Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6201. 6 Feb 2010 04:33


I don't know if this has happened to anybody, but it happened to me that when I want to enter TD it says the TD server is busy. How can we be sure that if we submit a pic it won't get lost?
Could it be because of all the new changes?

6202. 6 Feb 2010 06:15


Polenta - perhaps a combination that includes them, but most likely to do with the influx of so many new players... which should settle down when the BBC exposure passes.

There's a little more about it in the Feedback Forum--

6203. 6 Feb 2010 06:17


Qsilv... ICK!!!

Polenta... There is no way to be sure... and it is because of all the new people at once...

6204. 6 Feb 2010 07:08

Qsilv "ick"? (one eyebrow slowly rises...)

6205. 6 Feb 2010 07:31


i"ve been absent due to my vacation ending and work infringing on thinkdraw time, but sounds like there are problems here. hmmm.

Well, the only problem I have, (aside from having too short a vacation) is that my geese have returned. I had about a week's reprieve, and now...

Several days ago I sold my son's loft bed on Craigslist. The woman who came to buy it had just moved here a few months ago from New Mexico. I don't know if they don't have geese down there or what, but she looked at my driveway, which is completely covered in large turds, and said, "WOW! You have some really BIG birds around here!" LOL! That almost made it worth the mess, but not quite.

6206. 6 Feb 2010 09:27


Robin, I swear I've been doing my best goose calls to try to draw them back up here but they just aren't listening. I guess they know we're still well in the grips of winter up here.

6207. 6 Feb 2010 09:47


We are still in the grip of winter here too Dragon... It is currently a bitter 52° here... Burrrrrrrr...

6208. 6 Feb 2010 10:26


I'm not sure what that is in Celcius but it's currently -11C here and that's actually not a bad temperature at all for February. It was snowing earlier but seems to have stopped now, so I don't really have anything to complain about weather-wise.

6209. 6 Feb 2010 10:44


Here's a little more Red Deer Ramblings for anyone who's interested.
My beloved car, which has been in the shop waiting for it's new engine, is all ready to go except for one thing. There was a large chunk of ice under the hinge of the hood and when my boyfriend (who happens to be the mechanic working on it) lifted the hood the top corner caught on the chunk of ice and bent out of shape. On 90% of new cars this never would have happened simple because of the way the hood is designed but mine likes to be special. So it goes to the body shop on Monday and I should have it back by Tues I hope.
So for those keeping track the score is
Ice Chunks: 2
Dragons Cobalt: 0

6210. 6 Feb 2010 10:48


Clearly the Fates are telling you to become a Mexican, just as you've always suspected, Dragon. Obviously Canada's winters not only don't agree with you, but also with your vehicle!

And keep up the goose calls. I saw them last night, and there were some fresh, um, know, this morning on my walk, but no sign of them today. Perhaps they can hear you.

6211. 6 Feb 2010 11:20



6212. 6 Feb 2010 11:26


testing testing

6213. 6 Feb 2010 11:33


phew, Baldur has been unable to post anything for at least a few hours now, I'd type something up , submit it, and it would get sucked into a black hole.
I tried opening a new feedback topic but it just absolutely wouldn't let me start a new thread. Baldur made 8 efforts to post the problem over the course of 5 hours. No luck
In the meantime ThinkDraw has addressed the issue itself, but I will not be doing any drawings in the near future, it's too disheartening to spend time on something only to lose it.
Even typing for Radio Baldur is fraught with problems.
I copy and save everything now in case it doesn't go through the first time.
Even my 'welcome back Polenta' never made it.

If this doesn't go through most likely I'll give up for a few days, my aggravation thresh-hold this week has been repeatedly challenged.

6214. 6 Feb 2010 11:35


Well what do you know?, it went through.

6215. 6 Feb 2010 11:41


No it didn't... We do not see a thing... What a wild imagination you have sir...

6216. 6 Feb 2010 11:46


Talk about an aggravation thresh-hold

6217. 6 Feb 2010 11:58


.....and again it froze up

This is frankly too stressful for Baldur.
A great shortcoming of mine is my lack of tolerance for things that don't work properly.
For example....
Our television has become a piece of crap since everything went digital, everytime there is a breeze, a cloud overhead or a bird flies by we lose our picture.
Right now ThinkDraw is causing me stress. Auntie B and I are going away for a week. Have fun guys see you all sometime around Valentine's Day.
Hopefully it will be working by then.

6218. 6 Feb 2010 13:14


Have fun Baldur! I hope Auntie B found her teeth!
I've been having probs to but just trying to post a new thread! Oh and when I comment and rate a picture it throws me out!

Bella has come down with a really bad cold at her moms and spent most of the day at a urgent care clinic. Dr says I havesomething called Mycoplasma!?! The Doc says I'm contagious which is just GREAT since we came up here to finally celebrate Christmas now that my mom is feeling better.
Sooooo I'm stuck in a back bedroom like the Elephant Man while everyone eles is having a good time!!!!
Well at least my mom gave me her laptop and I can whine to you guys!!lol

6219. 6 Feb 2010 13:41


pff.... what a rotten time to find time to draw, when it's not safe to save or submit 'em!
Stick with us in the forums bella --and take good care of yourself! ;>

6220. 6 Feb 2010 13:59


Thanks Q! I will be hopping back and forth from TD and Club Pogo....Ijust love Scrabble and Texas Holdem!!!!