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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6641. 9 Mar 2010 18:00


Hey, thanks everyone for the well-wishes with my new job! And congratulations on day #4 for you, puzzler!

6642. 9 Mar 2010 18:07


Robin, frankly my nephew is too much of a fuddy duddy for Auntie B.
Yes he can cook but he acts older than I do

6643. 9 Mar 2010 18:09


how did I get into Baldur's account? Somebody should explain the vagaries of the computer to Auntie B. I never signed out and my nephew certainly did not sign in.

6644. 10 Mar 2010 17:28


Congratulations Robin! Can't wait to hear the details! And AuntieB, so glad you are enjoying your vacation! Had no doubts you would enjoy your vacation! : )

And now .... time for a Missouri Moment.

First ... the computer was returned today, second time from repairs in California, and this time all seems well! Yippee!

Second ... frogs! Yes, the spring rains began this week! This means it's time for chorus frogs to sing so marius went to the pond last evening and, ahhhh - my tiny little friends were singing! It nearly flooded the heart with thoughts of warm weather, flowers, iced teas and gardens!

Tee hee, it also reminded me of Frank. Every year these tiny frogs (see their size at this link ) remind me of Frank. He was a court-ordered volunteer I met when working at a nature preserve. I clearly remember seeing Frank walk into our offices and introduce himself. He was wearing THE shortest jean shorts I'd ever seen! (If his shorts had been just one millimeter shorter one would wonder why he'd bothered to wear them!). His shirt was not much of an improvement. It was a short-waisted affair like a fish net with holes so large there was barely any shirt at all.

After getting over the shock of his outfit, we had Frank fill out the proper paperwork and put him to work painting. He had worked about an hour when marius needed something from out back and when she saw Frank, he had the most anguished look in his eyes. He whined pitifully and angrily too, "Whatzat awful noise? You got a radio, some-um t' drown ou' them bugs?" Marius listened and there was nary a bug sound, but yes, quite a racket coming from the chorus frogs in the marsh.

Sometimes these frogs sang so loudly we had to close the windows in our offices because otherwise we couldn't hear a person talking on the other end of the phone, but other than that we adored them. Alas, not Frank. He asked if I had some way to "shut em up," but I did not. So, being a naturalist, I tired to help Frank find an appreciation for the frogs, find some joy in their singing.

Poor Frank. He listened but his look said, "You're a stone-cold crazy nut-case," and upon reflection, marius wonders if perhaps Frank was suffering from *more* than just a bunch of singing frogs. I mean, chorus frogs with a hang-over does not sound pleasant, not that mairus would know about hang overs but if she did ... seems it might be a nasty combination. At any rate, Frank worked about ten more minutes and left. We never saw him again and marius was relieved as frankly, Frank made her a bit nervous. : )

PS For those who live just about anywhere in the USA, Canada and Mexico, these tiny frogs sound rather like when you rub your thumb across the teeth of a comb, except much louder. Not especially lyrical, but to these ears - a symphony amphibony! (Sorry, could not resist that.)

6645. 10 Mar 2010 17:35


Missouri Moment continued ...

The chorus frog songs got me to thinking about American Woodcocks. It is exactly this time each year that these birds come through Missouri and the males perform their ritual mating dances and spiral flights, extravagant displays aimed at catching feminine attentions. Marius so wanted to look for the birds tonight but rain put a damper on that. At any rate, Baldur's home sounds like it is located in idea Woodcock habitat, with pond and forests, so should he be out in early evenings and hear "peent" sounds, he might wish to stay a bit. There is nothing like seeing a woodcock sail far up into the sky and then float down in wild spirals, using their special feathers to create an almost whistle-y sound.

For those who want to know more, check out this link:

marius LOVES spring! Oh happy, happy days! : )

6646. 10 Mar 2010 19:00


Marius your frog chorus story reminds me that I have a story also. Our youngest daughter was 4 years old at the time and we had just moved into a new house. It was spring, and since the landscaping wasn't finished, the back yard had a very large puddle in it, not far from her bedroom window. I don't know how many little frogs lived there, but they sure put up a racket!
Earlier that day I had shown the girls how, by dropping a little pebble into the water, one could bring the entire orchestra to immediate, breath holding silence. At least for about 30 seconds, until all was deemed safe, and away they went again.
So I shouldn't have been surprised to wake up around 2 am and find our 4 year old, in her nightie and rubber boots, outside, tossing pebbles into the puddle. They were keeping her awake, and she was determined to rectify that situation. I managed to convince her that it was an exercise in futility and we would have to find another way to muffle the noise .

6647. 11 Mar 2010 03:32


Sorry to use your channel Baldur and I'm sure off topic but I would like to point out a TDer called Marky and his pics which are so different from others. He captures a very MASCULINE side of life, which is different and worth appreciating. Thanks! From a TDer who is always drawing feminine flowers. LOL

6648. 11 Mar 2010 04:13


Thanks marius for your wonderful story. I love Spring also, sights,
sounds, smells...I could just embrace the earth!

And thank-you to polenta for pointing out the art of TDer Marky
I had noticed him also, one of my favorites of his is called Choo

6649. 11 Mar 2010 06:00


Hazer ... what a cute story! The four year old mind has a wonderful brilliance and your daughter shows that quite nicely! Tee hee - made me smile.

And indigo ... yes to the sights, sounds, smells and especially to embracing the earth!

Indigo and polenta, thanks for heads up about the TD artist. Haven't been to the gallery much but will look for Marky. ; )

6650. 11 Mar 2010 06:30


lol hazer
It reminds me:
Small child; "Mom, why is your belly so big?"

Mother: "I have a baby inside my belly"

Small child: "What, did you eat it?"

6651. 11 Mar 2010 07:06


Marius, I could feel your joy with the arrival of spring! Loved the chorus frog education. Had to google their sound, despite your accurate description. Here's what I found:

Now, regarding Frank... I was wondering if he was in need of a job. Judging by his outfit, I think he would meet the dress code requirements for Auntie B's man servant position. I hear she's in the market. LOL!

And Hazer, loved your 4yo story, too Kids are so industrious, aren't they? Yesterday my friend's 4 yo son asked her, "Mom, does God sleep?" She thought that was a good question and asked him why he wanted to know. He said "Because if there's a time when he sleeps, I can do whatEVER I want then!" LOL!

6652. 11 Mar 2010 07:53


Robin, you're a genius! Did not think to find the sound of the Western chorus frogs so folks could hear what I hear and love so much.

And, marius learned something new ... a new frog call! Your frog call is from the Pacific Chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla) and my frog call, posted below, is from the Western Chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata). They're same genus but different specie.

Now, if I go out west maybe I'll be able to recognize that the "almost Western Chorus frog" call is the Pacific guy. So cool! (Yes, am easily thrilled!) Thank you!!!

6653. 11 Mar 2010 07:56


And LOL about: mothers eating babies, Polenta ... and, when God sleeps, Robin! Think marius loves kid perspectives as much as spring. Thanks for the smiles you all!

6654. 11 Mar 2010 08:07


Polenta, you may use Radio Baldur to discuss any topic that you would like to mention here.

Let me ask you a question while I have your attention. Did Uruguay feel anything at all from that massive earthquake that rocked Chile?. You are on the other side of the continent but from what we are reading up here Concepcion actually moved 10 feet farther West that it's originally position.
That was a very powerful earthquake.

6655. 11 Mar 2010 08:08


Baldur only joined Thinkdraw 4 months before Polenta so I think we are both officially 'old-schoo'l now

6656. 11 Mar 2010 08:09


..... not like those newcomers (marius for example)

6657. 11 Mar 2010 08:54


I think that it is nice and interesting when polenta points out
a TDer and their art. Well I wanted to show you surekha and
her pic....I think it is very NICE!

6658. 11 Mar 2010 09:15


oh you're all young whippersnappers compared to the two or three of us who're older'n dirt here


6659. 11 Mar 2010 11:32


Baldur, we didn't feel anything here but I've also heard some cities moved some metres. We have never had an earthquake here.... but let's cross our fingers because.....................
We do have floods and droughts sometimes and once in a while you hear from a tornado..... and of course sometimes strong winds but remember that Montevideo is on the River Plate and we feel the winds coming from the sea. The River Plate is very, very, very wide.... and to cross it by ship you need a whole night.
Thanks for asking and thanks for letting us old and new TDers use your radio station.....

6660. 11 Mar 2010 11:38


TD lets me draw and paint and also allows me to learn new words:

Whippersnapper..... And every day I learn some new word here. LOL