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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6101. 31 Jan 2010 10:03


Bella, still belly-laughin' over that name. Just stick to the milk of magnesia for dinner! LOL hahahahahaha

6102. 31 Jan 2010 10:09


Hey maybe for dessert, they have that yummy cherry flavor!!lol

6103. 31 Jan 2010 13:24


Does it hold peaks if you whip it?

6104. 31 Jan 2010 14:22


I doubt it. If you whip it with prune juice, for instance, it is usually too runny for peaks.

6105. 31 Jan 2010 16:44


Well, I have done it. I actually posted an ad on Craigslist. My son had a loft bed and has graduated to a regular bed. It's a nice loft bed with a desk on one side and drawers and shelves on the other. I was debating whether to try to sell it on Craigslist, or donate it and take the tax write-off. Being a single female, the thought of creepy people coming over to check it out was very unappealing. But I am heading to Vegas in a few weeks, and decided cash in hand sounded better than the little bit of tax return I'd get NEXT year. So wish me luck!

6106. 31 Jan 2010 17:39


Robin, congrats on the geese moving away and on the Craigslist posting. AM wishing you luck, that geese have gone for good and someone (sane and normal) wants to buy that bed before you can blink an eye.

AuntieB, you might have warned me. Laughed so hard that ... um ....let's just say it is not polite to laugh like that whilst drinking tea! The work crew has already left - so, sadly, no adventures to report there. And AuntieB, cannot ditch the yoga because it's the only medication I've found that works. Believe me, you do not want to hear from me or see me if I'm off the meds. tee hee. But thanks truly for all your good advice. Took that long bath you talked about tonight and now ... dreamland calls.

Maybe I'll catch up tomorrow. Oh ... but, did I mention my sister's gas stove is a Jenn-air (not sure of spelling), has two ovens and has NEVER been used! It's four years old. I am sorely tempted.

Sweet dreams to all.

6107. 31 Jan 2010 17:44


... I am off to check Craigs list for goose poop fertilizer... Once Robin gets the C/L bug I am sure she will be selling that too...

6108. 31 Jan 2010 17:52


Hope you get big bucks Robin!
Remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I hope you do share on the Channel!

6109. 31 Jan 2010 20:31


ye gods, marius... grab that stove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6110. 1 Feb 2010 03:24


How did she end up with an oven and never use it?
My parents bought a Jenn-Aire back in the 80's. My mother loved the griddle feature and the grill. She said a huge drawback was that the top of the unit was very complicated with lots of decorative metal edging etc and was impossible to clean well. She was forever scrubbing it and trying to get into crevices with a toothbrush etc.
She tends to be fanatical about such things.
Eventually she replaced it with something less versitile that was easier to maintain to her standards.
I believe the design of that brand has been changed enough that those problems no longer exist.
The largest peeve was that there was an exhaust vent built into the top surface right between the right bank and left bank of burner units. This was covered by a chrome plated ridged vent panel. That thing drove her to distraction. She kept a toothbrush under the sink for cleaning it.

Then they dismantled the Jenn-Aire and put it out piece by piece in the trash over several weeks. My parents deface anything that they dipose of so people won't pick up their trash off the curbside. They are horrified whenever they see that happening.
I've told them about Freecycle ages ago and offered to post things for them but they won't hear of it.
They are not too happy knowing that their own son Baldur would stoop to taking things he finds on the curbside. I furnished my first apartment mostly with castoffs and it was very nice.

6111. 1 Feb 2010 03:41


Baldur's parents have so many odd and antisocial quirks that they deserve to have a sitcom based on their lives.
They have no friends, none. Neither dines out , attends the theatre or goes to any public venue because of 'germs'. There are no places that have cleanliness standards high enough to satisfy them.
Supermarkets are a challenge as you must imagine. Canned goods are washed before being put away in the home pantry.
Not certain how produce is sanitized properly, can one boil lettuce?
Baldur's children were never accepted into the family and were made to feel so uncomfortable that they stopped having any contact with the Grandparents. It's been more than 10 years since they saw each other and Miss Noelle vows to never see them again. It's rather sad.

The other grandchildren, Prunella's spawn are the golden ones.
This should turn out interesting because of another antisocial quirk.
The Grandparents also do no associate with noncaucasians, nonCatholics, probably nonRepublicans and those below a certain income bracket.
Prunella's daughter, Prunetia insists on bringing a beau to holiday dinners.
The young man, who has now been seeing the girl for 2+ years, is Jewish.
He also apparently hails from down South somewhere, no doubt another strike against him.
I can just imagine how this vexes Grandma.

Basically they are dreadful people and should be avoided at all costs.

6112. 1 Feb 2010 03:47


Auntie B should add that Prunetia, much like her mother Prunella are stunning creatures. Both are extremely attractive. Prunetia perhaps being a bit more so.
Both have always garnered the attention of men rather easily, but neither are particularly flirtacious. They are each rather serious in demeanor.
The fact the Prunetia is barely 20 and has dated this same gentleman exclusively for 2 years speaks to that.

6113. 1 Feb 2010 05:09


Baldur I'm sorry to hear that about your parents. They must have miserable lives.
I couldnt imagine my daughters not wanting to have any contact with their grandparents, mine or my ex.
My parents and my ex's parents are very different from each other. My parents where rather wealthy and my ex.....well really didnt have alot. The ex's mom is native american and his dad was very hard working. His mom hunts and cleans what they kill and they get most of their meat that way. VERY, very different from how I was raised. But I love them, and oh what I learned from his mom!!!!
My father was concerened when I told them I wanted to marry my ex, simply because of the big differences. But my parents were never snobbish and grew to love my ex! They have hard feelings with him now for good reason, but are still close to his family.
I'm glad though that my children can be around those differences and have the chance to learn from that.
Hope all has a wonderful day I'm off to work:( going in late since I had things to do!

6114. 1 Feb 2010 05:12


Oh yea AuntieB.....being a born and raised southern girl, Baldur's parents can just KISS MY GRITS!

6115. 1 Feb 2010 06:52


Baldur, my sister never used the stove because after she bought it and put it in her house, she realized she'd be paying $30 a month for gas even if she didn't use the stove. To do that for a home she didn't really live in ...?

And, the reason sis has a house she doesn't live in is 'therapy.' When she moved back here to take care of my Mom, she and her husband moved in with my parents. Their house has a separate living area for sis and spouse, but Mom was still driving everyone crazy, so sis bought a little 1800's run down house and re-did the whole thing "for therapy." It took her about four years, but now it's quite a lovely little place and according to her .... was indeed good therapy.

After they put mom in a nursing home sis and her husband decided to stay on with Dad cause he loves his home but doesn't want to live there alone. So, my sis uses her little house for parties, lets people have meetings there, and for some mysterious reason, when she is there by herself, she never "remembers" to turn on her cell phone. It's her hide-away. She does want to cook there and hence, wants to get rid of her Jenn-aire. She's sending us the specs. Marius so misses cooking with gas, am thinking we'll be cooking with gas again. Maybe. Crossing fingers.

6116. 1 Feb 2010 07:12


Belladonnis and AuntieB, I love hearing about people, quirky, different, weird. They make life so wildly varied and interesting, but of course ... one does not want to 'live' with these folks. ; )

Taking apart a stove so no one else can use it speaks to a weird stinginess of spirit, which is probably a gigantic barrenness in the arena of love. How sad. And, isn't it curious that two people like that end up finding each other? It does not surprise that they have no friends. Reminds me of some little girls I knew in an area I lived. Ran into them many years after I'd moved and they were telling me all kinds of odd things about their mother. I'd barely known their mom, but had formed impressions. As the two girls went on and on I finally asked, "Does your mother have friends?" They looked shocked and said, "No! She's never had a single friend as long as we can remember. We always thought it was weird. How did you know?" Not sure how I knew, but trying to connect with that woman was impossible. Maybe that was the clue. I knew a gal whose mother had a thing about the cost of water. Her girls were allowed one bath a week and the water could be no deeper than two inches. (There was no shower in the house.) The mother would measure the water with a ruler. Can you imagine washing long hair and keeping yourself clean with that limit ... when you're in highschool?

6117. 1 Feb 2010 08:28


Oh my, this introvert can tell she's had a high level of extrovert activities lately ... pardon for ending last post on such a um, well ... not cheery note!

To remedy that, the Missouri Moment segment today is about birds, or more specifically GBBC, the Great Backyard Bird Count! Should you feel you have no experience, do not fear, you have until Feb. 12 to decide if you want to participate and believe it or not, experience is really not required.

The way this works is you either watch birds in your backyard or some other place, a park, a seashore, (probably caged birds in a zoo do not count), and you try to do this for the same amount of time, maybe at the same time of day, four days in a row. You may watch just a few minutes each day, an hour, all day long. ... that's up to you.

Then you go to the site below and report your findings. Hint: it might not hurt to visit the site ahead of time. ; ) If there are any photogrpahers on TD, there is also a photo contest and some good rewards. You can review last year's winning photo's at the site below.

While marius does enjoy this activity and invites Mazie over for scones, tea and birdwatching, the real fun comes when people start entering their data and I can look at the maps. Last year 94,165 people made reports on 620 species of birds. This year ... Audubon has added Canada in the count procedings (Welcome, Canada!). We also enjoy this because we can look at reports made for our city. One year there was only one other person who saw a Harris's sparrow. It made us feel so special. (giggle). Enjoy!

6118. 1 Feb 2010 09:03


Dragon is amazed that Baldur overcame his upbringing to become the warm and interesting person he is. As for grandparents, I've always loved both sets of mine though my one grandmother can be a bit of a downer. I sent her a card for Christmas as I always have, and she sent me back a card thanking me for my attention because everybody else forgets about her. She then went on to tell me about how she has shingles and by the way her daughter had a heart attack so it wasn't a very busy season this year. Not sure why her shingles were more important than her daughters heart attack and she didn't bother to mention whether the daughter was ok or not. She's a strange duck.
My fella absolutly refuses to have contact with his grandfather and from what I've heard I can't blame him. The old man sounds like a miserable old cuss and he treats my fella's dad and all his family like dirt. The typical thing you'd hear about him is how the whole family would drive hours to spend time with him on his birthday and he'd tell them all how ungrateful they were and curse at them before asking 'You're not spending more than one night are you? Cause I don't have the room!' despite the fact that most people were staying in hotels. I can't say that I'm sorry I've never met him.

On to more pleasant things, here's a Red Deer Rambling for you. The other day I was driving through town pretty close to downtown (which I admit isn't huge in Red Deer). I went to turn a corner and trotting down the center of the street was a fat doe. She was unconcerned at the traffic around her and just trotted along right down the center line until she making her was into the trees. It's not uncommon to see deer in town but usually you see them eating from birdfeeders in someones back yard. The rare one you do see on the road is usually a little panicked or at least cautious about crossing. This one was very much an urban deer. It kinda made my day.

6119. 1 Feb 2010 16:51


Ooo, I almost forgot to mention. I finished (finally) my very first string of Baldur style window beads. I can see why he's addicted to bead buying. Despite having a full bowl full of beads I found myself thinking 'I really need more red beads and it sure would be nice to have a better variety of colours in the seed beads.' I bought more beads today!

6120. 1 Feb 2010 18:24


I missed the window bead posts:( It sounds interesting! I will have to go back and find them.

Do the deer there cause alot of accidents the way they do here in T town? We see them all the time in the field behind my mom's house. My parents have alot of land where they live and they dont allow any one to hunt on there land. When I was up there around christmas every day around 10 untill about 1 they would come out in the field and eat and play.
There are alot of animals that like to come out of the woods at my parents house and come right up to the back door! Several times I have seen an opossum that comes right up and eats with my moms cat that stays outside.
One of the funniest things happened several years ago. My parents use to have a big wood pile along the outside wall under their kitchen windows. These are really big windows. One night we were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee (yes we drink coffee at night) and we heard a noise, when we looked around we both just screamed. It looked just like a little old china man from those old B movies was staring right at us! Turned out it was our neighbors new goat!! He was standing on the wood pile peeking in!