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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

661. 15 Nov 2010 05:46


Thanks ladies. I spent yesterday afternoon at the hospital and my husband was in good spirits. We have been encouraged by stories of some other people who have survived this surgery and been cancer free.
My husband is wanting me to meet his surgeon, but I don't know if that will happen before the day of his surgery. I'm sure his confidence would be reassuring.
Today I must get the radiator replaced on my Explorer and as soon as that's done I'll go back to the hospital to see what the Drs have had to say today.

Yesterday we had to leave his room while the housekeeping staff disinfected everything. Apparently someone across the hall from him had a serious infection that is very contagious and resistant to antibiotics. The nurse treating her had also treated my husband.

I pray God's protection over him as waits for his surgery. He can't afford to be catching any more bugs now.

662. 15 Nov 2010 06:00


I like the fact that he is at the hospital Hazer. At least he's taken care of until the day of his surgery.

663. 16 Nov 2010 04:24


A good sign that they took the absolute necessity of disinfecting his room ... a task sometimes neglected, in some places. I'm wishing him well, Hazer. Safe journey back to his bedside.

664. 16 Nov 2010 08:04


I still haven't gotten my vehicle back yet, but as soon as I do I'm heading to the hospital. We had a storm here overnight so the roads are very icy. I have 4 wheel drive so I should be okay. I will be staying overnight at friends so I can be back to the hospital early tomorrow morning. I want to meet the surgeon before my husband goes into the OR. We are feeling confident about the surgery and have placed everything in Gods hands. I will give an update when I get back home, which may be sometime later this week. I don't know what time surgery will be, but ask that you would agree with me in prayer early Wednesday morning for a successful outcome. Bye for now.

665. 16 Nov 2010 10:09


God be with you all Hazer. Be very careful- 4-wheel drive doesn't do any better on ice!

666. 18 Nov 2010 06:17


Hazer, I check in every now and again. Best of luck to your husband with the surgery. You hang in there!

667. 18 Nov 2010 17:31


My husband had his surgery on Wednesday afternoon and is doing well! The surgeon phoned me as soon as he had finished and told me that from what he can see, they were able to remove all the cancer. The pathology results will come in 7 to 10 days and then they will decide if he needs chemotherapy or not.
He is in a lot of pain. He was not able to have an epidural because he had been given a blood thinner on the morning of the surgery and the morphine hasn't been as effective at controlling the pain. He may be still able to get one though, which would give his body a chance to rest as it heals.

This has been such a journey for us and we still have a long road to recovery. We are so thankful to have come this far and God has answered our prayers and brought us through this surgery. We continue to trust Him daily for healing. He has been caring for us in many ways. This week I have received financial gifts from people who's hearts have been touched by my husband's plight. Enough to cover my vehicle repairs, charges for using the ambulance, etc. I pray God will in turn bless them abundantly!
I came home today to find that my sidewalks had been cleared of snow by our neighbor's teenage son.
Thank you my dear TD friends for your prayers, your care and concern. I pray that God will pour out His blessing on you all.

668. 18 Nov 2010 17:39


God does work in mysterious ways! And then...God can be SO obvious ya just about trip over 'im! So happy God is drawing so near to you now! Pray your hubby heals quickly, & pain subsides.

669. 19 Nov 2010 04:01


Hazer, I hope his pain diminishes soon and let's thank God that the cancer is all removed, which is the most important thing in the long run.. The help from people is a good sign and I hope all our encouragement to you can be too.

670. 19 Nov 2010 04:11


So very happy to hear this good news Hazer!
Sending you hugs and prayers....

671. 19 Nov 2010 08:49


Wonderful news, Hazer! Two fantastic milestones -- the surgery itself, and what the doctor has said... a very bold statement.

Now we send our warmest wishes for you both to be getting enough real rest that your spirits stay high, and for that path study to be utterly boringly clear.... ;>

672. 19 Nov 2010 09:05


Blessings and angel hugs to you both! May you feel the comfort of friends far and wide on the continuing path.

673. 19 Nov 2010 09:43


Great news! I hope things just keep on getting better.

674. 19 Nov 2010 13:46


What wonderful friends and neighbours you have, Hazer. Best wishes to you all.

675. 20 Nov 2010 05:17


Big [but very gentle] hugs to you and your hubby, Hazer.. you've got us all thinking of you !

676. 20 Nov 2010 05:21


Keep strong in your faith and He will answer. My family and I have you in our prayers daily. Much love and hugs to you

677. 20 Nov 2010 08:59


What a wonderful group of friends you all are! You have been so gracious and kind in your words of encouragement and prayers as our family has dealt with one trial after the other this year. I am really feeling that this has been the turn around point now starting with the news our daughter shared with us the day before her Dad went into surgery...she is expecting another baby in June. We are thrilled for her!
I am filled with such peace and happiness, and I know that our future holds promise for a healthy baby and a healthy husband!
We have prayed that through our family's hardships this year we would be able to see something positive come of it. We are seeing not only physical healing for my husband but healing of relationships within our extended family. For this we are grateful!

678. 23 Nov 2010 07:39


Just another plea for prayer for my husband. This is the sixth day now since his surgery and only today is he allowed some tiny sips of water. He looks so frail and gaunt, I hardly recognize him. Yesterday he was given an added IV feeding bag that contained fat to try to get some of it to stick to his ribs, but I talked to him this morning and he said the nutritionist was going to be seeing him again today to try to figure out what else they can do.
I pray that he will not become discouraged to the point of giving up. I told him to concentrate on the signs of progress, even if they are small.

679. 24 Nov 2010 00:21


Our thoughts are with you and your husband Hazer, if this can be of any spiritual support for you.

680. 24 Nov 2010 05:07


Thanks polenta.
The past months have been such an emotional roller coaster. It is heart wrenching to see someone you love go from being vibrant and strong and in three short months waste away until he is barely recognizable. It is not something people want to think about, especially when there are holidays to celebrate and life to be lived.
I do appreciate those of you who have taken the time to respond. It really does help to lighten my load.