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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6561. 3 Mar 2010 16:52


Sorry to hear your having comp problems Baldur. The only problem I have had with TD is after I comment and vote on a pic it throws me out. So it takes me forever to comment and vote on pics!
I have had a problem on another site and it is related to my lap top not the site because I can get on that site on my kids lap tops just not mine. I cant figure it out.
Hope you get it resolves soon!

6562. 3 Mar 2010 16:55


fwiw, I use firefox...

actually I use msie too, and typically have them both open at the same time, but for different types of things. And I'll just add that for the past couple months, msie has been slowwwww and, frankly, a miserable experience.

6563. 3 Mar 2010 17:14


Upgrading Adobe Flash is a very quick, relatively painless and seriously good thing to stay on top of.

6564. 3 Mar 2010 17:15


After that, I'm sorry, but it would be irresponsible of me NOT to say the following -- tbook

(or Craigslist...)

6565. 3 Mar 2010 17:27


LOL, are you suggesting computer independence?
Heavens. He would still have to set it up and maintain it for me as I really am clueless when it comes to these things.

6566. 3 Mar 2010 19:11


mm hm... Baldur? Why not consider... just consider, mind you... thinking of computers as a type of cuisine.

New country... interesting new spices... a handful of new (to you) types of fish, shellfish, poultry, maybe grasshoppers... utensils made of unusual metals and porcelains which carry heat a bit differently, affecting baking a bit, right? ...and indeed a whole new oven/rangetop system...

but hey... you already know the most important core. You know what you want it to accomplish.

And you can read recipes giving good clues on how to get there. Maybe discover a few new embellishments along the way, but that core... it's yours already. Nod-nod.

6567. 3 Mar 2010 19:44


Well Baldur, I just tried to deposit a blueberry into my fruit pic and it wouldn't stick. First time that has happened to me!

6568. 3 Mar 2010 21:09


If you're describing what I think you are, Hazer, that does happen to me now and then.

My fix so far has been to click the size up (or down), thus returning the stubbornly floating piece to its base. Then the next time I try to move it, everything seems normal.

Rotating it has the same fix-effect but feels more annoying getting back to the piece I wanted.

6569. 4 Mar 2010 07:44


Have you all seen we have a new theme? And it's beads! Happy happy happy joy joy joy!

(Baldur, you're really gonna have to get your computer issues fixed so you can enjoy this one- so far it looks loads better than Avatars)

6570. 4 Mar 2010 07:47


And they even have several translucent pieces too! Can't wait to actually have some time to play with this!

6571. 4 Mar 2010 09:34


Well it must be spring here in Red Deer, I just saw the first convertible of the year with its top down. Can't blame him, it is a balmy 3 degrees out.

6572. 4 Mar 2010 10:45


Time for a Missouri Moment ...

It is a lovely day, first time above fifty degrees in months! Lovely as it is, it is odd to have this kind of warmth and not hear the diminutive Chorus frogs singing off their froggy little heads. It has been too cold for them but usually they start singing in the middle of February, so I miss their cheery calls.

But, other things happened today to add some cheer: when the doorbell rang, marius found a delightful spring in her step as she greeted the Fed-ex guy. He was returning her laptop that was mailed for repairs this past Monday. marius was so enjoying her great fortune to have the beloved laptop returned so soon and then she noticed - all the problems had been fixed but now there is a new problem ... a sticking space bar key! Hard to believe a computer could travel to California and back in under 72 hours only to return with a wonky space bar key! Sigh. Here we go again.

We have to wait for another computer box to arrive (they don't like you to use the same one) and mail on Monday. This means marius will not be on the computer much again and that is not such a bad thing as three days sans computer did find me doing odd chores that have been neglected. (50 points for 'sans' because there are extra points accumulated from no one using them much lately.) ; )

Meanwhile, many congrats and thanks to Baldur who I am sure was an inspiration, if not THE inspiration, for the new bead theme. It looks great and hope to try it out someday.

6573. 4 Mar 2010 10:49


PS Dragon, I saw someone in a convertible too, but this was a few days ago and it was COLD! Am thinking the logic is if you pretend it is warm then it will be warm? Not sure but have also seen folks in shorts and T-shirts. Very strange.

Oh ... and have another hockey question. We thought those who compete in the Olympics can not be pro's, i.e. be get paid for doing their sport. Then we hear that ALL the Olympic hockey players this year are pros. This is most confusing. Have the rules changed, or only for hockey players?

6574. 4 Mar 2010 12:31


y'know... silly as it sounds, one of the most delightful things I've done was the simple act of driving around Chicago in a dead-of-winter night in a Trans Am convertible, top wide open, tiny white snowflakes twinkling down, hot air boiling up from around our feet... . . . . . .

6575. 4 Mar 2010 13:34


Up here as soon as the weather even hints at warmth we all shuck off our cumbersome winter gear and revel in the sun in shorts and t-shirts and convertibles. It's funny because at the end of summer/fall when it gets down to +15 we whine and complain about how cold it's getting and pull out our warm coats but the same temperature AFTER winter feels almost tropical.

As for your hockey question marius, they started allowing pros to play (at least in hockey) sometime in the 90's, I think 1996 maybe. They did the same with basketball in the summer olympics but it was a disaster because almost all the professional basketball players were American so they just destroyed all the other teams. It's a little more even with hockey because the NHL gets its players from not only North America but also all over Eastern Europe as well, some of the best players in the world are from Russia, Finland, Slovakia etc etc... So if you're trying to put together a hockey team from say... Egypt, your probably not going to have much luck but a team from the Czech Republic will be filled with pros. Still, it was kind of nice when they were actually amateurs. I think they may be discussing it but who really knows.

6576. 4 Mar 2010 19:35


Well. I must say that after the second Drawing of a pair of German Shepherds ( which took an hour each) has been zapped into oblivion upon hitting the submit button, I am pretty much fed up with all the submit and save draft issues I've encountered since this site was inundated with new users.
I love TD, but until some of these problems are addressed, losing hours of work is pretty much the last straw.

6577. 4 Mar 2010 20:10


Hazer, I hope things settle down so that you'll continue drawing. In the mean time, I understand your frustration.

6578. 5 Mar 2010 03:26


Dragon, thanks for answering the hockey questions. Seems so strange but spouse and I are still talking about that last game ... so pros or not, it was fun to watch and learn about. Your comment about Egypt ... that was another thing I noticed that had never really registered before ... the Middle Eastern countries do not seem to participate. Spouse laughed when I said that and made the observation that the sports clothing would probably violate some religious things. Yes, you probably would not want to ski down a mountain wearing a veil. Life is so curious.

Qsilv, that sounds fun to drive in a convertible with snow falling ... for about five minutes. ; ) [marius thinks she is tropic's person but having never been to the tropics, not sure yet.]

Hazer ... so sorry about your lost drawings. That is a horrible thing to experience! I lost two -three hour drawings two times - kind of makes you feel sick. Maybe you can visit the forum and chat with us more until things get fixed on TD? We do our best to be cheery. : )

6579. 5 Mar 2010 05:06


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Good Morning, Auntie B said she would be checking in today so I am looking forward to that.
Here is an interesting little link. I know that I've seen it before, but am not sure if it was here on ThinkDraw.
The results are amazing and makes me think twice about where my cell phone is stashed.éléphone-portable-micro-o_news

6580. 5 Mar 2010 05:45


cute... really well done... along with the boiled egg one...

hm... so sorry to be a spoiler but, lest some of your fair readers are just utterly charmed and disinclined to poke around on their own, here's what really happened --

already popped corn was dropped/tossed, and then a little basic video-editing took out the unpopped kernels

It began as a marketing gimmick by a Bluetooth headset manufacturer... and it caught on like crazy with the college set. Ad agency head have hot moist dreams of coming up with stuff that captures the public fancy so well... this one was brilliant! ;>