Dragon unless someone else is caring for it). The rose was removed and the easter lily seemed to dry out completely and eventually I gave up on it. Then several weeks ago, miracle of miracles, the lily sent up a shoot. I had given up hope on it as the stem had become so dried up that I had given it a gentle touch and found it would pop right out of the soil so I threw that part out. It must have sprouted from the roots because it is looking very healthy now and is about 7 inches tall and just keeps on growing. I'm terribly interested to see if it will manage to put out some flowers. This would be shocking to say the least, as Dragon is a self admitted 'Bad Plant Mommy'. I wonder if Baldur might have any advice for encouraging it?

7079. 12 May 2010 14:02


Dragon don't know what Baldur might say but I personally think
the easter lilly loves you and is grateful for your tender care ok not all your plants flourish but obvisously this one has - I do hope it produces some flowers for you and do not give up on the african violet they like to be kept moist not waterlogged and in good light and as long as there is lots of green leaves it will eventually start flowering again.

7080. 12 May 2010 18:27


The lily grows from a bulblike structure and will die back each year.
They are tougher than they look.
You can plant them outside and they will return; horrible Winters don't phase them at all.