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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6861. 31 Mar 2010 19:13


you'll find a way, you always do

6862. 31 Mar 2010 19:18


Interestingly enough Auntie B can no longer submit pictures.
When Baldur opened an account for her she did a self portrait which became her profile picture.
Since then any time she has done a drawing under her screen name and hit the submit button the system has credited the picture to me.
This is no doubt an intentional safety feature so that people cannot draw and vote with multiple identities.
It make me wonder, matthew, how you manage to vote yourself into the top 5 month after month.

6863. 31 Mar 2010 19:39


That is sad about AuntieB being unable to draw. Sorry.

marius is enjoying the evening: sitting on the screened-in porch, windows open and the cheery calling of American toads making me smile. First we've heard them this year! Don't want you all to be left out ... so check link below. Delightful sound. Delightful day - 80 degrees! Neighbor gave me some hyacinths's, they are in a vase and what perfume!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the spring!

6864. 31 Mar 2010 19:41


Drat - marius went to jester to see if HE could draw, but then decided to post first. Duh! Now will see if the stupid fellow can draw.

6865. 31 Mar 2010 19:43


Okay, jester can draw. (well, not with talent.) Am now confused why AuntieB cannot.

6866. 31 Mar 2010 19:46


... why AuntieB cannot draw as in being prohibited from drawing. We all KNOW she has talents galore is probably a most excellent artist. This is exhausting being two people!

6867. 1 Apr 2010 04:58


Matthew, Hang in there!! I know how HARD it is to quit!! Just look around you at all the GREAT reasons to accomplish this feat~ Jeannnie, Joy, midnight, Rune, your son & his family~you are one blessed man! Turn all that anger on that little stick that has such control over your life. Learn to hate that cigarette! You can WIN this war!! I will pray for your continued success!!!!

6868. 1 Apr 2010 05:43


Matthew you can go into Top 5 for quiting you have my 100% support I only managed it 6 years ago with hypnotherapy (after 40 years of the stick) and have never looked back. Beginning of March started another challenge and have joined a gym to get fit. Keep going - you know deep down will be good for you - think of your beautiful family and the benefits of being smoke free - you can win this and you can definitely beat the cravings - we are all behind you please persevere. Thinking of you and what you want to accomplish.

6869. 1 Apr 2010 09:44


Don't give up Matthew! It is hard but you can do it! I've been smoke free for
16 years now, no more ball and chain for me! Lung cancer took my father's
life and my mother had COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonaire disease).
It really is ONE DAY AT A TIME. But it has to come from you, you have to
want it. HANG IN THERE!

6870. 2 Apr 2010 11:25


I hope you do quit smoking. And if you do can you help my mom belladonnis quit because I dont like it and her heart doctor says she needs to. And I know you can stop smoking!:) and so can my mom.

6871. 2 Apr 2010 12:37


Had to add an encouraging word for Matthew - hang in there, it is SO worth the effort. My ex got to do his quitting via a group thing with Smoke Enders back in the 70s. My favorite part, after all the weeks of cutting down, using lower nicotine types and all, was the final week. ALL of that week's butts were saved in a Mason jar (with lid!) and a bit of water added. Any time he got the urge, he had only to open it up and take a whiff. That REALLY convinces you to stay clear of them.

6872. 2 Apr 2010 12:57


Well it's a beautiful day here in Red Deer. I wonder if it is this lovely at Boughbreak, perhaps our intrepid radio host is busy with his extensive yard work and has not been able to stop in much. Or maybe still mopping up after the flooding but I'll hope it wasn't that bad for him.

It being Easter time I wonder if Boughbreak is frequented by the Easter bunny? Seems like the kind of yard that would be wonderful for searching for easter eggs on a sunny Sunday morning, though I suppose they might be stolen by the resident gnomes hehehe.
A couple of years back, before I moved in with my sweetie, he was working on Good Friday and I was not. So I decided to surprise him. I picked up a large batch of easter eggs of varying sizes from the cheap little solid chocolate ones to the caramel or truffle filled type and went over to his place to hide them. I'd just started to find hiding spots when my cell phone rang. Yep, it was my sweetie calling to let me know they'd let him off work early and he was on his way home, would I like to come over a little later? Oh of course, says I while frantically flinging chocolate eggs anywhere I can find places for them. I don't think there has ever been such a quick egg distribution in the history of easter. I left in a hurry, hoping he wouldn't see my car as he was coming home, thankfully we took different routes. It was all worth it when I came over an hour or 2 later and he said (with a puzzled look) were you here earlier, cause I found some things? I don't think it would have been nearly as memorable if I'd had all the time in the world.

6873. 2 Apr 2010 14:02


Baldur was away visiting Matthew of Shrewsbury today.
I try to drive up there several times a year. With the FIOS guy at Boughbreak for hours and hours installing a new fibre-optic system, this seemed a good time to get away.

First Robin, you must remember one very important fact: Eggs are poisonous to gnomes. Feel free to check Google to verify this, it is absolutely true.
We did decorate an egg tree along the side of our lane just the other day.
We took a shopping bag full of brightly colored plastic eggs and attached Christmas ornament hooks. We hung them all over a dwarf tree out front.

As for hiding chocolate eggs, did you:

Put some in his pillowcase?
Pile them inside the medicine cabinet so they tumble out when he opens it?
Place some in his shoes and/or slippers?
Pitch one into his coffee mug?
Pop one into each thong in his underwear drawer?
Push some small ones into the cardboard tube of his toilet paper roll so they rattle when they're spun?
Plant some in his box of Cornflakes?
Prop some up on top of his stereo?
Plop some into his sugar bowl?
Paste (with double sided adhesive tape) a few onto his bedroom ceiling?

6874. 2 Apr 2010 14:06


My favourite thing would to place a luscious chocolate amaretto truffle egg in a heavy clear padlocked box, Tell him the key is in the freezer.
Beforehand freeze the key into the center of a large 1 gallon sized block of ice and have it waiting for him safely frozen.

6875. 2 Apr 2010 18:21


For tonight's musical interlude, I thought a classic was in order.
Here is a special musical memory from the Rutles.

6876. 2 Apr 2010 19:50


Well, THAT made marius speechless! (I know - what a shock!) The mouse innards to zebra ... (goes off scratching her head and laughing and thinking it is very late and sure, just sure she won't be speechless tomorrow. But wait, she has one thought ...)

AuntieB, please give Diego another chance!

Sweet dreams Baldur and friends!

6877. 3 Apr 2010 08:12


Good morning Channel Baldur listeners. I hope Baldur enjoyed his visit to Matthew of Shrewbury and that his new fiber optic system means he'll enjoy a quicker connection and fewer TD issues.
It was me (not Robin) who was asking about the gnomes eating the eggs and I had no idea they were chocolate eggs were toxic to gnomes. If I ever have a garden inhabited by gnomes I will be sure to remember that as I wouldn't want poison the little fellows. I did know that chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs though so our kitties will not be participating in any easter eggs hunts.

As for places I hid the eggs I'm afraid I had very little time to be creative, it was sort of more like flinging eggs about rather than finding clever hiding places for them. I did take some care with the large, truffle filled eggs. The best spot was actually the one I thought he'd find first. I opened the bedroom door and put it on top. If he'd closed the door it would have fallen off. I thought he'd see it instantly as he's 6'7" and that would almost be right at his eye level. However he seemed to think I'd hidden them all at waist level or below. It was rather amusing to see him walk right by it time and again with his head lowered searching madly. He even asked me for a hint and I stood in the hallway and said "I can see it from where I'm standing" Of course from that spot I could see into the bedroom, the spare room, the kitchen, the bathroom and all the way down the hallway. I think in the end I had to make him close the door before he found it. Strangely the one I hid on top of the medicine cabinet (which I would probably never have found because I'm too short) was the first one he found before I even got there.

6878. 3 Apr 2010 08:12


-they were +that

6879. 3 Apr 2010 12:30


Sorry about the confused identity Dragon.
Also it's not chocoalte eggs that are poisonous to gnomes, real eggs are deadly as far as gnomes are concerned.
This is well documented on the internet

6880. 3 Apr 2010 12:31


Baldur just finished making his 8 Easter eggs by cooking the eggs in a pot full of onion skins and water.
By the time that the eggs are finished the shells have turned a very rich mahogany color.