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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6281. 13 Feb 2010 10:38


Hey Dragon I think alot of us in the States would send you all the snow you wanted if we could!

Since I have been going up on weekends to help my parents my house is a disaster!!! Because of the snow we stayed home and Im catching up:( Can anyone explain to me how 2 small girls can create so much mess?!?
Especially when they are trying their best to help YOU clean up!lol
I finally told them to just go play...........outside!

6282. 13 Feb 2010 11:03


matthew - the way to save a picture here is to ask it to Print... then kill the print window that pops up... then right click the picture and click SaveAs (or whatever your browser says).

It will be 245 pixels wide by 275 pixels high.

That's simply the largest TD saves it as. To enlarge it beyond that, you'll have to use an image manipulation program like Paint, or PaintShopPro, or Photoshop etc etc... and it will become slightly softer focus.

6283. 13 Feb 2010 11:33


That doesn't work for me... I get the same flash player choices both times...

6284. 13 Feb 2010 12:23


hm... the one that is printable is not flash, so let's stop and think a moment here... my guess is it's a simple misunderstanding and/or mis-click, but we could start by asking which browser you're using, msie or firefox... or... oops... are you on an apple? Even so, tho, TD stores the printable version as a nonflash jpg. When you get to that page, and you right click it, on the tiny pop-up menu down at the bottom should be the term "properties"... click that and see what it says.

6285. 13 Feb 2010 12:29


notice that your picture "about to rock" normally has an address of

but the printable version's address is

...if you're having a problem with the Print button (under the main picture), you could simply type in the URL to change the words "picture.php" to "print.php"

...and of course you can swap out any ID# you want, too.

6286. 13 Feb 2010 12:32


Hey cool Q... You are my hero... You know that right???

6287. 13 Feb 2010 14:05


Bella, it's so nice of you to offer me your snow. I personally have had more snow than I strictly need (though it's been lovely here lately, we're not getting anything like you guys) but I'm sure if you could figure out a way to transport it to Vancouver they'd welcome it.

6288. 13 Feb 2010 14:24


Thank you so much for the info on how to save larger pictures Qsilv. I haven't been able to do this since TD introduced the 'play' feature. I've just spent a happy hour updating my saved pics.
By the way, I am watching the winter Olympics and thought that the opening ceremony was beautiful. Now and again I pass the vast building site for the 2012 Olympics here in London and only hope that we don't make a mess things!

6289. 13 Feb 2010 14:27


Its Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs here at my house right now! I just saw the TD gummi bears trying to sabotage an airplane! Its cute, but I cant wait for the 2nd feature: Night At The Museum.
We decided to have spaghetti for dinner and let the movie keep the meatballs! I made it with whole wheat spaghetti and it really absorbed the sauce making it a little dry. It was still good, but Ive got alot more leftover than normal. Well Im off to make some brownies!

6290. 14 Feb 2010 04:55


Baldur is Back!
Happy Valentine's day to everyone.
Let's start this with an easy cooking episode.
It's easy in that Baldur has everything already typed up.

This cake is not as dark in color as a Devilsfood cake but is quite nice
I'm including a decadent chocolate frosting with it, but it is not the type used for decorating cakes all flowery & fancylike, it's the shiny dark brown type you would find on a Boston Cream Pie.

Baldur's Basic Chocolate cake

preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
spray two 9" cake pans with vegetable oil spray and fit a circular piece of parchment or waxed paper into the bowttom of each. Also spray the paper liner and then dust the interior of the pans with a little cocoa powder (or flour). Tap out the excess and set the pans aside
Take 1/2 cup of boiling water or hot coffee in a cup and add 2 ounces of broken up unsweetened baking chocolate, set aside until the chocolate melts, stirring occasionally. (if this doesn't seem to be melting as nicely as you'd like put the cup in the microwave oven for 20 seconds. Once dissolved allow the chocolate mixture to cool.

Meanwhile in another bowl sift to combine
2+1/2 cups of flour, and
1 teaspoon baking powder
set this aside

In the bowl of a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment cream together:
1 cup softened butter, and
2 cups brown sugar
when combined nicely, add, one at a time
2 eggs
and beat until well blended in.

with the mixer running on slow add into the butter mixture:
the melted chocolate
1+1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter milk (or milk that has previously had a dribble of vinegar or lemon juice added to curdle it)

when the above is nicely combined add the sifted dry ingredients and mix well.

Divide the batter into the 2 pans and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center is comes out clean.
Allow the cakes to cool on racks.

Baldur's Chocolate Frosting

in a large saucepan melt
4 ounces of butter
stir in:
3/4 cup cocoa powder
stir this until it is quite smooth with your wooden spoon
1+1/2 to 2 cups of confectioner's sugar (Baldur uses the lesser amount because he likes chocolate on the bittersweet side)
Stir this together, it will 'sieze' up, get very stiff and look like you've made a horrible mistake.
add 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla extract
add no more than 2 teaspoons of boiling water or hot coffee and stir until combined
it will become much looser, a very glossy, beautiful deep brown color.
You may actually need a little more hot liquid but in any event add it a teaspoon or less at a time.
It should be on the soft side but not too runny
place a glob of it on the top of the cake and spread it quickly just to the edge with your spatula, it may weep over the sides gently but will soon set up into a fudgelike consistency

6291. 14 Feb 2010 05:23


Excuse me sir... Do we know you???

6292. 14 Feb 2010 05:28


I am crushed, how can you forget this moment of bonding (among many) that we've shared?

6293. 14 Feb 2010 05:29


Haven't we repeatedly inspired each other to new heights?

(- height + depth)

6294. 14 Feb 2010 05:30


Oh yeah... I remember you now... Alas...

6295. 14 Feb 2010 07:19


Matthew's tattoo across his back... 160746_5176401_s.jpg

6296. 14 Feb 2010 07:20


Not sure why that doesn't work... Go to my facebook to see it...

Find me (J Matthew Dugger) & become my friend to see...

6297. 14 Feb 2010 09:13


Happy Valentines day everyone!
And welcome back Baldur. We did our best to be interesting and scintillating but somehow it just wasn't the same without the Baldur of Channel Baldur.

6298. 14 Feb 2010 09:18


Channel Baldur!!! That's where I remember you from!!!

6299. 14 Feb 2010 09:19


Happy Valentines Day!!
I agree with Dragon and a big welcome back from me also Baldur!

6300. 14 Feb 2010 09:59


And Happy Year of the Tiger!