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6781. 23 Mar 2010 09:30


Thanks for the answers, now I'll have to hold off trying it because we have 2 apple pies in the freezer desparatly needing to be eaten (they were free, I'm not sure how good they'll be but I'm not one to turn down free pie). I will be sure to add Baldur's recipe to my book though, it looks easier than the recipe from AllRecipes and I do love easy.

6782. 23 Mar 2010 14:25


You called??? I am as easy as they come...

6783. 23 Mar 2010 15:05


You know I was going to make an "easy in the kitchen" joke but chose not to. I'm glad it got in there anyway, thanks matthew. :b

6784. 24 Mar 2010 18:08


Hello, Baldur is still alive and doing well

6785. 24 Mar 2010 18:11


Sorry for my absence, Spring is in the air and most of the days I have been outside working on the garden.
There is a retaining wall that needs to be built and Baldur has moved several tons of stone to the site.
There have also been lots of perennials that have needed dividing and/or transplanting.
It seems after a long Winter that I have become quite eager to accomplish a bit outside.

6786. 24 Mar 2010 18:14


In the past week my son and daughter in law have purchased a house, this was rather exciting news.
They had been looking for some time, now I need to decide on a housewarming gift. The gift I am considering is a bit gothic in style and will certainly fit in with their decor.
I will consider it a little longer before making my decision.

6787. 24 Mar 2010 18:16


It seems that Thinkdraw has been rather quiet overall. not just the silence on Radio Baldur.

6788. 24 Mar 2010 18:20


It has been quiet. Maybe everyone has spring fever. marius is amazed that Baldur has been messing with perennials that need dividing, etc. How can this be? It's too early to dig about in the soil here. Sigh.

6789. 24 Mar 2010 18:27


Since it's too early for gardening, marius is planning a trip to the wildlife refuge. She is going solo, which hasn't been done for some time. It's different to go alone - sometimes you see more, feel more. It's always pleasant to visit there, with or without company. Am looking forward to it. The trip was going to be today but was postponed until Friday due to rain. Friday's weather predictions are perfect - plenty of sun and warm temps. On the trip back home, will stop in to have dinner with Dad. It's rarely just the two of us so looking forward to that too.

Wondering what Baldur has 'possibly' selected as the gothic house-warming gift.

6790. 24 Mar 2010 18:35


We haven't had below freezing temperatures in over 2 weeks so the ground and even the ponds have thawed.
The soil is also past the mucky-muddy stage and could hypothetically be planted already, though for seeds I will be cautious and wait a bit.
Today I lifted several dozen daylily babies and moved them to a strip of land (that I do not own) across the road.
They are too invasive for my flowerbeds and have been systematically evicted over the past couple of years.
I also dug a rather big hole while trying to extricated a bittersweet vine. The root was HUGE. It will still come back at least a few more times before it gives up.

6791. 24 Mar 2010 18:38


Before the 4 days of rain that we just had I also moved many crocus.
This is the completely wrong time to move them. Baldur knows that.
But I can only find them when they are in bloom.
These have spread across a messy flowerbed with too many things in it.
As each crocus is extricated it goes into a small crocus patch where they don't need top compete with anything else.

6792. 24 Mar 2010 18:39


A gothic housewarming gift

6793. 24 Mar 2010 18:42


I have no idea why the site says the piece doesn't exist, it is indeed there.
Go to the menu bar and choose:
Wall Decor, then
Mirrors, then
Gothic & Medieval, then
Mystic skulls wall mirror

6794. 24 Mar 2010 18:50


Interesting choice in house warming gifts. I, of course, prefer the Dragon mirrors myself, but that's jut personal choice. Do your son and his wife tend toward the gothic in home decor? I'm guessing they must or a mirror framed by grinning skulls would not be on the list of gifts.

6795. 24 Mar 2010 19:08


They have not gone very overboard with the look but it is still quite obvious.
I like it. Baldur has a great disdain for beige interiors, and places that look like they were furnished in one stop at a large store.
Quirky is definitely the way to go in my opinion

For myself lately I have developed a fondness for ethnicky brass things, including those marvelous brass platters with intricate engraved patterns from the Islamic world, Indian vases, bowls and lanterns, and items that might have been finessed from a gypsy caravan.
It could be summed up as Professor Marvel meets Shakira meets Ali Baba meets an English gentleman's private club meets a Turkish bath.

6796. 25 Mar 2010 03:14


While marius would not particularly want this mirror, it is interesting to look at and rather a nice design. If it were me, I'd past the description on the back because it had me snorting coffee this morning! LOL.

Have pasted it here ...
"No matter which way you hang this Toscano-exclusive looking glass, a hundred vacant eyes from a symphony of skulls will be gazing back at you! Add a mystic accent to your Gothic dcor with our quality designer resin work of decorative art hand-painted in stone cold bone hues."

marius LOVES the 'symphony of skulls' and 'stone cold bone hues.' Wondering about the person who wrote that ... tee hee!

6797. 25 Mar 2010 03:14


okay ... "paste' the description on the back ... there, feel better.

6798. 25 Mar 2010 13:59


Baldur has counted the eyes, there are certainly less than a hundred.

6799. 25 Mar 2010 14:35


Auntie B is exhausted, I have never had so much trouble finding an appropriate housekeeper before now.
Don't misunderstand, there have been plenty of applicants, just not truly qualified ones.
There has been an endless procession of beautiful men, but indeed I do not want someone who expects to lounge about the place posing.

Auntie B in the meantime has been forced to temporarily hire a young lady to keep up with the demands of running this household. The laundry pile was getting too much, plus I do so hate those little splatters of toothpaste that accumulate on the mirror in the bathroom.

6800. 25 Mar 2010 14:41


Her name is Martha (NO, not THAT Martha) and is a recent finishing school graduate. I hope she doesn't read this but to be quite frank the poor dear has a face only her mother could love.
It is my understanding that she went to finishing school in the hopes of luring a suitable husband, but eventually the headmistress of the school threw up her hands and finished with her.
Imagine a finishing school being finished finishing someone!
Anyway, Martha is delightful, can cook up a storm, is charming and well educated.
It has crossed my mind to keep her in my employ in a permanent capacity, we shall see.
In any case it is my implied duty to find this young lady a husband, and Auntie B is attempting to accomplish just that.