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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6901. 7 Apr 2010 12:36


Cool one on eagles too, matthew. Thanks!

6902. 7 Apr 2010 12:46


The falcons are back at the Great River Energy site, this one has great cameras right in the nest box.

6903. 8 Apr 2010 05:28


Nothing like birds of prey devouring live rodents to get one in the mood for breakfast....
It was a great breakfast, I made myself and cheese, black bean and salsa omelet with hot red pepper flakes.

6904. 8 Apr 2010 05:29


Robert, not being the adventurous type had a plain cheese omelet.

6905. 8 Apr 2010 10:51


Baldur's breakfast sounds delicious! marius had brunch ... steamed broccoli, mushrooms, red onion - grated parmesan and tuna on the side. Yum!

Dragon, my computer will not let me view that link unless I add or download something and spouse, retired computer guy, says no ... so ... drat!

6906. 8 Apr 2010 10:53


and - nd = a

6907. 8 Apr 2010 18:15


Ya marius, I can watch that link at work but not at home. I'm very wary about downloading things myself (though I'm not even sure what I'd need to download in the first place)

6908. 8 Apr 2010 18:19


Dragon is not very pleased. On Tues I had my car in to have the summer tires put back on and the winter ones taken off. I was charged way more than I was expecting and today it's snowing again. Snowing and blowing and causing 30 car pile ups in more than one part of the province (none of which are very far from Red Deer). Needless to say I am not looking forward to my morning drive, the roads ought to be nice and icy by then. I'll be hoping that my sweetie (who has a 45 minute commute every morning) will have an uneventful drive too.

6909. 8 Apr 2010 19:22


I can sympathize Dragon...I just survived my drive home only to find the power out. I quickly found some candles while I could still find my way around the house. I only had to use them for about half an hour and the power has come back on, but I'll be keeping them handy because I don't think the storm is over yet. I hear the highway is closed north of Airdrie. Hubby is coming in from the east and when I talked to him earlier he hadn't gotten into the snow yet.
I asked him to let me know when he gets into Calgary which should be around 11 p.m. I can't help but worry when road conditions are bad, and he's hauling steel pipe or coils. If he ever had to brake hard to avoid someone cutting him off in traffic, the steel would come through the cab.
I try not to think about it.

6910. 8 Apr 2010 20:10


At least we never lost power here. The wind has been blowing like a banshee since about 4:30 but we've still got lights. I hope your hubby has no troubles on the way down to Calgary. Hopefully all the people who drive like idiots decided to stay off the Highway. I always cringe when I see someone cut right in front of one of those big semi's, I like to give them lots of room and make sure they can see my little car fully when I have to get in front of them.

6911. 8 Apr 2010 22:09


Hubby made it as far as Brooks... had a too close for comfort encounter with the edge of the road but managed to keep everything right side up and the load of steel in place. Says it's the worst conditions he's ever had to drive in, so was happy to pull off the road and wait till morning. And now Hazer can sleep easier!
Hopefully the plows will have been out before you have to go to work Dragon.

6912. 8 Apr 2010 23:10


Thanks for those links to those wonderful sites - quite amazing. The owl was beautiful. Hazer, Dragon and your loved ones and anyone else out that way keep safe in what sounds like quite atrocious conditions and we moan about a foot of snow over here in the UK - we have no idea!

6913. 9 Apr 2010 09:04


Actually this morning the roads were not nearly as bad as I thought they'd be, at least in town. I did hear that the highways were still pretty slippy but the sun's been out for a while now and hopefully is melting it all away. Glad Hazer's hubby was alright.

I found this article this morning and thought I'd share it, if you think the restrictions at your job are bad just have a look at this.

6914. 9 Apr 2010 19:13


'All Baldur, All the Time'
(Even when Baldur hasn't much to say)

6915. 9 Apr 2010 19:14


It was a cold, damp rainy day at Boughbreak, overall nothing much exciting happened.
I missed gardening.

6916. 10 Apr 2010 19:42


Sorry to hear about all the bad weather you guys have had. It's been beautiful here in T town! But the pollen has been killing me! My allergies have been really bad the past couple of days. I got out and worked in my yard yesterday and paid for it all day today:( Its going to be another great day tomorrow and I am going to get out and enjoy it..........with the help of lots of Zertec!

6917. 10 Apr 2010 20:49


I sympathize with the allergies, bella. The pine pollen is thick here in Virginia--and the yellow stuff is all over everything outside. Can't even open the windows to let in fresh air, as the pollen would be too bad. Grrr--Sheftali has been working on filing her taxes. Owe a bunch more this year--wah. Oh well, there's a fellow coming over to till my garden today, so it won't be too much longer before the planting starts. I do have a row of peas coming up nicely--perhaps I won't kill them this year!

6918. 11 Apr 2010 05:37


Up in Primrose the serious pollen season has not begun yet, but it will be here all too soon. The past couple of years it was dreadful.
Baldur is fortunate in that his symptoms are merely slightly itchy eyes. Something that isn't too horrific.
But we will be dusting the furniture and vaccuming the rugs at Boughbreak far more often than is seemly in the course of the next few weeks.

6919. 11 Apr 2010 05:38


I did have dreadful allergies in the Spring when growing up, perhaps my immune system finally figured out how to deal with the allergens.

6920. 11 Apr 2010 05:40


Today I made ground flax seed enhanced waffles with cherry pie filling as a topping for breakfast.
Robert can be unpredictable, Baldur wasn't all that sure how he would handle cherries in goop at breakfast. I needn't have worried as he piled it high on his waffles and then also added maple syrup.