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6221. 6 Feb 2010 14:25


Bella, wishes for a speedy recovery!

OK, now last week I shared an article with Puzzler on her Great Britain challenge about a hotel in England which was offering a service to have your bed warmed by a live person! I thought those Brits must be very odd indeed to want some stranger warming their beds.

But today I found this article about those weird Canadians to the north of me! Dragon, I know you don't live near Toronto, but still, I like to hold you personally responsible for anything remotely strange that comes out of Canada (like geese) so I am sharing this with you. Happy Valentine's Day to the perverts in Canada! LOL thro/?icid=main|htmlws-main|dl4|link7| ian-restaurant-encourages-patrons-to-have-sex-in-its-bathro%2F

6222. 6 Feb 2010 14:29


OK, let me try that again. I don't know why it didn't work. thro/?icid=main|htmlws-main|dl4|link7| ian-restaurant-encourages-patrons-to-have-sex-in-its-bathro%2F

6223. 6 Feb 2010 14:38


Well, here's a similar article. Maybe this one will work. I'm determined to educate everyone about this!

6224. 6 Feb 2010 14:43


Baldur can't leave - it's supposed to be 'All Baldur, all the time!'

6225. 6 Feb 2010 15:16

belladonnis really dont know what to say about that one!

6226. 6 Feb 2010 15:26


I mean its not like we dont know that kind of thing happens from time to time, and that movie with Diane think it was....Unfaithful, well that scene was kindof HOT. But then I'm not Diane Lane and I dont think I would like to know what that 80 yr old couple next to me would be having for dinner.......on the menu......or not!lol

The bed warming thing to me is still just SOOOOO gross! No offense! But EWWWW!

6227. 6 Feb 2010 19:10


What if I promise not to fart Bella???

6228. 6 Feb 2010 19:19



6229. 6 Feb 2010 19:58


LOL...... matthew my throat hurts so bad and you have to make me laugh so hard!!!!!! Not fair......sooo not fair!!!!

6230. 6 Feb 2010 23:35


I'm so glad everyone can SLEEP but me!!!!! These meds the doc put me on are a nightmare.......well no if that were the case I would be sleeping!!!!

The long awaited Christmas at the Killen household was alot of fun......or at least I heard...LOL My sister was kind enough to bring me a plate full of wonderful food and some yummy desserts! The GoLitelys wont have to know about that!!!
My sister-in-law made a tasty pinapple salad that was served hot. It went so well with the turkey....really had a unique flavor!!
My girls kept coming in a playing nursemaid, untill the presents were being passed out!!!! They made quite a killing! My mom gave my oldest Ash a sewing machine.....not a toy but the real deal. She was so excited she has wanted to learn to sew for so long. My sister is an excellent seamstress. She can make anything as sell it for any price......honest.
I can barely thread a needle!lol Ash and I are going to have fun trying to catch up with my sis.

Zoe got lots of arts and crafts....such as bracelet makers, paint sets and a really cool knitting set.

My favorite gift was a can opener!!!!!! Yes..... believe it or not it was. It has a very clever is a ratchet style opener.....very sturdy and works like a charm. See Bella has had the worst luck with can openers. I've had electric which quit no more of those. Then I tried the regular manual can openers..... about 6 in all......they just were never sturdy enough or either I just didnt know how to use them!!! So for the past year I have been opening my can goods with a steak knife! It worked....... not a quick job I might add..... but I refused to spend anymore money on useless can openers.
When I came up one weekend to see my parents I noticed her can opener and begged her to tell me where she got it......she was already her plan to get me one since she was afraid I would lose a finger with the steak knife!

Oh well sorry for rambling on an on. I'm going to try sleep now......if I cant I will be back! SORRY!lol

6231. 7 Feb 2010 09:06

Baldur 0&gameWidth=760&gamenum=77&launchOk=true

6232. 7 Feb 2010 10:17


Baldur ... that is too much for my brain right now, but later after the nap ... tee hee.

belladonnis, thanks for sharing your Christams story. That was a fun read. Especially like the can opener story. So appreciate that because ... YES! Those little things in life can be so wonderful! If you can find a picture of that can opener on the web, I'd love to see one. Can't imagine it.

6233. 7 Feb 2010 10:39


Dragon, sorry about your car! Maybe you should get some sled dogs and all of that! Tee hee, then you can run them down to Boise and get rid of those dang CANADIAN geese. (tee hee).

Robin, weird links indeed! Thanks for sharing ... weird news is such fun. Would not want to visit that restaurant or have my bed warmed by anyone but the cat (the calico often warms up where my feet will go and that is a most admirable trait), but weird news still charms the heart.

Baldur, sorry you've had a hard time getting on TD and sorry for the other irritations. If you could be in Missouri right now you'd not have a single irritation. The sky is overcast but it's only about 30 degrees out. marius took an hour walk in the woods at a local preserve and it was heavenly as not another soul was out and about. Had the whole place to myself. By the creek there was an ice sheet about the size of a king-sized bed, but shaped like a diamond to match the inlet where it rested, and the walking stick (made of paw paw for light weight carrying) could not resist that ice sheet. Poked at it a bit and just a tiny shove moved the ice out into the current. It was BEAUTIFUL the way that ice sheet moved away from the shore, carrying the little embedded animal tracks with it. Then there was moss everywhere. Adore how moss stays so green and inviting in the winter. It always seems there must be hundreds of tiny folk who live in those moss patches. A large group of crows seemed to follow me about, chattering about who knows what. Later there were jays making a racket and then by the tiny Sycamore Creek waterfall, there was a brown creeper moving up a tree. He was chirping and something about that tiny bird feeds the soul. For a while there were gigantic flakes of snow falling, the kind that seem to fall so slowly you think they'll never land. The flakes fell on my face and that felt good as had hiked up quite a sweat. The sycamore tree further up the culvert seemed happy to see me. We've been friends for over twenty years. (Oh stop laughing, trees make very good friends.) Sigh, life in Missouri can be rather grand. : )

6234. 7 Feb 2010 11:00


Marius here it is

6235. 7 Feb 2010 16:12


Wow, belladonnis, thanks! Showed it to spouse ... tee hee ... think we'll have a new can opener before long. Thanks!!!

6236. 7 Feb 2010 22:17


marius should be asleep but got involved with projects and the clock kept ticking the way clocks do and now it's 2:11 a.m. Anyway, where else can a funny moment be shared but on Channel Baldur?

Called my friend, Diane, tonight. We've been trying to meet up since before Christmas and for one reason or another nothing is working out. She lives about an hour away and there is always a trick in where to meet and all of that.

So, I dial the phone, she picks it up and says, "This is why I love you ... YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD WHO WOULD CALL WHEN THERE ARE TWO MINUTES LEFT IN THE SUPERBOWL!"

I said I'd call back but she kept laughing (amid little groans about whatever was happening with the men in tight pants) ... and then she said she is going to entertain her friends with the tale of my ill-timed phone call for the next several years!

??? Why is it so hard to believe that someone would forget about the Superbowl? ???

However, hoping that Baldur and all of you football fans had a wondrous night of fun and enjoyment! Go Saints! (Or, since they won ... is it too late to say "Go Saints!" ? ; )

6237. 8 Feb 2010 00:37


ROFL @ Belated Go Saints... "Who Dat"!!!

6238. 8 Feb 2010 06:47


Well, marius, I just had a hair raising drive on the freeway early this morning, so reading your comment on your walk in the woods has definitely improved my blood pressure! Thanks for sharing that!
Hubby and I have put our city house up for sale in hopes of getting back out to the country. I find the whole selling process quite stressful, but a necessary means to the desired idyllic country life we both long to get back to.
Hubby has already purchased a team of Belgian horses complete with harness, as well as 3 young quarter horses, in anticipation of a quick sale.
I am a more cautious sort, however, and will breath much easier once the real estate agent has finished showing the place and boxes have all been packed. Then the reality might sink in.

6239. 8 Feb 2010 08:32


whoaaa.. wait... your hubby knows how to handle a team of those biiiig babies?
(eyeing you with fascination here...) And... do you, too?

6240. 8 Feb 2010 08:53


LOL at the Valentine's nookie in the restaraunt bathroom!! I'm sure if I tried I could think of a less romantic place to get it on but I don't want to strain my brain. For some reason that reminded me of eating at a restaraunt in Dawson Creek. It was a nice little place in a hotel (the kind of hotel that would look at home on the set of a western movie). In the ladies room the owners had painted a life sized Garden of Eden sort of scene complete with a naked Adam and Eve. Naked and anatomically correct I should add. This would have been sort of odd to begin with but just outside the bathroom where you stand waiting your turn were a great many framed photos of the owners meeting people and put the restaraunt together and what not. Yes, the owners had used their own faces for Adam and Eve (I'm not sure if they used everything of their own - the photos weren't that explicit). That was a little on the strange side.