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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6661. 11 Mar 2010 12:42


Qsilv, am I a whippersnapper or older than dirt? Or have you got a midway name for my status?

6662. 11 Mar 2010 12:57


.........I think my whipper may have snapped.........just the crackle and pop left now.

6663. 11 Mar 2010 14:03


I think I must be one of the ones who's older than dirt. I started a week or two after Qsilv. (So my whipper has definitly snapped!)

6664. 11 Mar 2010 14:05


When it comes to age, women try to be young.
When it comes to TD, everybody wants to be MEMBER NUMBER ONE.


6665. 11 Mar 2010 14:06


marius I know what you mean about the frogs! We have had alot of rain the past two days, but the sun has finally made her appearance and so have the frogs. There is a small pond near my house and as soon as I got out of the car this afternoon I could hear them! Spring is almost here! I dont know about you guys but I cant wait!

Hazer too funny!!!!!

6666. 11 Mar 2010 14:11


I'm not a year old yet so I still have a little snap left in my whipper!lol

6667. 12 Mar 2010 06:45


I saw a funny story today and I had to post it, it kind of makes me say "This would only happen in Canada"

6668. 12 Mar 2010 08:34


LOL Dragon!! No way! This would only happen in Canada if a Romanian guy would lead it and that's exactly the case!! Couldn't believe it , But Calin Rovinescu can only be a Romanian name, I'd bet my house on that and didn't check it out yet. )

6669. 12 Mar 2010 08:35


lead it...the company I meant

6670. 12 Mar 2010 11:40


Tee hee Baldur, marius is a 'new-comer' to herself each and every day!

Here's a Missouri Moment about that: Just the other day maius shocked herself by finding a long-lost friend via interent, shooting an email and asking said friend if she wanted to reconnect. Friend did and after a four hour dining and talking last night, marius learned what was suspected: friend had serious bout of depression after her child was born and then felt bad about not returning my calls and then time passed and friend felt she couldn't call because of how she'd acted. As Qsilv would say ... pfffffttt! Who cares! We all struggle (even AuntieB when she sees Diego out with the neighbor). : ) Friend agrees we've been friends for almost forty years ... we just had a tiny twelve year break. Life is amazing - so are friends!

Speaking of which ... all you whippersnappers, half whippers and part snappers tickle me! Thanks!

Case in point ... Dragon's recent contribution! What a funny story! That wasn't on any USA news I saw and it should have been!

6671. 12 Mar 2010 17:46


Unexpectedly today was nicer weatherwise than was originally forecast.
I was outside raking out more areas of the gardens that surround Chez Baldur.
Which got me thinking... Mind you this is dangerous stuff, the thinking aspect of my day.

What I must confess to my audience is that slowly but surely the name 'Chez Baldur' has been insinuating itself into my mind. When thinking of home that phrase does comes up almost automatically. Once I even referred to it by that name to someone not affiliated with Thinkdraw.
The problem here is that Baldur is not comfortable with it, and undoubtably it will be hard if not impossible to change.
My home is certainly not correct in style, and quite different in culture to ever be considered French.
I think of this place as rural 'British', my anglophile nature permeates it..

A few years ago when toying with a name for my home the choice that was winning my personal popularity poll (meaning only my opinion counted)
was 'Boughbreak'.
It occured to me while humming 'Rock-a-bye Baby' (Why I was humming such a thing whilst doing yardwork remains unexplainable).
A couple years after coming to like that name ,all the hype started about 'Brokeback Mountain'. To Baldur 'Boughbreak' was too similar a name to 'Brokeback' and I henceforth abandoned the concept in it's entirity.
Now I might be willing to return to the name 'Boughbreak' or perhaps something hitherto unthought of.
Definitely though I need to drop the word 'Chez'.
There is something appealing about having my engraved stationery state:
Primrose, Rhode Island

(let us hope that when I post this message the spacing remains appropriate)

Anyway, what opinions on this matter of paramount importance do all of you have to contribute?

6672. 12 Mar 2010 18:39


I like the proposed name for your home, Baldur! My sister-in-law has a small farm and she has a big engraved rock at the entrance of her driveway. It says "SummerTree Farm." Kind of sets the mood before you get to her house. Will Baldur be posting the name of his home somewhere?

And, speaking of singing odd songs, marius occasionally has music in her dreams. Have always been familiar with the music before, but this time woke up hearing a song and did not know its name. Had heard the song a few times but not for years! Thank goodness the name of the song is the word most often sung, Hallelujah! Curiosity led for a search of Lyrics and my, they are different ... but the melody rather haunts in a pretty way ... at least to these ears. : )

6673. 12 Mar 2010 18:49


Know that song well marius, and love it. k.d. lang did an absolutely beautiful version of it at the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I should see if I can find it.

6674. 12 Mar 2010 18:50


PS for Dragon: My friends are LOVING the news clipping about Canadians refusing to board the plane so they can finish watching that wonderful hockey game. THANKS!

6675. 12 Mar 2010 18:52


Here it is, I couldn't find one with video, just the audio and a picture.

Glad you enjoyed that story, it sure brought me a chuckle.

6676. 13 Mar 2010 03:09


marius, were you watching 'American Idol' this week, or even within earshot of a television set showing it?
One of the contestants sang it, that might have been enough to trigger your memory about it again.

6677. 13 Mar 2010 04:48


Is this the video you were looking for, Dragon?

6678. 13 Mar 2010 05:33


hmm.. I have a suggestion, Baldur..

what about 'Heavens End' ?

.. sort of like 'Lands End', where the land meets the ocean..

6679. 13 Mar 2010 06:00


Baldur's Boughbreak sounds utterly charming.

6680. 13 Mar 2010 06:01


Funny thing about "Idol" this week. Spouse was going to watch a bit of it but the only thing showing on Channel 4 was their logo. This went on for a LONG while so spouse found marius on her computer and asked her to go to Channel 4's web page.

There was no explanation there but their chat space was hysterical. People were typing things like:
"Hello ... is anyone listening? We are missing Idol."
"Where is the general manager?"
"Do you realize the entire Kansas City metro area will not get to vote?"
"Do you realize this will skew results?"

According to spouse, about five minutes before Idol would be over the weather announcer came on the screen and said their 'tower' had been hit by lightening, that they were trying to contact Idol to find out when or if they could show it and would we please join them for nine o'clock news? So, no opportunity to hear Idol.

However, Baldur's question seems to have jogged something. Woke up with the Hallelujah song playing in my dream Tuesday morning. Monday night was when my long-lost friend returned an email and said she'd love to meet up. Maybe the dream was saying how I felt about that because, until I read the lyrics, thought the song was a wistful, but happy song about love. Did not recall the 'broken hallelujah' part and was surprised to find that in the lyrics. Maybe it threw me off track. But, yeah, think the song in my dream was telling how I felt about reconnecting with my friend, feeling some hallelujahs.

We'd been friends for twenty-five years when she stopped returning calls and although I accepted it, it just never felt right. My friend said the same thing when we met for dinner on Thursday. Said she'd even looked me up in the phone book but didn't have the nerve to call because of how she'd left things. So let this be a lesson to us all ... your friends do not stop loving you when you get depression and stop returning their phone calls. They go right on loving you and all they want is for you to feel better and find some peace.

And, thanks for jogging the mind, Baldur! I'll still think of that song as a happy hallelujah song. : )

Dragon & Login, thanks for the KD Lang versions. Beautiful! Apparently this is a very well-known song ... isn't life amazing!