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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

661. 16 Jun 2009 18:57


Annie, you skipped some debris. There's something that looks like a deflated thong hanging from the ceiling fan.

"All Baldur, All the Time'

662. 16 Jun 2009 18:57


I'd never seen one covered in metallic pink sequins before.

663. 16 Jun 2009 20:44


Once again matthew is being frighteningly quiet

664. 16 Jun 2009 20:45


Do you want the 'primo' spot matthew? , the unlikely chart position?

665. 16 Jun 2009 20:46


If you can get the next comment in before anyone else it's all yours!
In the meantime Baldur is headed off to bed.
Until next time remember.

'All Baldur, All the Time, unless it's not'


666. 16 Jun 2009 20:56


Nighty-night, Baldur.

fwiw, I'm neck deep in similar home projects, so long delayed by intensive business projects that I'd be embarrassed to hire anyone in at this stage... so the empathy -and admiration- factors here are way high!

...(scoops up a stray glittery bit that Annie seems to have missed... smiling...)

667. 17 Jun 2009 09:40


I can also sympathize with home reno issues. I haven't done them myself but my parents have been in major reno mode for several years now (for almost a year they had no furnace - not a big deal in summer but fall gets darn cold here- and for an entire spring/summer they had no walls. The back side of their house was open to the elements and the rest had plastic poly instead of walls. They had to use the deck to get from their bedroom to the kitchen, it was a nightmare.)

668. 17 Jun 2009 09:44


I remember my step-dad telling m about removing a carpet from someone's home once. It was an old, very stinky, large section of carpet he was taking to the dump. He said it stank so bad he had to hang his head out the window. The truck even stank terribly on the way back from the dump. When he got out of the truck he realized he'd stepped in a pile of dog poop and all the stink was coming from his own shoe. It make me chuckle every time I think of him driving down the road with his head out the window because of the 'stinky carpet'.

669. 17 Jun 2009 12:37


Dragon, you consistently entertain me!

670. 18 Jun 2009 13:41


No one here again?
This place could do with a makeover. I know Baldur likes bagels, so I'll put some on this wall. Mmm.. nice. Perhaps some shutters on the inside, to add interest. Now to paint it all red - very restful!
Hope you like it my friend.

671. 18 Jun 2009 14:32


Baldur is scraping adhesive labels with bar codes off of enameled steel shelf support brackets. This should only take a week.

672. 18 Jun 2009 16:21


Baldur needs to remember to pre-soak those labels in WD-40 so they slide off like butter...

673. 18 Jun 2009 17:05


Now you tell me.....

I had considered that method but it wasn't slow and torturous enough for Baldur.
Instead using my thumbnail I scraped the top plasticky layer of label off. Then is rubbed the paper and adhesive residue off using a bit of rag soaked in orange oil. It's sold under the name of 'Citrus-Solv' and works miraculously on gummy stuff of all sorts.

674. 18 Jun 2009 17:28


Faithful listeners,
It occurs to me that I should add a link here to Tim42s old-school Forum on the adventures of Dr Bear. Ths would make it much easier to find.
Here it is:

675. 18 Jun 2009 18:27


I miss Tim42.
Baldur I love reading about your projects and recipes, I'm a good cook but decorating is not one of my talents..I buy what I like, mostly at the junk stores, I call it early trailor trash. lol
I also have what I call a collection of collections...dolls, ashtrays, dachshund stuff, crystals, hmmm sounds cluttered its really not that bad.
I think that if you walked into my place you would break out in a sweat and throw up a little in your mouth. LMAO
I know who sent the package!

676. 18 Jun 2009 20:00


Once upon a time I actually telephoned 3M (masking tape makers) and Crayola, asking for their recommendations on how to remove their products from painted walls... especially in the dried/cured/as-one-with-the-universe state... imagine my startlement when each one's representative firmly said, "WD-40!"

Orange oil's not quite as good but it does work --and sure smells a whole lot sweeter.

677. 18 Jun 2009 20:12


One of the goofiest fixes I ever ran into was how to remove chewing gum from well, nearly anything. Satin comforters, for instance, or rough-out leather boots.

Peanut butter.

One takes a dab on one's fingers and rubs it onto the offending blob for several minutes... like 5 to 10. It helps to have a group of friends one is chatting with --or perhaps a tv show-- so one doesn't really notice the time passing.

Time does pass... slowwwwwly... with absolutely nothing happening at all for most of it... until... rather suddenly... something DOES begin to happen...

...the entire texture changes... and... over less than a minute... the whole thing ... just ...dissolves... and... dis a ppears.... into a mild smear of peanut butter

...which easily washes out with boring soap/detergent and water.


678. 18 Jun 2009 20:21


Hee hee, when I first read your note Qsilv I thought it said Satan's comforters. I wondered if Satan often chewed gum in bed

679. 19 Jun 2009 07:00


Ahhh Qsilv, the wonders of chemistry.
Now does Satan wear rough-out leather boots while chewing gum on his satin comforter?

680. 19 Jun 2009 08:18


pfff... of course he does -- with chaps!