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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6441. 24 Feb 2010 18:33


FYI: Don't miss our returning royalty...

Likemee is back

6442. 24 Feb 2010 23:15


I'm sure Likemee is an inspiration to all of us. WE LOVE HIS WORK!!!

6443. 25 Feb 2010 07:28


Thank's for the heads-up. matthew. Good to see a founder member returning ... fingers crossed that he stays with us.

6444. 25 Feb 2010 09:11


marius is still a bit sick so sleeping, laying in bed with a book or sitting up to play the 3-D mahjong game matthew shared with us is about all I'm doing. However, it's hard to win that game so guess the muses heard me whining about that and guess what????

Here is the same game but it gives you two extra minutes. Enjoy. I'm going back to bed.

6445. 25 Feb 2010 13:03


marius that is cheating!.. shame shame shame
Baldur has been playing the 5 minute version at the AARP site for ages and has only won perhaps 6 games. Once barely by the skin of my teeth.
I must say it was sadly under-celebrated. At Spider Solitaire you get a mini fireworks display for your victory.

6446. 25 Feb 2010 13:10


Today was spent trying to create a Vegetarian faux breakfast sausage pattie recipe. There is a version that I enjoy made by
'Morningstar Farms'. Since I have gotten good at making my own veggie burgers I thought giving this a whirl would be interesting.
The internet has many different recipes for the breakfast sausage but they use a very random array of seasonings.
This was the first attempt.
As a base I used white kidney beans and a small amount of dry bread crumbs to bind it.
The good points were:
dry ginger
ground cloves
brown sugar (which was in many recipes, it was a very good addition)
marjoram (which has no flavor that I can detect)
sauteed onion (a large onion and 1/4 cup olive really needs the 'fat' taste)
hot pepper flakes
and oddly, ground sumac berries (I wanted more of a sour note)
and of course Salt & pepper

What doesn't work
(I used a tiny bit of each because many recipes include them, but even in very small amounts it was a predominant flavor and just not right)

In my next attempt I will add dry English mustard and a grated raw apple.
Oregano and fennel don't seem like they would be right as it would veer towards Italian Sausage , but perhaps I may try them in tiny amounts.
'Should I add garlic?' is the question I'm asking myself now.

6447. 25 Feb 2010 19:16


Baldur, I find marjoram to be a pale sort of oregano flavor, so I'd vote yes to swapping in the oregano, and yes to the garlic, but maybe roast it a bit first?

Where's the celery? None?

Sumac sounds like it'd make a yummy variant for cranberry.

Oddly enough, I too like Morningstar's stuff. I'm decidedly carnivorous, just happen to love the flavors of veggies too, and those little packages fit tidily in my freezer. Their flavor types and textures vary markedly, but it's a matter of mood... they're all good.

6448. 25 Feb 2010 19:19



6449. 26 Feb 2010 10:21


When the question is "Should I add garlic" I've found the answer is almost always yes.

6450. 26 Feb 2010 12:18


Marius, your mahjong website is a treasure trove of games! Many thanks!

6451. 26 Feb 2010 13:04


Glad you like it puzzler!

marius is almost well today so she met friends for lunch. It was great fun to catch up, but then .... came home to find out what I suspected is so ... my laptop is ill. No, do not think it caught my flu/sinus/cold etc, but it has something bad.

When you open the lid, the screen goes black. Oh, you can see the screen if you only open the lid to a thirty degree angle but kind of hard to use a computer like that. Sigh. An hour talk with some man in India solved the problem, sort of ... the computer must be mailed to HP and then we wait.

This means marius is a bit grumpy right now. Yes, spouse will let me use his computer, but he doesn't really like it so, expect I'll get way behind on TD happenings, email and such during the next couple of weeks.

When Baldur gets the veggie sausage recipe refined to his tastes, I would like the recipe ... if he's sharing. When marius was a vegetarian she used to make a lentil loaf (instead of meatloaf). Have probably lost that recipe, but it was quite tasty.

And - for Dragon, hands clapping for the Canadian Women's hockey team! Yes, it's startling marious knows this as hockey is a sport and marius doesn't do sports ... but looks like it was a fun game/win! Bravo!

(going now into the black void where there are no computers or internet ... kind of scary. tee hee)

6452. 26 Feb 2010 13:13


Baldur got some of his garden seeds in the mail today.
I ordered these from Richter's in Canada. The dill seeds are still on backorder howver.
The ones that came in are Wild Chicory (which Baldur has tried transplanting to the garden without any success, yucca, angelica and Good King Henry.
Good King Henry is a very old world sort of garden plant, that resembles and supposedly tastes like spinach. The beauty of this one however is that it is a perennial.
Baldur loves things that come back automatically without replanting.

6453. 26 Feb 2010 13:13


I sometimes make a lentil loaf but don't use a recipe, I just sort of wing it.

6454. 26 Feb 2010 16:39


howver + e = however

6455. 26 Feb 2010 16:57


Only you could combine math & spelling & make it work...

6456. 26 Feb 2010 17:59


I should also be given credit for evading emoticons.

matthew have you been sent home from the golf course already?

6457. 26 Feb 2010 18:36


Baldur, I was just in your icebox looking for a little snack and ran into the nastiest little patties.
Are they some sort of cat food?
If they are Heidi does not approve, she took off like she was being chased by a werewolf when I tried to feed one to the poor thing.
If you are storing toxic substances in your kitchen it would be best to label them.

6458. 26 Feb 2010 18:45


We need to come up with a better snack than nasty 'Cat-Away-Patties'
Auntie will take the helm.
It's decadent recipe time.
Here are:

Auntie B's Infamous Peanut Butter Squares

1 cup butter, melted
1 cup peanut butter
2+1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 cups powdered sugar
Mix well, spread into the bottom of a 9" by 13" pan. Smooth the top nicely

Melt the following
12 oz dark or milk chocolate
1oz butter
Spread it neatly over the peanut butter mixture
Refrigerate until firm
Cut into small dainty squares
Serves 1

6459. 26 Feb 2010 18:47


Auntie B, that looks exactly like my own recipe for Peanut Butter Bars.
Coincidentally I notice my recipe file boxes out on the kitchen table.
Are you giving out my secret recipes?

6460. 26 Feb 2010 18:48


Serves you right, I almost ate one of those nasty pink hockey puckettes.
Luckily I came to my senses first.