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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6261. 12 Feb 2010 16:26


It is still snowing... may get another 2 inches... and me without my dog sled & parka...

6262. 12 Feb 2010 17:24


I know it is the craziest thing! I can kind of understand the school closing here because of the early snow and the fact that they were expecting the temp to drop way below freezing. Oh...well.... I bet the kids didnt mind!!! I know mine didnt! I didnt think I was ever going to get them to sleep last night!

I hope you have the big fat pretty flakes, we had the little flurry swirlys!lol

6263. 12 Feb 2010 17:27


Matthew and belladonis--we had snow flurries here in Virginia two days ago, and there's still snow on the ground here and there. Most folks around here are ready for spring. The bad part now is dodging all the new potholes on the roads. Bummer!

6264. 12 Feb 2010 19:31


PS--Herr Baldur must be on vacation.

6265. 12 Feb 2010 20:42


Baldur left a note... said basically he'd check back after Valentine's to see if the servers had stabilized...

6266. 13 Feb 2010 00:15


He took a TD vacation the same time last year ... can't say I blame him.

6267. 13 Feb 2010 06:39


Ok... I have had snow ball fights and built a 5' tall snow man with my 5 yr old daughter... I am exhausted & she is still bubbling with energy...

6268. 13 Feb 2010 07:06


So the snow is sticking around for you matthew. We woke up to bright sunshine! My kids want to come to your house!!lol
Did you get a chance to make snow cream? We didnt the snow was to wet to make it:(.
I saw on the news that 49 out of all 50 states has snow! My state Ala had the biggest snow since 1979!

6269. 13 Feb 2010 07:12


Good fun matthew!! Know Joy is ecstatic!

6270. 13 Feb 2010 07:36


The most here since 1973... This Global Warming thing sure is wierd... lol

6271. 13 Feb 2010 08:09


You can see pics of me & Joy playing in the snow on my wife's facebook...!/profile.php?id=1141170960

6272. 13 Feb 2010 08:33


I tried to get your pics but I'm not having any luck!lol

6273. 13 Feb 2010 08:43


try my page...!/?ref=home

or find me (j matthew dugger)

you will need to request to be my friend in order to see them...

6274. 13 Feb 2010 08:44


ignore the [#!/ref=home]

6275. 13 Feb 2010 08:53


You know when I was a kid it could be a full blown blizzard out and they wouldn't cancel school. I don't think I had more than maybe 2 snow days in my whole childhood. Now it seems like they're ready to shut down the schools for a couple of inches. I think they're making kids soft now.

6276. 13 Feb 2010 08:55


Dragon, I went to school in NH... We never had snow days... Went to school with multi-feet of snow on the ground...

6277. 13 Feb 2010 08:55


spokane washington last year broke its record for the most snow, this year they are still 2 inches under the record for the least. we have had more rain than usual, already had one close call with a slide.

6278. 13 Feb 2010 08:57


Are you competing in the Olympics up there Dragon? Saw the nasty luge crash that killed that man... Aweful thing to happen right at the start of it all...

6279. 13 Feb 2010 09:11


How does one save a large version of our TD pics?

6280. 13 Feb 2010 09:17


No competition for me. I'm not terribly athletic, though my brother used to be on the Canadian Amuptee Hockey Team that plays at the Paralympics (not the guys in sleds but rather amputees). He's not playing this year though, it took too much of his time away from his family.
That luge accident was horrible, they aired the footage on the news and I kind of wish they hadn't. I can't imagine being his family and having to watch that on the news.
They did a nice job at the opening ceremonies to remember him though. Don't know if you saw it but they had a moment of silence for him and put the Canadian flag and the Olympic flag to half mast.
We'll hope the rest of the games are safe and that there are no more tragedies.

I will say that I was terribly impressed with the opening ceremonies. They did a great job of them. At the end when they lit the Olympic cauldron (which they had a little trouble with - the hydrolics in GM Place that lifted the cauldron didn't work properly) I though it was cool the way they had 4 Canadian athletes light the cauldron there indoors. Then Wayne Gretzky took the torch to light the outdoor one down in the harbour. It was neat to see him being taken down the streets of Vancouver to the waterfront, but you could tell the rain was really falling. They're having a terrible time with the rain. I don't really know why they're surprised, I lived there for 6 months and I could have sworn it rained every day for 4 months straight. And that was about this time of year too. Oh well, when Calgary hosted it in '88 the Chinooks just about melted all the snow, they had lots of delays and they still managed to get everything in. They'll find a way, even if it means helicoptering in tons of snow to cover the mountain (which is exactly what they've done).