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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6621. 9 Mar 2010 06:16


Robin is so very excited this morning! I interviewed for a new position at the hospital I work at several weeks ago. When I did not get an offer after a couple of weeks, I assumed they chose someone else who would be a better fit for whatever reason. But today I got the call offering me the position! It should eliminate my constant back problems, and offers a better schedule than my current one!!!

6622. 9 Mar 2010 06:20


Thanks for sharing your joy with us.

6623. 9 Mar 2010 07:12


Congratulations Robin! So happy for you. Having a relative
who is in the nursing field and was injured moving a patient
many years back...has a desk job now and is very happy.
Good Luck to you!

6624. 9 Mar 2010 07:46


Congratulations, Robin. You've waited a long time for a better deal. Good luck.

6625. 9 Mar 2010 09:06


I'll add my congrat's too Robin. I hope you enjoy this new position!

6626. 9 Mar 2010 09:06


Yay Robin!!! Movin' on up! ;>

6627. 9 Mar 2010 11:53


That's brilliant Robin! I highly recommend a new job in a hospital! Mine is going well, into it's 4th day - and they said it wouldn't last!

6628. 9 Mar 2010 12:05


Hmmm...upside down stuff....interesting....and I've also noticed links embedded in some of the recent comments. Advertising, it appears. If that keeps Think Draw viable, yay!!!

6629. 9 Mar 2010 17:01


Again it was a gorgeous day in Primrose so Baldur spent it raking out flowerbeds. It just never ends.
I have angelica seeds potted and stowed away in the downstairs refrigerator. It was recommend that you chill the potted seeds for at least a month. Why must some seeds be so difficult?
The snowdrops are blooming, I can see the crocus coming out of the soil.

6630. 9 Mar 2010 17:05


I always feel like it's really spring when the irises start coming up.

6631. 9 Mar 2010 17:09


Soon there are other seeds that need starting.
Baldur managed to get some chicory seeds. These are the straggly weedy wildflower with the pale blue blossoms that grow everywhere on the side of the road.
They absolutely do not put up with being unearthed and transplanted.
Baldur has tried time and again to get some for the garden as plants, so seeds it is.
I picture it interplanted with the rose campion.
Rose campion is the most incredible wildflower and always illicits questions from my guests.
These are transplanted relatively easily; which is for the best as their preferred spot to self seed is in my lawn.
Baldur gets on his knees and digs each one up and places them tightly together in the flowerbeds.
They have downy pale grey leaves that form a rosette at the base of a 24" tall spindly araay of branching stems. Each branch ends with an amazingl bright 4 petaled magenta flower.
Together in a mass they are breathtaking, but one generally sees them scattered in a field amidst other native plants

6632. 9 Mar 2010 17:10


Baldur needs to pry some iris roots out of a rocky landscape and relocate them.
The holly bushes are pushing the iris out of one of the beds

6633. 9 Mar 2010 17:19


Hello everyone, let me fill you in a little bit on my stay in Puerto Rico.
That evening, Hector, the bodybuilder, waiter and apiring actor, took me to a loverly Greek restaurant for dinner.
The food was superb.
Afterwards we strolled to the Discoteca Bertril to dance.
Amid the pounding beat, pulsing lights and glistening bodies Auntie B must admit that she temporarily lost herself.
It was during Dame Shirley Bassey's wonderful rendition of 'Get the Party Started' that the inevitable happened.....

6634. 9 Mar 2010 17:20


6635. 9 Mar 2010 17:27


Auntie B spun around on the dance floor and practically body slammed Gertrude and Diego.
Regaining my ladylike composure much quicker than Madame Manatee did I gently laughed and grabbed Hector by his sweat- glazed bicep.
'Hector, you must meet Diego, he was once employed in my household... and this is Gertrude, his Grandmother...'
I swear you could have fried an egg on her face at that very moment.
Hector greeted them briefly and politely and placing his strong hand in the most intimate spot at the base of my spine he swung me back into the thick of the dance.
Auntie is quite glad of her choice to wear the backless sequinned scarlet number that was slit up to her hip.
Diego stared at me, then Gertrude, and then me again and realized the full implication of his bad choices.

6636. 9 Mar 2010 17:37


WAY TO GO Auntie B!

6637. 9 Mar 2010 17:40


All in all it was a loverly evening.
The other couple must have left rather promptly as I never saw them again in the Discoteca.
After the place closed Hector and I spent the pre-dawn hours walking up to our ankles in the balmy surf and talked about life.
He told me that he knew immediately by the look in Diego's face that he had been found out, and I related the details he hadn't gotten yet.
He asked if it were true that Diego was officially no longer in my employ.
Indeed it is quite true.
Auntie B actually never felt ythe younger man would be around forever. His eventual meetingof a nice lady his own age was an issue I'd have had no trouble dealing with.
This vacation however painted him in a very bad light in my mind. That Gertrude would be party to this is no surprise at all.

In any case Diego, has been terminated from my employment. Upon my return home I will hire a moving company to pack his belongings and remove them to Schloss Manatee. He will get his severance pay and that will be that.

Then will come the arduous task of finding suitable domestic help again.

6638. 9 Mar 2010 17:47


Ahh, Auntie B I'm sure they'll be crawling out of the woodwork to serve you. The biggest problem you'll have is choosing the right one who can fit your needs and won't be too hard to train (also one who isn't drawn to pasty manatee's)

6639. 9 Mar 2010 17:50


The next day I met the most fascinating man, right on the beach.
His name is Colton and is a rather well known architect in Seattle.
What a delightful person. Lunchtime rolled around as we were chatting and he knew of an outdoor place that grilled fish fresh off the boat, it was indeed practically on the dock.
We ate the fish, fried plantains and several Mojitos as the afternoon wore on.
He invited me to be his guest at a dinner party on on friend's boat, hoping that I might be free for that very evening.
Indeed I accepted and we had quite the time.
There was a perfect yet simple supper, followed by the music of a gypsy guitarist (oh how I love that) and dancing on the deck.
Once again it was almost dawn before Auntie B said goodnight and got some shut-eye.

6640. 9 Mar 2010 17:59


Auntie B., perhaps you should offer the job to your illustrious nephew Baldur. I'm told he's an incredible cook, gracious host, tasteful decorator, fantastical gardener, and can hold his own in a coversation of just about ANYTHING! I happen to know he's in the market for employment. Sounds like he'd make a perfect man-servant.