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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

6061. 30 Jan 2010 05:45


Did someone call for a NUT???

6062. 30 Jan 2010 06:12


Weren't you a jackass in the recent past? It's so hard to keep up with you.

6063. 30 Jan 2010 07:00


Nut...jackass...pole dancer...thong model...myriad matthew manifestations!

6064. 30 Jan 2010 07:14


Ooooh, sheftali's starting another alliteration portion to the show. Who's next?? Ten is too early for my creative juices to work properly.

6065. 30 Jan 2010 07:31


Always about atrocious alliteration--awfully abominable any afternoon!

6066. 30 Jan 2010 07:57


Baldur blandishes bellicose bemusements basically because benign, beguiling bedlam becomes breathlessly brisk befuddlement.
Bizarre banter begets brazenly brilliant brains; better be bloodthirstingly bewildering before being bludgeoned by biting blindsides.

6067. 30 Jan 2010 07:58



6068. 30 Jan 2010 08:23


Bewitchingly beautifully brought

6069. 30 Jan 2010 08:37


Bright, blistering banter Baldur!

6070. 30 Jan 2010 08:58


Well I had to be the tough mom yesterday! I had to ground my daughter Ash last night.
She was suppose to go to one of her best friends birthday sleepovers tonight. Thats all she has talked about, she was also excited because her little sister was invited also. But......I got a call from her math teacher that Ash has not turned in any of her math homework in a WEEL!!!!
She is SOOOOOO in trouble, not only that but she has really hurt me as well because I've asked her about her homework and she had told me she had none. That trust factor!!!
Needless to say Ash isnt going to any sleepovers any time soon. Her sister is going but Ash will be reading text books for a long while.

6071. 30 Jan 2010 09:10


What weirdo wanker wished wacky words without weighing what waves would wax widely without wordy wanting???

6072. 30 Jan 2010 09:10



6073. 30 Jan 2010 09:12


A whole WEEL??? That's aweful...

6074. 30 Jan 2010 09:22


Robin regrets ruefully requiring reticent residents regurgitate remarks regulated round rudimentary reverberations. Really.

6075. 30 Jan 2010 09:24


Now, if I may slip back into prose for a moment, Belladonnis, I admire your ability to stick with a consequence for your daughter. I suck at that. If those kids only knew how much more painful it is to YOU to take away this fun activity, than it is for THEM, they'd actually enjoy getting punished! Good job, MOM!

6076. 30 Jan 2010 09:43


Baldur Radio is nearing ¼ of all forum posts... A bit wordy are we not sir???

6077. 30 Jan 2010 10:23


For a while this past Autumn it was actually slightly more than 25%.
I believe the rise in popularity of the ThinkWrite challenges are what tipped the scales away from Baldur Radio domination.

6078. 30 Jan 2010 10:28


What is fascinating about the RadioBaldur phenomenom is that it has become self-sustaining. Those days that find me feeling not especially verbose by no means signify a slowdown here at all. Someone always grabs the baton and runs with it.

6079. 30 Jan 2010 10:30


It's great that this is no longer the only radi-faux station on ThinkDraw.
'She who must not be named' is no longer broadcasting but Channel Goldie continues along quite nicely.

6080. 30 Jan 2010 10:39


There is the potential for a great 'All Potaoes, All the Time' channel also, if Taters would concentrate all of her smaller efforts under one banner.
(Taters are you listening?)
Combine all of her work: the advice column, the middle school locker etc into 'la vida Tater' or something similar.
Perhaps you believe Tater that you need a new subject line to grab people's attention. What I've learned here on Radio Baldur is that an amazing number of people read everything that gets posted, even if they stay quiet about it.
Baldur also doesn't think he is the only one who would enjoy another station, 'Radio Polenta'.
I've learned so much from our correspondent in Uruguay already.