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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6081. 30 Jan 2010 10:46


Aren't you forgetting someone else who clearly deserves her own radio station?

6082. 30 Jan 2010 10:50


oh Auntie, I cannot even begin to think about how horrible and forgotten Radio Baldur would become if you set yourself up as my competitor.
Do you want to drive your nephew to commit acts of desperation?
I might even be forced to have matthew do another poledancing routine.
He has recovered from the splinter removal surgery and could certainly be coerced into returning to the stage if provided with a brass pole.

6083. 30 Jan 2010 10:51


Well since you put it so nicely........

6084. 30 Jan 2010 10:53


Potaoes + t = Potatoes

6085. 30 Jan 2010 12:37


Thank you Robin! I do hate to punish my girls. I often I being to strict or not strict enough. Im a single mom and since their dad lives away I am the main one that raises them. It scares me sometimes and I worry alot on if Im doing a good job at it because I am a single parent. You see so many children that just run wild and have no respect for anything!
I have a friend and she had so much trouble and heartache from her daughter that she would just cry and cry. It always amazed me that she would have so much trouble with Liz. Liz had a strong family unit, a mom and wonderful father, went to church every sunday but she just was wild.

My friend Darin told me that its great to be your childs best friend but even greater to be thier best parent.

6086. 30 Jan 2010 12:39


AuntieB PLEASE, PLEASE no brass poles!!!

6087. 30 Jan 2010 13:45


Belladonnis, I am a single parent too. My son's dad lives nearby, and is involved in his life, but still isn't really a part of the day to day parenting stuff. And sometimes I'm just too worn down by my son to take on the fight, you know? That's where I think having 2 parents in the home gives you an advantage. When one parent is tiring, the other can take over.

I have a close friend whose daughter is giving them the same kind of struggles you mention with your friend. And same story. Nice kid growing up, great parents, strong family unit, church every Sunday. Can't figure it out. She is 15 and they are at the end of their rope. Sometimes you can do everything "right" and it's still just a crap shoot. So don't second guess yourself. We all do the best we can with what we know.

And Baldur, you're right. If Auntie B were to start her own radio station, I'd drop yours like a hot potatoe! LOL

6088. 30 Jan 2010 13:57


I completly understand Robin, sometimes your just to tired. I think we are going to make it!

6089. 30 Jan 2010 16:01


Baldur and his wife separated when the children were quite young, but maintained a cooperative approach to raising them.
They lived with Sandra but I took them on my weekends off.
What horrified my daughter early on was that her mother and I followed through on groundings and the like.
It seems my daughter was the one getting grounded over and over. My son never seemed to do anything to get into trouble.
If Miss Noelle was punished by her mother for something she was still kept to whatever restrictions were in place while with me.
Oh how that infuriated her.
My explanation was that you do not get vacations from punishment.
Mostly it was television being taken away from her, as this was before the age of the internet. Though once for whatever reason her non-school books were restricted. She loved to read even back then.

6090. 30 Jan 2010 16:39


Lol about the "Missouriless Musical Moment," Baldur.

Indeed marius is behind on Missouri offerings. Will try to catch up but haven't even caught up on all of Baldur radio offerings yet. Perhaps on Monday as tomorrow is yet another long day ... and I'm not even working. How does it happen? Perhaps I should ask Tater, but AuntieB could probably help. There's an idea!

Dear AuntieB,
I would like to have more time. How can I get some? First, it takes an hour to wake up. I've always been that way. After that there is the hour of yoga, the shower and those kinds of things. Then the secong jigsaw puzzle needs attention (the first was finally finished) and then Brenda needs me to run her to the doctor. By now it's after lunch because Brenda has to buy me lunch whenever I drive her somewhere. Meanwhile, my sister wants me to come visit (a two-hour drive round trip) and look at her gas range and would I like it and oh, I would but we'd have to get a gas hook-up put in and would that be worth it? And then the sewer repair people decide our driveway is a good one on which to use their cement saw, dig a hole big enough to put a smartcar in, and they are there all day and I could get out to do errands, but I have to make bread and soup for the potluck so it doesn't matter. Meanwhile, the cat is addicted to kitty Qi Gong and insists on about twelve ten-minute sessions a day and that is just from me. When grandkids are here the cat manages to squeeze in extra sessions them and then gets extra sessions from spouse too. Think we'll have to send the cat to Qi-Gong-Anonymous. He truly is addicted. Meanwhile, the birdfeeder that the cardinals like has finally bit the dust ... and you can see Auntie, I'm really doing 'nothing' the whole week long and yet there seems to be no time. What can I do?

lost in Missouri (but somehow, still smiling)

6091. 30 Jan 2010 16:40


My ex feels the same way as you Baldur. If one of the girls are grounded here then when he gets them they are grounded there.
Thats a good thing, but I have seen to many divorced couples that use there children against the other and that only hurts the child.

6092. 30 Jan 2010 16:52


Marius to bad we cant all be like Samatha from Bewitched. ( my fave as a child) With just a twitch of her nose everything was done! She could even stop time if she needed to. I think that would be great to be able to do!

Its cold here in T town and spitting sleet and snow. Ash and I just had some good hot chili that was almost too spicy! I added a few chopped jalapenos, maybe a few to many! It was still yummy!

6093. 30 Jan 2010 16:55


Oh Robin I still cant stop laughing about my team name the GoLitelys. Now I keep thinking of us as the Colonoscopy Kids!lol
I've had one of those not one of my fondest memories! I think I lost 10 pds in one night!

6094. 30 Jan 2010 17:22


Gentlest Reader,
Making time in your day is all about compromises marius.
I can shave 30 minutes off your routine immediately:
Stay in bed 90 minuters longer and skip yoga entirely.
Take a long hot bath and dump the puzzle in the litter box, overall another time saver.
Call a cab for Brenda, she can stop at that little French Bistro on the way home and get you your lunch. Since you are too busy to drive her AGAIN, bringing you a nice quiche, Romaine salad and baguette is the least she can do.
Tell your lazy sister that you aren't F****** Goodwill and to toss the broken down stove. Drive in the point that mom always spoiled her and that it's about time she got off her rapidly sagging bottom and visit you for a change.
Now put on a slinky skirt and the highest heels you can walk in and stroll out to see whoever it is supervising the crater in your driveway.
Tell him that you are being inconvenienced and that HE (pointing to the hottest man on the crew) will have to chauffeur you around on your errands or your Uncle Congressman * (* insert local political powerhouse's name) will have him knocked back to crossing guard status.
Grasp your chosen escort by the collar and start walking to the street.
When you get home pack up the quiche, baguette and salad from Brenda to bring to the potluck. You are too full anyway because Chad the road crewman who is studying at night to be a pediatrician insisted on taking you to get Thai takeout since he wasn't dressed appropriately for anything else. Of course you accept an invitation to go to the Philharmonic with him 2 Saturdays from now when spouse is taking the Grandkids to see 'Barney on Ice'.
Instead Qi Gong your cat really needs to learn Tai Chi, assign this to the grandkids. That way kitty can do the routine all by itself while you luxuriate in the bath tub. Heavens.
Finally birds are perfectly content eating their seeds off the ground, what do you think they do in nature?

There with this revised routine you are more relaxed, feel more empowered, get more accomplished, have time for even more fulfilling hobbies such as shopping for shoes and have the potential for a better love life.
Auntie does wonders again.
And do let me know how it all works out because Auntie really does care.

6095. 30 Jan 2010 17:32


Great alliteration offerings, everyone! As for all you parents out there, you have my sympathy and respect. Sheftali has never been a parent and as such cannot offer anything credible in that arena. However, I do believe all of you are doing the best you can, and that is worthy.

The weather here in Yorktown, Virginia is unusually frigid. We got seven inches of snow today, and this area is somewhat paralyzed. My corgi Buddy loves the snow. The dachshund Schatzi hates it. Schatzi refused to go outside all day. Finally, I went out, cleared the snow off a patch of grass, and carried the squirming Schatzi down to the grass. She whined and jumped and let me know she was not pleased. But, she finally peed. She had been "crossing her legs" all day. Mama Sheftali is so mean for making her go outside.

6096. 31 Jan 2010 09:05


Baldur and Robert attempted to go out to breakfast at a local buffet. We arrived to find a sign on the door saying 'Breakfast buffet is closed, see you in April'.
Instead we went to a little breakfast place not far down the road.
It was so much better than 'le Spoon Greasee' and very clean too.
We will probably remain loyal to our crummy little regular place just because it is so close to Chez Baldur.

Now I am getting ready to punch down and knead some bread dough.
It has risen enough and I am in the mood for homemade pizza for tonight's dinner.
Robert however will have baked Chicken and oven roasted potatoes.
He had pizza last week and won't want it again so soon.

6097. 31 Jan 2010 09:29


Robin is celebrating her THIRD goose-free day!

6098. 31 Jan 2010 09:42


Robin you should serve pate' du foie gras in celebration.

6099. 31 Jan 2010 09:54


Way to go Robin!
Hey Baldur I will come and eat pizza with you tonight, that sounds pretty good in fact!
But then again being the team captain for the GoLitelys I better not! I think I better stick to the grilled chicken ceaser salad, of course with the low fat ceaser dressing:(

6100. 31 Jan 2010 09:56


I think purèed goose colin would be more appropriate...