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641. 29 Oct 2010 02:08


May the results of this surgery be the one we all expect, Hazer

642. 29 Oct 2010 09:17


This was in a card we got today. . . thought I would share it with you.

When you are neediest, He is the most sufficient.
When you are completely helpless, He is the most helpful.
When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable.
When you are the weakest, He is the most able.
When you are the most alone, He is intimately present.
When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.
When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you.
When it is the darkest, He is the only Light you need.
When you feel the least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress.
When you are the most humble, He is the most gracious.

When you can't, He can.

643. 31 Oct 2010 05:36


Hi Hazer,
I make a special prayer for you and your husband on the 4th.
Regarding those beautiful words on the card. They express what I have constantly told you,namely,that He is the Concrete, Absolute,Universal in whom everything abides.(I got those words from a lecture I had on Sacramental Theology). Keep hoping dear Hazer,everything is possible with Him at your side. Always in my prayers.

644. 1 Nov 2010 20:19


Hi everyone,

My husband's surgery date has been canceled until further notice because he developed an infection on Saturday. It came on very suddenly with a fever and cough. He has been put on heavy doses of antibiotic. They suspected pneumonia but tests show that the infection is in his blood, but they don't know where it's coming from. They think it most likely has to do with the cancer or that the stint they put in is becoming plugged. He does look a bit more jaundiced again.
He has been set up with IV that he can have at home but we will have to go into the hospital every day to get a new bag of antibiotic.
We've spent so much time in either the Urgent Care clinic or in the ER, that we are exhausted. I feel like I am coming down with a cold too. Better try to get some rest. Talk to you again soon. Take care and I enjoy looking at all the new theme pics. I just don't have time to comment right now.

645. 2 Nov 2010 01:31


You are really brave Hazer. Get as much rest as you can. You will need it and so will your husband. Thanks for sparing some of your valuable time to tell us your news.

646. 4 Nov 2010 01:17


Please know my heart and prayers are with you too. I can tell that you are a great soul.

647. 5 Nov 2010 11:12


A prayer for Baldur & family durring a difficult time... (see radio Baldur for details)...

648. 5 Nov 2010 11:23


Hazer, I continue to pray for your husband, you and your family. I wonder if it would not be a little less taxing if he were admitted until his infection clears up rather than having to travel back and forth every day, though I am sure he takes comfort being at home.

649. 8 Nov 2010 21:57


It is very late and I have just gotten home from spending the day in the ER with my husband waiting to be seen by a doctor. What an ordeal for my poor husband. We were finally seen by a member of the surgical team who agreed to admit him and keep him in until they can get him into surgery. We were so grateful as we are not able to keep ahead of either the infection or dehydration at home. The Dr. has decided to feed him directly into a vein in addition to letting me bring him goodies from home, and the not so appetizing hospital food. As for the infection, it will continue to be a threat until the cancer is removed, because the tumor is obstructing the bile duct, causing it to back up and become infected. He seems to spike a fever every now and then, so they'll be able to keep an eye on him.
He is facing surgery that as the Dr told us is "as big as it gets". He says one of the biggest problems will be to keep him breathing after the surgery. My husband has mild asthma and obstructive sleep apnea which will increase his risk. I am wanting to recruit some of his family and friends to sit with him after surgery, if the hospital will allow it, just to see that he keeps breathing.
SO often I feel that I will not have the strength to go through this and yet I have to be strong for him and our girls. He is counting on me to be brave. I feel so helpless and totally dependent on God to carry us through this. Again I thank you for your prayers on our behalf.

650. 9 Nov 2010 02:45


Dear Hazer, I have not commented in a while but I want you to
know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers....

651. 9 Nov 2010 12:12


Hazer, it's nice to see your drawings in the circumstance you have right now. Each of us has different reason to draw here and I want to see you drawing when you feel like it. Please share your feelings by drawing when you feel like it. We are here...

652. 9 Nov 2010 21:18


Hazer, you are being very brave and strong. I think your husband, family and God would understand and allow for you to break down from time to time if it happens. Please, don't feel badly if you do break down some. You continue to be in my prayers.

653. 10 Nov 2010 10:04


We have finally gotten a new surgery date. One week from today on Nov 17th.
Since my husband was admitted to hospital on Monday and getting IV fluids he has gained 11 pounds. He thinks they plan to put in a feeding tube today which should help him regain some of the body fat he's lost as well.
It is a relief to now have a date for surgery, which means that if all goes well he should be back home by the 1st of December.

654. 10 Nov 2010 10:52


Praise God! So happy for you hazer, to finally get this set!

655. 10 Nov 2010 13:02


Let's hope everything is OK for the 17th and that your and your hubby can spend Christmas at home!!!!

656. 10 Nov 2010 14:44


Hazer, so good to hear that your husband has a date for his operation. I will be thinking of you both and look forward to hearing more good news from you. Best wishes.

657. 11 Nov 2010 05:44


Thank you everyone. Your comments are always so encouraging and comforting to know I am not alone as our family goes through this time of uncertainty.
We are so blessed to have my husband in the care of an excellent surgical team. Our prayer is that the cancer has not spread to the point that it cannot be removed. My husband is optimistic which is very much his character. I am always so impressed by his concern for others and how he puts everyone at ease. He does not indulge in self-pity. I feel honored to be his wife and soul mate.

658. 11 Nov 2010 07:39


Dear hazer, I just read all the ordalia your Husband and you are going trhough. I send you many thoughts of brightness and warmt for the best result of your husband's surgery. Hope you achieve to get some rest and feed well, bc you and your family needs you to be well and strong for all you.
a big huge!

659. 11 Nov 2010 12:19


Sending out prayer's to all of you. Keep believing in yourselves and in God and I'm sure you'll all be answered with what he feel's you need.

I'd also like to send out prayers to all those fighting for us...and for those in other places suffering caused by war's and hunger.

I pray that the world will one day be living in peace with love, understanding and caring for each and every human being and animal on this earth.

Peace be still and know that you are God.


660. 14 Nov 2010 11:54


Dear Hazer,
I cannot just go to sleep without giving you some words of courage!Keep going strong and fight for your husband's sake. Always remain in touch with the One above. He will surely guide you and your dear husband in this ordeal.Always in my prayers dear hazer.