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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

621. 12 Oct 2010 18:36


Thank you all for your comments. I just came home from spending the day at the hospital. When I arrived this morning my husband was doubled over moaning in pain. The nurse had only given him something for nausea, but not for pain. Thank goodness I got there when I did, and I could get someones attention so he could get some morphine.
He has another test that will be done at a different hospital, and when those results are in together with the pathologists findings on the biopsy that was done earlier, they will send him to a surgeon.
I hope and pray it will be before the weekend.
He had an MRI done on Monday morning. It didn't show anything that the doctors didn't already know. They told us that the spots on his liver and pancreas are not cancerous. Right now all we know is that it is in the bile duct. The ultrasound will be of his stomach, to see if there is anything there that needs to come out.
We are being carried by the prayers of friends and family and we will not give up hope.

622. 12 Oct 2010 18:43


Do not ever give up hope. Sending positive wishes to you and your husband and family for his speedy recovery.

623. 12 Oct 2010 19:34


Thank you mdawrcn. I was just doing a little research and it seems this is quite a rare form of cancer. Depending on the stage it is at he may be helped by having a liver transplant. We will have to wait and see what the surgeons have to say.

624. 12 Oct 2010 19:37


Hazer, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

625. 12 Oct 2010 20:02


Thanks five.

626. 13 Oct 2010 07:18


May God enlighten doctors to take out whatever it is from the bile duct.

627. 13 Oct 2010 11:35


May God bless both you and your husband. Always in my prayers.

628. 16 Oct 2010 21:03


An update:

My husband was transferred yesterday to the hospital where his surgery will be done. Another CT scan has been ordered in hopes of getting a clearer image then the MRI gave them on Monday.
He will not see the surgeon until Monday and has been told he may be able to get a day pass to come home for awhile tomorrow.
Today our family gathered at the hospital and had a quiet little birthday celebration for our grandson who's turning 4 on Monday. The room my husband is in now is quite crowded . . . Four beds per room as opposed to the 2 bed rooms at the other hospital, so we met in a seating area by the elevators.
My husband was so happy to see the grand kids and be able to share in that special occasion. They are his pride and joy!
He seemed to be not as jaundiced as he was yesterday, but is continuing to lose weight and tires very quickly.
We pray for wisdom for the surgeon and the rest of the medical team in charge of his care.
God has given us a peace in our hearts as we wait for the surgery, and
He will give us courage to face whatever the outcome.
We have been flooded with phone calls and visits from friends and family who have come along side of us to encourage us and lift us up in prayer.
Thank you TD friends for your prayers and words of encouragement!

629. 16 Oct 2010 22:40


Oh, Hazer, I'm just catching up on parts of the forum.... this one's so hard to read. You're a dear, your drawings are clever and kind, your spirit's a real gift to us.

Online friends may be so distant the connection's almost gossamer, but it's real, we're real... we've shared vision and feelings... tender to downright goofy ones... you know we're sending you our real and deep affection now.

630. 17 Oct 2010 02:28


We will always give you words of encouragement... and I'm glad you took some of your precious time to share all this with us.

631. 18 Oct 2010 12:29


My husband called to say that the CT scan has been canceled and instead he will be coming home to wait for surgery. In the meantime he will be given something to help him gain weight, because right now the tumor is using up whatever he is able to eat or drink. He is to exercise and try to build up his strength in preparation for surgery.
He will be having a Whipple procedure done that removes part of the surrounding organs including the pancreas and liver, small intestine, etc.
The Dr told him he would feel like he'd been hit by a train for a couple of weeks after the operation and it would take another three months until he started feeling really good again.
It is a slow growing tumor and the biggest concern is if it has attached itself to a main blood vessel in which case the outcome would not be good.
He is very happy at the thought of being able to be at home for awhile. We just take one day at a time.

632. 18 Oct 2010 14:09


nod.... Hazer, that Whipple procedure (in its many variants) is brilliant.
Steve Jobs had it back in '04. On a more personal-tale scale, the husband of a good friend of mine had it about 15 years ago and altho he did indeed look and feel like a train-wreck for a month or so, he recovered beautifully!

Attitude, exercise, nutrition... you guys are on the right track. Travel well!


633. 24 Oct 2010 11:28


Hi Hazer,
I havn't forgotten you. I went back to work after the Summer holidays,and I have loads of preparing to do.In spite of all this you and your husband are ,every day,in my prayers.Never loose hope.God is always at your side to sustain and keep you unknowingly.So Courage,dear Hazer.T.D members are always there for you.

634. 24 Oct 2010 15:00


Hi Hazer, it's been a little while since we heard from you and I'm concerned. This is the first message I write for you but was reading your updates from the beginning. I tried to write but erased them so many times... Wishing everything has worked out for your husband. And don't forget to take care of yourself too, please.

635. 26 Oct 2010 18:46


To all of my dear TD friends. . . thank you for your continued support and prayers on my family's behalf!
I have had a busy week of preparing and cooking three big meals a day for my husband and we have been rewarded with him gaining 8 lbs as of today. I refuse to get on the scale because I think I might be keeping up with him!
He is feeling much better now that he is home where he can eat well and get a good nights sleep. He has had a lot of visitors and phone calls since he became ill. He has such a positive outlook, and peace about his future that everyone is amazed .
We have another week before we will find out when his surgery date will be.
It could be any time within the next 2 months. He hopes to have it all behind him by Christmas and be well on the way to recovery by then.

636. 26 Oct 2010 21:23


Hazer, it's really nice to hear from you with the situation. It's day by day matter and continue not to be easy for you and your whole family but you seem doing everything alright. Before Christmas... I'm praying for it.

637. 27 Oct 2010 02:51


GLAD to hear some news and in this case good news about your husband recovering weight. God willing, it'll be over around Christmastime. For the time being, be aware of the fact that we, TDers, are with you.

638. 27 Oct 2010 03:23


Blessings to you/hubby/family! Glad things are improving~may they continue to do so!

639. 28 Oct 2010 13:09


This is good news Hazer!You see prayers are always answered!Still in my thoughts and prayers.

640. 28 Oct 2010 22:26


We have a surgery date and it is much sooner then we were expecting...Thursday, Nov. 4th. That's only a week away!
We have so much to do in preparation. I pray for courage and strength for each day because this is so out of my control. I must be patient and allow God to work in my husbands life and heal him in His time and way.
It seems that there are so many others who are hurting and struggling at this time also. Since my husband got sick we have heard of friends who just lost their brother to cancer. He leaves a young wife and two little boys behind.
Another friend had surgery for ovarian cancer last week. She also lost her brother to cancer earlier this year.
And the couple we bought our team of horses from lost his 17 year old niece in a car accident two weeks ago.
We are not alone when it comes to facing life's trials. May God give us the grace to reach out to others in their pain and sorrow.