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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6181. 4 Feb 2010 19:14


Baldur, do what lots of American men do..... take a TV with you to the dinner, and no doubt, they will all be watching the big game. No cable?? Borrow some one's I pod.
I can't blame you for being po'd. Superbowl is a calendar holiday!

6182. 4 Feb 2010 19:28


Baldur - I was just thinking what lilalee said! Why not? ; >

marius -

6183. 5 Feb 2010 09:55


LMAO ... ROTF ... what a goofy cat indeed, Qsilv!

6184. 5 Feb 2010 10:21


Hehehe Qsilv, that was cute.

marius, ever considered getting a fountain for the cats? Believe it or not they do actually make fountains for pets. Some cats like running water or fresh water so this often does the trick. I had one for my boys but they really didn't care one way or the other so I gave it to a friend who thought her cats might do better on it (her cats both have urinary issues and she was hoping to entice them to drink more often).

6185. 5 Feb 2010 10:36


Talking about events scheduled on Super Bowl day got me remembering being in high school. I had a friend who was convinced that I needed a boyfriend and that she was going to help me find one. I'm not really sure why people feel this need, I was perfectly happy sans-man but she decided that I could be even more perfectly happy. Anyway she felt that the best place to look for my future boyfriend was at the mall. I was unsure of the pickings at the mall but thought at least I'll have a nice day shopping with my friend. Well, upon getting to the mall we realized that it was Grey Cup Sunday (the Canadian version of the Super Bowl). The only men there at all were the ones who had to work there or the ones whose wives made them come (the latter were all huddled around the electronics store window where the game was showing on several t.v.s). In fact there weren't many women there either. I don't think I've ever seen the mall so empty of people. Needless to say there was no boyfriend found for Dragon that day, I was actually a little relieved to tell the truth.

6186. 5 Feb 2010 10:38


lixit makes them... some cats will and some won't. I've got one who will NOT drink from a bowl, ONLY from a freely dripping tap. She somehow deals with even seriously hot water that way... presumably to her it's like hot tea (er... or coffee, if the finicky puzzler's reading this)

6187. 5 Feb 2010 12:53


I loved the 'kitty under the faucet' video and shared it with many friends.

Today Baldur made bread dough. My yeast is getting a bit old, an issue when you buy it a pound at a time. When baking anything yeast-based it needs to rise overnight, Hopefully I can use the old stuff up before Spring and get a new supply.

Also Chez Baldur was filled with the scent of chocolate and peppermint.
I got tired of looking at the last few candy canes sitting on the sideboard in the living room. To a batch of brownie batter I stirred in a couple teaspoons of pepperminy extract. Then I sprinkled hammered and smashed candy cane bits on top before baking.
They are quite marvelous.

6188. 5 Feb 2010 12:58


Auntie B was whining something about losing her cookie and made me feel I should bake something in consolation.
She was also rather wobbly, and dressed in an odd outfit,
She was wearing fitted khaki plus-fours with forest green wool ribbed knee-high stockings and bright red flashes. Over this a khaki top that looked suitable for a safari, a pith helmet and a faux ocelot stole that appeared bedraggled and covered in bits of dried leaves.
She was carrying a basket of morels, and worst of all was missing her teeth.
Heavens, it must have been some date she had last night.

6189. 5 Feb 2010 13:50


There may be more to Auntie B than meets the eye...........Auntie B do tell!

6190. 5 Feb 2010 13:56


I have it on good authority, that mathew is now in possession of Auntie B's gold teeth.

6191. 5 Feb 2010 14:08


Egads!!!!! What a mess!

6192. 5 Feb 2010 14:50


Thought Matthew just might be interested in this!!

6193. 5 Feb 2010 14:53


Hey I tried to start a new topic in the feedback section, it prompted me to submit it twice but it isnt there. What could the problem be??

6194. 5 Feb 2010 16:31


I may joke about stuff like that Lilalee, but have no interest in reality...

6195. 5 Feb 2010 16:40


He prefers to be the pole dancer rather than the one watching. hehehe

6196. 5 Feb 2010 16:41


Oh, I'm so sorry if I offended you. I only meant it as a funny, as my son sent it to me, telling me, it was the next thing on his 'to do' list!! I immediatly thought of you and your fun pole dancing!! Sorry!!

6197. 5 Feb 2010 17:03


jdxmom'd clobber 'im good.... ;-D

...but hey, *I* got a kick out of watching them whirling like that!

6198. 5 Feb 2010 20:40


We have been married so long that she just rolls her eyes at me anymore... No worries Lilalee. How were you to know I have hidden Christian values?

6199. 5 Feb 2010 20:41


and no Baldur... They are not hidden in my thong...

6200. 5 Feb 2010 21:03


...are Auntie B's teeth??