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6501. 28 Feb 2010 12:57


Congrats Canada...

6502. 28 Feb 2010 13:02


Wow, that was a heck of a game! Congrats Canada.

6503. 28 Feb 2010 13:48


Yes, that was an exciting game, Congratulations Canada!

6504. 28 Feb 2010 13:50


Not to mention those ...13 medals...or 14? very nice edition of the Olympic Games

6505. 28 Feb 2010 13:58


............. 14... an Olympic record for gold medals by a single country...

6506. 28 Feb 2010 14:00


Of course, all the other countries were struck dumb upon discovering that moose were not just a made up creature... How were they going to compete after that...

6507. 28 Feb 2010 14:07


Ah, now I can breathe again. For a while there I wasn't so sure but then our olympic heros Iginla and Crosby stepped forward and allowed Canada to sigh a giant sigh of relief. (As we were cheering our faces off of course!)

6508. 28 Feb 2010 14:10


An excellent games all in all. Perhaps Auntie B would like to spend her vacation in Vancouver and take in the Paralympic games. We're hoping our Sledge Hockey Team will make it a clean sweep for hockey gold, I'm sure Auntie B could find a good looking young olympian to while away the days with.

6509. 28 Feb 2010 14:12


BTW matthew, how did you know that moose are our secret weapon?! Actually there was a lynx wandering about on the cross-country track a day or two before the games began. They showed a great video of it running straight through the middle of the stadium area and leaping easily over the 8 foot fence at the edge.

6510. 28 Feb 2010 14:16


Funny, you would expect to see a lynx on the golf course...

6511. 28 Feb 2010 14:24


That's where we keep the geese (except, of course, the ones on Robins front lawn)

6512. 28 Feb 2010 16:13


LOL - the geese, Dragon. Have to tell you ... because I'm still sick and my laptop is dead, marius watched sports on TV today! She didn't mean to, but she did. Imagine the surprise discovery: hockey is fun!

Spouse laughed when I said, "Hey now, THIS is something to watch! These guys never stop. No wonder I loathe baseball and football ... nothing happens. But this? This is like a pinball machine gone wild!"

Please don't tell anyone who plays hockey that I think their sport is like a pinball machine, but for one who has a sports IQ of ZERO that IS a major compliment. Told spouse if hockey comes to town I'd like to go to a live game. [And, after saying that, scratched my head and went to find the thermometer to see if I have a temperature again and had gone delirious. No, temp was normal.]

Anyway, great game! Yippee and congrats for Canada. (And, I thought US played very well too.)

6513. 28 Feb 2010 16:53


Baldur admits that today's hockey game was the first one I'd watched from start to finish. Usually I lose interest rather quickly.
The nonsense coming from the commentators mouths is as bad as any I've encountered. Although all the commentaries on US television during this Olympiad have been awful.
What stands out as I write this is Scott Hamilton. He is quite knowledgable on the topic but when he starts making grunting noises each time someone completes a difficult landing I pray that someone will unplug his microphone. It really does a disservice to a sport that's every move is based on grace.
That being said I really enjoyed it (also saw a kindred spirit in Don Cherry).

6514. 28 Feb 2010 16:55


I somehow merged two different topics there.
Scott Hamilton commenting on figure skating did in no way hamper my enjoyment of the hockey game.

6515. 28 Feb 2010 17:12


Auntie B must expound upon one of your points.
My favorite new discovery of the Vancouver Winter Olympics has been Don Cherry. How I have never encountered him before is beyond me.

6516. 28 Feb 2010 17:26


I noticed the same thing with Scott Hamilton's grunts and groans... I swear if you took his & his co-host's groans & ran them together, it would sound quite X-rated... I am not a huge figure skating fan, but I am sure that I would enjoy it more if I could watch it without comentary... I think the comentary should be saved for the replays after the live skate...

I would also like to say how deaply touched I was by Joannie Rochette's performance just 2 days after the loss of her mother...

6517. 28 Feb 2010 17:44


Just a thought, but do you guys have a "mute" button on your remotes?? I mean, annoying commentary should be the simplest fix in the world

6518. 28 Feb 2010 17:49


Ummm... They are skating a routine set to MUSIC...

6519. 28 Feb 2010 18:10


I did just go to the NBC Olympics coverage site and left a comment.
It's a shame because Scott Hamilton was a figure skater himself and should be a bit more sensitive to these things.

It's not like I'm complaining about hockey players spitting while on the bench. Hockey being quite different in temperment.
They must do lots and lots of that because it's all the cameras catch. One after another.

6520. 1 Mar 2010 06:40


Well Baldur is back home having driven Auntie B to the airport.
She mysteriously refused to tell me what her destination was.
All that was required of me was that I drop her off where a porter could gather up her luggage. I was waved away as she sacheted into the terminal.