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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

701. 23 Dec 2010 07:56


Yaaayyy Hazer & hubbie!

And joy with tons of smiling to all you sweet folks!

702. 23 Dec 2010 07:59


This is a real good news. A very merry Christmas to you both.

703. 24 Dec 2010 04:00


A wonderful Christmas wish come true...

704. 24 Dec 2010 05:23


So happy to hear these news Hazer... I wish you a very happy Christmas at home with your finally reunited family!

705. 24 Dec 2010 10:08


Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year,dear Hazer.I feel so happy for you. xx

706. 25 Dec 2010 03:37


Thanks everyone! I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

707. 25 Dec 2010 16:41


Glad to hear that's great news, Hazer!! *hugs* and God bless you and your hubby in the new year and many to come=)

708. 31 Dec 2010 10:23


please pray for Israel, for relief of the water shortage. May seem like a side issue, but it's signifigant.

709. 14 Jan 2011 16:05


Hi everyone. About a week ago, following the busyness of Christmas and all three of my children celebrating their birthdays within the space of six weeks, I thought that life was returning to normal... I even had time to look in on TD and comment on some pictures.

I don't know how many of you are aware of the events which have been unfolding in Australia recently, and, even as I write, I'm aware that many parts of the world are facing crises which are even worse than our own. However, there's nothing quite like a disaster happening in your own community to make you realise just how fragile our lives are and how thin that veneer of normality and civilisation really are.

People come to TD for pleasure, so I won't go into details, save it to say that our region was one of the hardest hit in the recent flooding and nearly everybody I know has a story to tell. I've finally been able to contact all of our friends and, thankfully, they are all safe.

Many thousands of people have been affected by this flooding and the recovery will take many, many years. I've been so impressed with the strength and resilience that everybody has shown... but we are all still in deep shock. There is an air of unreality about daily life at the moment.... everything that we once considered normal seems trivial.

Please pray or spare a thought, perhaps even make a donation if you feel so inclined, for the people whose lives and livelihoods have literally been swept away. This morning I read that a similar disaster has occurred in Brazil in the last few days... my heart goes out to the people there too.

Treasure your loved ones and make the most of every precious day...

710. 14 Jan 2011 16:37


Ohhh, mum, I was thinking about you when I saw the news of the flooding in Australia. I'm so sorry to hear that your life has been affected by the disaster. You are so right. We never know what will happen at the next moment. (I actually think about that quite often... like natural disasters, accidents, etc. to prepare myself but I know that it won't help when it happens...)

Please be strong, mum. Hoping the recovery will be quick and smooth as much as possible... (The words are sooo helpless... but I had to write for you though.)

711. 14 Jan 2011 16:47


Dear mum23, here in UK we have watched the daily news bulletins with horror. Yes, it seems unreal ... such vast areas of flooding. The sheer speed and power of the water is numbing to watch. What is equally amazing is the apparent calmness of those affected. The strength of character is obvious, as is the community spirit.

It's a relief to know you and your friends and family are safe. The outlook for many Australians (and Brazilians) must be daunting to say the very least. My heart goes out to you all. Donating to the relief operation is the least we can do.

712. 15 Jan 2011 01:20


Dear mum23, I also thought to you and your family when I heard about the flooding, hoping your home was not affected. I'm glad to know that all your dear one are OK, and hope that you'll restore soon your normal life. A big hug!

713. 15 Jan 2011 01:32


Mum 23, I'm so glad you could spare some of your valuable time to tell us first-hand what is happening in Australia. Yes, we hear from your situation (and Brazil¡s) daily. Now that you are telling us all your hardships, I'm even more aware of the situation in Australia. I'm definitely crossing my fingers for all of you. Solidarity is what we all need.
May the floods and the rains stop pleaaaaasssseeee!!!!

714. 15 Jan 2011 08:50


wait... Mum, you've just said you finally contacted all your friends and THEY're safe... but your area is among the hardest hit.

We've not exactly heard how your own place and family were affected, nor how you're doing except for your increased awareness of the preciousness of normal daily life... and your obvious gentle grace.

It's so hard to know how to help... donations, yes, absolutely... but if thoughts have any value, surely now's a time to be sending especially warm ones toward a friend... (yep, that'd be you!)

Come back as often as you can... share, vent, explore as often as you need to... you know we're a lot like you in the important ways, and we care.


715. 16 Jan 2011 12:55


Thanks Qsilv. You have an uncanny knack of putting into words what many of us feel but can't find the words to say.

716. 16 Jan 2011 15:54


Thank you for your warm thoughts... it really does help enormously to know that people care.

My family is fine and, while we're still cleaning up, our home and property will be okay, too. Although we live only a few kilometres from the places which have been destroyed, our lives were never in danger. It is the might-have-beens, the impossibility of what has happened, and the many days of not knowing if loved ones were safe which have rocked me more than anything.

I just wanted to reassure you that we really are okay. I may write more in coming days, but it's still too raw at the moment and I don't want to dump all my 'stuff' on all of you.

Thanks for your well-wishes. We're seeing first-hand that , when everything else is stripped away, the only things that matter are those we love. I truly value the friendships I've made in the TD family - your support and thoughts are reaching us across the miles.

So, as one of the most beautiful people on TD said recently,

Love, (yeah that mushy stuff)

717. 17 Jan 2011 00:05


I'm glade to knew that you & your family are fine I hope that the next days well be best for all the world mum23 u r one distinct human & artist being deserves respect and love.

718. 28 Jan 2011 22:21


Hey zum! I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and well. u r an amazing person and artist too.

719. 31 Jan 2011 00:47


Mum23 My prayers and thoughts are for you. Hope today is a better one for you.

720. 31 Jan 2011 20:24


I add my belated wishes for life to get better for you, zum117. Our words seem so insufficient, but know that you are thought of with concern.