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6461. 26 Feb 2010 18:49


Those are my vegetarian breakfast sausage patties.
I'm still tinkering with that recipe.

6462. 26 Feb 2010 18:53


They are missing a key ingredient:
MEAT! and neither look nor smell like sausage.
I won't venture to guess what they taste like.

Luckily there was a little rice pudding in the ice box, that will hold me over.
I'm headed out to Big Alice's Ice Cream on Hope Street.
I bet there will be nothing healthy there whatsoever.

6463. 26 Feb 2010 18:57


I'm going with Auntie B--good ice cream trumps all.

6464. 26 Feb 2010 18:57


Hmmm, (as Auntie B storms off)
Won't she be surprised when she learns that Big Alice's closed at least 7 years ago.
Auntie B will end up a few blocks away at either Ben & Jerry's or Coldstone Creamery.

6465. 26 Feb 2010 19:42


Wrong time of year to indulge in ice cream, but when it's Coldstone Creamery, I'll make an exception.

6466. 26 Feb 2010 20:34


Ben & Jerry's.....Cherry Garcia......MMMMMMMM!

Don't mind if I do....lovely little bedtime snack!

Thank you Auntie B, or Baldur, or both!

6467. 26 Feb 2010 21:20


Back from Vegas in almost one piece, but with a nasty cold from all the toxins in the air there. It's really a dirty city, in more than one sense of the word. I had a great time with my firends, and we saw the musical The Lion King which was so fantastic I can't even express it enough, but all in all, I will probably never go back. I had forgotten how much I dilike it there til I arrived.

Regarding ice cream, Baldur, the best ice cream I ever had in my lifewas in your neck of the woods, relatively speaking. Last summer I visited my friend in Connecticut and she took me to the dairy bar at U.Conn. I had a scoop of cherry chocolate chip, and a scoop of banana chocolate chip and they were both so delicious that I have obsessed about that ice cream ever since. The chocolate chips had a different texture and were much richer and less than semi-sweet than your normal chocolate chips. And although I typically like banana flavor much more than cherry, this cherry ice cream was my favorite. So if you're ever near Storrs, CT, do find your way to the dairy bar. It's made fresh there!

6468. 27 Feb 2010 06:16


It's also fun to make your own ice cream. I had a boyfriend eons ago who liked to make ice cream--heavy on the cream, and it was to die for. Unfortunately, the ice cream turned out better in the long run than the boyfriend. Such is life.

6469. 27 Feb 2010 16:55


Robin, my mom said much the same thing about Vegas when she went a couple years ago. She loved the shows they saw but said the city itself was very dirty and she was not thrilled with walking down the street with 3 female friends having prostitutes explicit fliers and business cards pressed upon them at every step.

6470. 27 Feb 2010 16:58


Best ice cream I ever had was at the D.Dutchman Dairy in Sicamous BC. Not only do you get fantastic fresh made ice cream but you also get to wander around looking at their animals. In spring they have all the little calves there and of course the rest of the animals essential to a working dairy farm - zebras, camel, asian hens, peacocks etc...

6471. 27 Feb 2010 16:59


Well Auntie B is as close to panic mode as I've seen her in ages.
Diego leaves for his 2 week vacation on Monday.
While he is away visiting family Auntie B can either fend for herself or go on a trip herself. She would prefer to go on a trip but so far none of her beaus have come up with a satisfactory alternative.
This will be interesting.
I of course invited her to Chez Baldur but the veggie breakfast sausage patty incident has her dead set against staying here.

6472. 27 Feb 2010 17:06


There is a nice small independent ice cream place in East Providence called 'Sunshine Creamery'. I don't get there often as it's a bit out of my way.
Among the flavors that are wonderful are:
Coffee Heath Bar Ripple
Coffee Oreo
plus in my mind black raspberry and peach are always safe bets

6473. 27 Feb 2010 17:15


The first and second time that Baldur went to Coldstone Creamery it was to their location at Venice Beach, California
My son took me there in January of 2008
I went again with Robert in January of 2009
Both times I had a mixture of chocolate ice cream (it was a fantastic almost black bittersweet variety on the first visit), banana ice cream, broken chocolate bar, coconut flakes and sliced banana.
That was pretty amazing.

6474. 27 Feb 2010 17:24


This past Summer Baldur went with his friend Jacob to their location in Providence.
I always get close to the same thing. How boring is that?
I love the combination of chocolate and banana.

We have another local chain called the Newport Creamery, it has been going through some pretty rough times and closed many of it's stores.
I think many of their flavors are just too and modern now, at the expense of the great older ones.
Back when Baldur was growing up they sold a Lemon Ice Cream (not sherbet) in the warm weather that was to die for. Another great flavor was 'Ginger', vanilla ice cream with minced bits of crystallized ginger folded in.

6475. 27 Feb 2010 17:26



6476. 27 Feb 2010 17:35


Robin, did you have any ice cream in Las Vegas?
Baldur hates warm weather, I imagine it would take loads of ice cream to keep me content in Las Vegas.

6477. 27 Feb 2010 17:38


Auntie B approves of peach ice cream.
I think a perfectly marvelous Sundae would be Peach Ice Cream, Raspberry Sauce, Nilla Wafer cookies and Macadamia Nuts

6478. 27 Feb 2010 17:47


I might have mentioned some months ago purchasing a flavor of Turkey Hill Ice Cream that I didn't care for. It was a mixture of chocolate and coconut flavors. The coconut tasted so much like the way sun tan lotion smells that it just wouldn't go down. There was nothing wrong with the product, the flavor just didn't work peacefully with my tastebuds.

Baldur emailed Turkey Hill (very politely and in a civilized manner I might add) and promptly heard from their customer service person.
Within a week they sent me an envelope stuffed with coupons.
Several were for free half gallons of their ice cream, there were more for $1 off and many in smaller denominations.
Then maybe a couple months later they sent their 2009 calendar. Each page had more coupons to cut out and use.
Now just recently I received their 2010 calendar, again full of coupons.

Is it too much of a good thing?

6479. 27 Feb 2010 18:40


Baldur, I DID have ice cream in Vegas which cost a ridiculous amount of money for a waffle cone. We paid like $14 for 2 waffle cones and it was possibly the worst ice cream I ever had in my life! The next day we just settled for a mcflurry at macdonalds! LOL

Tonight I went to a chocolate party. It was kind of like a pampered chef party, only it was selling Dove chocolate products. You get to taste test a bunch of things, (including chocolate martinis!) and then of course spend some ridiculous amount of money on their products. I have to say, though, that the chocolate mousse was absolutely delicious and their sea salt caramels were among the best i've ever had! I didn't order the caramels due to the price, but I was actually tempted. Maybe if I had WON some money in Vegas I'd have splurged! LOL Anyway, here's the website if anyone wants to learn more about chocolate parties.

I personally just can't bring myself to hostess a party where the guests are expected to actually PURCHASE something. What would Auntie B think of this practice. I mean tupperware parties, and candle parties, and jewelry parties, and wine parties. And even those naughty parties where they sell lingerie and other "personal" items. It just seems in bad taste to expect your guests to spend money at your party so that you can earn some item you've been coveting but can't afford yourself. So I rarely attend them, and NEVER sign up to hostess one. But I made an exception for the chocolate, at least as far as attending. Still, I have no desire to hostess.

6480. 27 Feb 2010 21:37


I once went to a women's show and just about every booth had something you could sign up to win. Being a naive girl I signed up for everthing I possibly could. Never Ever Do This! I got more phone calls from Avon and Amway and every other damn thing for the next two months that it wouldn't have been worth it if I even won anything. One of them was a Mary Kay rep. She said she noticed I had checked the box that said I would be interested in going to a party at a friends place but had not checked the box that said I'd like to host one, she then went on to try to convince me that it was really in my best interest to host one myself. I told her I didn't think it was possible because I lived in a very small 1 bedroom apartment at the time. She promptly responded that that was no problem, we could do a small party of just my close friends. Then I told her I didn't have a table, it was the truth, I only had one big enough to fit my monstrous microwave on, and the coffee table certainly wouldn't be big enough to display all her fabulous wares. That stopped her in her tracks. She let me go and didn't bother me again, which I was glad of because I actually only wear make up very rarely on special occasions and had only checked the party box in the first place because I thought it might make it more likely I would win something.
I'm not as nice anymore, now I just say "I'm not interested" and hang up before they can get another word in edgewise.