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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7001. 27 Apr 2010 19:00


Hey!! Congrats Baldur on Channel Baldur reaching 7000 posts! We shoud have a party or something.

7002. 27 Apr 2010 19:06


I'll make the cucumber sandwiches. We could get a poledancer I know to do something interpretive.

7003. 27 Apr 2010 19:07


Thank you for making the 7000th comment.
Baldur stopped his blogging long enough to let someone else have the thrill of hitting that milestone for him.

7004. 27 Apr 2010 19:45


Always happy to help. I'm up for any party for both poledancers AND cucumber sandwiches! I'm learning bellydancing, perhaps I can entertain at the 8000 comment party. hehehe.

Well, I'm afraid I'm off for tonight. Goodnight.

7005. 27 Apr 2010 21:36


Just wondering if Martha's last name is Stewart by any chance, Auntie B?

7006. 28 Apr 2010 05:19


no, there is no relation between the two

7007. 28 Apr 2010 11:22


Thank u Baldur.

7008. 28 Apr 2010 13:20


You're welcome Tracy, I just hope you haven't tried to read the whole thread.

7009. 28 Apr 2010 13:50


Once again it's a rainy, grey, dreary day in Primrose.
How much more of this do we need before we are officially considered part of England again?
I don't mind the weather actually, but it does curtail the amount of time Baldur spends in the garden.

7010. 28 Apr 2010 13:52


This weekend Robert and I will be going to nearby Woonsocket to attend a cultural event.
The Rhode Island Wind Ensemble will be performing a tribute to John Phillip Sousa. It should be a rousing concert.

7011. 28 Apr 2010 15:08


wow...this is most logevive 'mute' radio i've ever listened to...if that makes any sense . Congrats on doing such a great radio show!

7012. 28 Apr 2010 15:28


Grey and rainy Baldur?? We are warm and sunny here in England!
(Just don't tell the weather that a bank holiday is coming up).

7013. 28 Apr 2010 15:32


Time for a song?

Stormy Weather
Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald
Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all the time

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere
Stormy weather, just can't get my poor old self together
I'm weary all the time, the time, so weary all of the time

When he went away, the blues walked in and met me
If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
All I do is pray, the lord above will let me
walk in the sun once more

Can't go on, everything I had is gone
Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all the time
Keeps raining all of the time

I walk around heavy-hearted and sad
Night comes around and I'm still feeling bad
Rain pourin' down, blinding every hope I had
This pitter andd n patter and beating, spattering driving me mad
Love, love, love, love, the misery will be the end of me

When he went away, the blues walked in and met me
If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
All I do is pray, the lord above will let me
Walk in the sun once more

Can't go on, everything I had is gone
Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all the time, the time
Keeps raining all the time

7014. 28 Apr 2010 16:08


Ahh, good song. We too are receiving a wollop of rain today here in Red Deer but as it's the first actual rain we've had since some time in September (I think) we are very pleased to see it. They may even lift some of the fire bans that are in place right now if it keeps up. The camping season is just getting going here about now and it just ain't camping if you can't have a campfire. Now the May Long Weekend is really the official start of camping season and as such it invariably snows heavily that weekend but at least you get 3 days to enjoy it.

7015. 28 Apr 2010 16:21


I love that song too.
Baldur has not been camping since 1983, cannot really say that I miss it.
My last camping experience was with my exwife while we were still dating.
A weekend in a family campground with Sandra, her parents, sisters and literally hundreds of screaming children running about unsupervised was enough to poison the experience for me.

7016. 28 Apr 2010 16:28


This campground, was far removed from anything that would be considered communing with nature.
Everyone stayed in campers or well equipped tents and each family was given a small plot of land wedged in between other people.
There were elerctical and water hookups everywhere.
Each family brought radios and televisions and had them on night and day. There was no quiet whatsoever.
Children ran around unsupervised in wild packs screaming and shrieking.
Baldur was supposed to stay 3 days, I bolted after the first night.
Jabba, who became my mother-in-law the following year told me it was a relaxing atmosphere over burnt eggs at breakfast.
I nearly choked them all up upon hearing that.
This was not peaceful, and very far from relaxing.

7017. 28 Apr 2010 16:31


In contrast I had gone camping in Nova Scotia right after high school graduation with a friend, some years earlier.
We stayed in a Provincial Park and had no other campers within earshot.
Our tent was close enough to the ocean to hear the waves all night.
No television or radio, no screaming children, even the weather was quite pleasant.....who could ask for more?

7018. 28 Apr 2010 16:37


I would consider camping again under better conditions.
Those would include a semi-remote quiet location, a large, sturdy, watertight tent, an air mattress to sleep on, proper dishes and silverware and a complete & amazing lack of insect life.

7019. 28 Apr 2010 18:33


Oh Baldur, how odd--Sheftali last camped in 1983, too, if memory serves me well. It was summer, and hubby and I jumped in our Jeep and headed for a lovely little lake in the California mountains. We were far away from anyone else, having used the Jeep to get to places most would not go. Hubby took the dachshund and hunted all day, catching nothing. Sheftali took the terrier and fished all day, luckily catching several fine trout. Supper that night consisted of trout, and yellow squash from our garden, grilled in garlic butter. It's funny, this many years later, we both remember how tasty supper was, and how neat it was to sleep under the stars. That was then. Now, our idea of camping would entail using a pull-behind trailer with all the amenities of home. Rain? Bugs? Snakes? Other critters? No thanks! I see Baldur is not enamored with insects either!

7020. 29 Apr 2010 03:46


I don't believe it, the sun is shining today.
Baldur misses working in his garden but there is still more to do at my neighbor's place.
There is an outside chance I could finish that today, but more likely it will be tomorrow.