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6841. 29 Mar 2010 10:39


Funny marius, we use Cephalexin at the vet clinic all the time (same strength and everything) none of our patients have ever complained of joint pain that I'm aware of, but then dogs rarely complain about anything.

Hope your new job goes well Robin, good luck! Maybe as it's a brand new job they'll get you some brand new flowers. hehehe.

6842. 30 Mar 2010 04:37


Well, Dragon, if any of the pets start hobbling around ... it could be the antibiotic. The ankle is 100% now. Will never take that med again!

And, where else can one put the weird and whatnots but in Baldur's channel. My sister recently went to a concert where someone played "The Red Violin" - Stradivarius. Got to wondering about those and here's what I found. marius can not imagine owning a violin that is worth a few million ... this site tells about 'famous instruments' and their prices.

6843. 30 Mar 2010 04:38


Forgot to say - there's a place above the picture to click for the next one.

6844. 30 Mar 2010 07:18


I'd like to start off by saying I try very hard to live a drama-free life as much as possible. But sometimes it just can't be avoided.

So yesterday was my first day on the job. The hours are 11a to 11p. So around 9:30 I took my shower. My son's good friend had spent the night, and his parents were to pick him up around 10. My son knocked on the bathroom door while I was showering to let me know they were here a little early. So I quick get out of the shower and dressed, and emerge with my wet hair and no make-up and teeth not quite brushed. (Luckily they are good, good friends!) We chit-chat and laugh for a few minutes, but they have places to go and I have hair to dry and they get ready to leave. Suddenly my friend Roz says, "Where's the schnauzer??" I think I mentioned before that I am babysitting my friend's schnauzer. I say, "Oh, she must have finally figured out how to go out the doggie door." (We had been working on that for 2 days!) I go to call her in Sadie. I saw her right before my shower, so know she is around here somewhere, but she is not coming to her name. I can't find any escape routes through the backyard fence, and think maybe she's hiding because she's afraid of men, and Joe is here and he's a big guy. But we look everywhere and no Sadie. So Joe and Roz hop in their car to look for her. Jake and his friend Conner go walking through the vacant field behind us to look for her. And I hop in my car, wet hair and all, to go look for her. Still, 45 minutes later, no Sadie and I have to get ready for my first day of a new job. I cannot call in on my first day! And my son is supposed to be dropped off at his dad's house. I call another friend and she and her kids come to look. I try to call my friend Janel's boys (they are Sadie's owners) because one of them is 16 and has a car and I think he can come look. Immediate voice mail for both of them. So I break down and call Janel in Vegas on a long overdue "getaway" with her husband. I tell her I HAVE to leave for work, but will leave Jake here and my other friends are still looking. Sadie is not micro-chipped, but she does have a collar with her name and their home phone number on it. So Janel sends her 13yo boy home to their house to listen to voice mail and stay by the phone. The 16yo is to come over and help look, and then take Jake to his Dad's for me. I brush my teeth, put on minimal make-up, and leave the house with a lovely mop of unstyled hair! Made it to the new job in time to clock in 3 minutes early. PHEW!

Soon I receive a text from Janel saying Sadie has been found and the boys are going to pick her up and they will keep her with them. Thank GOODNESS! Not only that they found her, but that they will KEEP her! I still had to make multiple calls to let the other dog-hunters know she was found, and to try to reach my ex to let him know Jake never made it over to his house, and he'd have to pick him up. Looks bad on your first day to bring all this drama to work with you, but what could I do??

Anyway, the job is very busy, and constant ringing phones and blinking computer alerts, and helicopter dispatches, and at one point I told my preceptor, "This wouldn't be a good job for someone with a seizure disorder! It's too overstimulating!" LOL she cracked up at that! So I didn't get to learn much yet. They haven't gotten me any passwords for the computer programs I need to use. and when it is so busy like that, the only thing the preceptor can do is keep up with the work. No real time to explain things to me. So I got what Dragon refers to as MEGO. I think I did a fairly good job of hiding it, though.

All in all I think I'll like this job pretty well. It is challenging, and I work with some fun people who laugh at my jokes. What more could I ask for??

6845. 30 Mar 2010 07:28


Now Marius, glad your symptoms have disappeared and good plan to avoid that med. But about those instruments. What the heck could possibly make them worth so much?? Just because Eric Clapton played a guitar, or John Lennon a piano...they are worth millions now??!! And what is so special about a Stradivarius that it is worth2.5 million dollars MORE than your basic music store violin?? Maybe it had magical powers that make the musician more accomplished and talented by playing that particular instrument? I dunno. But, it's kind of like those designer purses women buy. I am pretty sure that no matter HOW rich I was, I could never bring my self to spend $600 on a purse when I could just go to JC Penny and get one for like $20. But then, I hate purses, so maybe it's unfair of me to judge.

That harpsicord was pretty cool, though, and only cost like $300,000 or something! LOL

6846. 30 Mar 2010 17:15


Robin, supposedly the tone qualities of a Stradivarius are beyond anything made today, but the price seems to be tied in with that value plus age and history of the instrument, plus investment um ... security? The article that slide show came from is posted below. Think it explains it better although I'm with you on the costs. Out of my league!

Meanwhile ... what a first day of work you had! Haha, you will NEVER forget it, will you? Glad the little dog was found and is safe, glad for you, the dog and everyone! Gotta say, that is a great story no matter how bad it must have felt! : )

6847. 30 Mar 2010 18:22


Catastrophe struck Boughbreak today, we got flooded!
On the national news there were filmclips of people in RI getting evacuated from their homes via rubber life rafts, this was not quite as dramatic.
We had water bubbling up through our basement's cement floor.
At one point is was an inch deep. Robert and I had several hours of removing water with mops, buckets and a wet-vac. Oh what fun.
Eventually the water ceased entering the basement and we caught up.
However this will lead to a few changes downstairs. We really need to get rid of some vulnerable storage pieces plus their contents.
I'm all for clearing out just about everything.

6848. 30 Mar 2010 19:11


Oh my! So sorry to hear of your troubles today, um ... is it Earl of Boughbreak now? Doesn't sound like anything was damaged badly and certainly you are fine. Thank goodness it wasn't worse. And at least you have a wet-vac, have known folks without them ... not good at all!

6849. 31 Mar 2010 04:47


sorry to hear that Baldur. I hate water flooding my house!!!

6850. 31 Mar 2010 05:38


I wondered how you were faring Baldur! Glad it wasn't too much damage, & will led to improvements!

6851. 31 Mar 2010 12:09


Have any of you taken the color test yet?
Baldur of course scored 100% correct.

6852. 31 Mar 2010 12:13


Saw the flooding on the news this morning and wondered if you
had any trouble. Never experienced flooding but we had to leave
our house for a week during the Ice Storm of 1998. Good thing you
had a wet vac.

6853. 31 Mar 2010 14:44


I am nearing the end of day 5 as a non-smoker... I am really not enjoying myself, but with the support around me, I will survive...

6854. 31 Mar 2010 15:56


Matthew, you have our support. I've started a diet today. I'm with you. LOL

6855. 31 Mar 2010 16:08


You can eat my cigarettes... that should curb your appetite...

6856. 31 Mar 2010 18:15


Good luck with being smoke free matthew. My friend had an acupuncture treatment to quit and had really good results. She's been smoke free for over a year now. When she did have cravings she'd chew on a cinnamon stick, said it really did help.

6857. 31 Mar 2010 18:42


matthew, you have my vote too, wishing success. fwiw, here's a yoga breathing technique that's easy. You have to scroll down to find it ... I use it to calm, didn't know it might help with becoming a non-smoker. : )

6858. 31 Mar 2010 18:51


That would probably be better than kicking small children...

6859. 31 Mar 2010 18:52


Looks like no pictures for matthew this month...

6860. 31 Mar 2010 18:53


Can you still make the top 5 if you don't draw any pictures...