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6681. 13 Mar 2010 06:36


Baldur, I guess Baldur's Boughbreak sounds better than Baldur's Bear Den, but you can see where I got the idea!

I have thought of calling my house Robin's Cradle, but for years now it has been The Dahl House. (That's my last name...get it?? ) So I don't want to confuse anyone who receives snail mail from me after all these years. LOL

Marius, you always have the most interesting stories, full of wisdom and mystery. You have a magical life, and I love magic. I think you make your own magic, and it inspires me to want to attract some to my life. Thanks for sharing!

6682. 13 Mar 2010 06:41


I kind of like the idea of calling our place The Dragon's Lair but I'm not sure my honey would appreciate it. If we call it anything it's usually Margaritaville!

6683. 13 Mar 2010 06:59


Oddly Baldur has a tendency to befriend magicians. I know several and have met them all separately not through any connections they may have with each other.
I know plenty of people who have never yet met any magicians at all.

6684. 13 Mar 2010 07:04


Thought I'd throw a little Red Deer Rambling in here.
The other day my mom invited me to a jewellery party that she'd been invited too. I didn't really think I could afford new jewellery (things at these parties always seem so expensive) but I thought, I love looking at jewellery and it's a nice way to spend time with my mom so I was all for it. Boy am I glad I went, it was the neatest jewellery and it was so inexpensive I ended up buying quite a few pieces. It's all made of beads which are made of paper! You'd think it would be drab but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The beads themselves are made by women in Uganda by wrapping colourful strips of paper around a pin with a little glue then painting them with a clear laquer to make them shine, they then string them into necklaces, bracelets and even earrings. I could feel good about my purchases too because the company sends most of the profits back to the community in Uganda where they're made. It was surprisingly cool.

6685. 13 Mar 2010 07:06


Can't say as I know any magicians at all. In fact I can't even think of anyone who does slight of hand tricks. Perhaps the energy surrounding Baldur's Boughbreak draws in magicians. (Or maybe they're drawn to the gnomes!)

6686. 13 Mar 2010 07:48


Tonight I am going to a dinner theatre where the meal is served by magicians, and after the main course there is a magician act! I can't hardly wait! There are only 18 seats available there, and the claim that by the end of the dinner you will know all 18 people at the table. I think it sounds so fun! Just myself and 2 girlfriends are going, but a pparently we'll be meeting 15 other "friends" there, too!

Woke up to a city covered in snow this morning! Not happy about that! Apparently Mother Nature has forgotten that I left Buffalo 15 years ago over just such weather! Or maybe she just doesn't care about my needs. Either way...YUCK!

6687. 13 Mar 2010 09:19


Robin, sounds fun, first time I hear something like this.... enjoy

6688. 13 Mar 2010 09:23


That's an exciting dinner to be attending Robin, I hope you have fun and do not get sawn in half too badly.
Tonight is the Candlelight Super at Jacob's house and Baldur is wearing his kilt! I ended up not attending the HP Lovecraft walking tour because of the torrents of rain pelting the area. Instead I baked a platter of soft pumpkin pecan cookies and topped them with a fluffy white cream cheese frosting (I ate several plain already).
Jacob and his partner like everything pumpkin flavor. I warned him that it's stereotypical witch behaviour but he didn't care one iota (+7 long overdue points)

6689. 13 Mar 2010 09:32


Robin, we had snow here this morning too but it didn't stick around (happily), it's supposed to get down right warm on Monday.

Baldur, an HP Lovecraft walking tour? Sounds terribly interesting, it's too bad about the rain.

6690. 13 Mar 2010 09:42


Mr Lovecraft spent most of his life in Providence, the tour's purpose was to point out some of the locations he lived at or frequented.
They hold similar events on his birthday and the anniversary of his death each year.

6691. 14 Mar 2010 06:40


Could it be that the time in US changed? We also changed our time at 2 am this morning? Now the difference is less then if US time changed.

6692. 14 Mar 2010 07:15


Yes, polenta, in most of the US we set our clocks ahead by one hour early this morning

6693. 14 Mar 2010 19:11


We have had 5" of rain in the last 2 days here in Rhode Island, with 2 more inches forecast for tomorrow. It has been rather soggy.

Last night was the candlelight supper at Jacob's house. It was a marvelous time with good company and excellent food. The driving to and fro left me somewhat frazzled however.
He lives about an hour East of here, and Route 495 was dreadful to drive on with horrible visibility and heavy traffic.

6694. 14 Mar 2010 19:18


Having a reputation as a fashion plate to uphold Baldur decided to wear his kilt to the event (Wallace tartan). Along with that I wore an old style bib-front western shirt made of soft yet heavy black cotton twill and adorned with nickel sized pewter buttons. The outfit was finished off with a black leather sporran and a pair of black kiltied packer boots.
I cannot really say the grey Harris Tweed jacket added to the ensemble as it was removed to the coat room immediately upon entering their home.

6695. 14 Mar 2010 19:23


Let me now offer my kudos to those ladies among the audience who have mastered the art of wearing bottomless garments. This is a skill I have not mastered to date.
How does one sit and manage to have fabric fall neatly into place under one's bottom?
When getting into the car no fabric at all remained beneath me and my nether regions briefly encountered a very chilly leather seat.
Entering the crowded living room and being offered a metal seat posed a similar challenge. This time however Baldur anticipated any problem and used both hands to sweep the pleated fabric into a desirable position.
However were I holding a drink at that point in time it would have been awkward.

6696. 14 Mar 2010 19:33


Another point arose during the evening because of the seating arrangement in the living room. The furniture was arranged in a loose ring around the perimeter of the room.
The entire party was composed of mature gay men, and what became rapidly apparent was that some seats were more desirable than others.
The most sought after were the four directly opposite the seat I had chosen,
Baldur was seated in as gentlemanly a manner as could be contrived but despite my best efforts there was apparently not much modesty inherent in my outfit.
The best one can do in such a situation is to remain charming and carry on as if all is in order.

6697. 14 Mar 2010 19:34


Baldur can only imagine that in Scotland the gentlemen sit closer together or perhaps with a table between them thus making such displays unlikely.

6698. 14 Mar 2010 20:23


Auntie B is back home from a loverly time in Puerto Rico and it's definitely time to get back to business.
Straight off I need to find a new housekeeper/cook plus a new mah jonng partner

6699. 14 Mar 2010 21:19


(smiles) Welcome back, Auntie B

Baldur, just a couple quick notes --

re the show: Scots flat out don't care, so the most you'll get is a slight smirk and that's if they're already looking for something to smirk about

re the femme technique: you've discovered the basic hand-sweep (which becomes mindless second-nature). To adjust it for one-handedness, experiment a bit with a move that I can only lamely describe (but do watch for it among skirt-wearers), by not sitting down squarely but instead standing at a slight angle to the chair and lowering one's self while turning more square-on. The trick is to cause one thigh to take the place of the missing/occupied hand in helping control the fabric.

(eyeing what I've typed and wondering if it makes a hoot's worth of sense to you or any reader...)

6700. 15 Mar 2010 03:30


Aye lassie, we ken what your gan on aboot.