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6001. 28 Jan 2010 17:21


And AuntieB how does a young woman not get a certain "reputation" with all these men at her disposal? I'm really interested!lol

6002. 28 Jan 2010 17:23


LOL Dragon!!!!! I agree! Where do you find them all?

6003. 28 Jan 2010 17:24


Dragon, did you call me??? I thought I heard my name...

6004. 28 Jan 2010 17:27


Are you the jackass?

6005. 28 Jan 2010 17:27


Gentlest listener,
One can never have too many men waiting to do your bidding.
Where one gets in trouble is when you start to do their bidding.
The difference is rather important, always strive to be a lady, not a tramp.
Of course, truth be known, ladies tramp around too.
Always remember that the cloak of respectability that must never hit the pavement, though your bloomers may do so frequently.

Auntie B doesn't keep an exact count, but just leafing through my little red book as I type this I see dozens of men who may be called for whatever reason. It varies. Should Auntie B need to go to the opera the list is somewhat shorter than the one for a simple dinner date.

Try this simple rule. Before your first marriage you should never have more beaus than your age in years.
Once divorced your age is no one's business and you can discard that rule.

6006. 28 Jan 2010 17:28


BTW matthew, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you for the new addiction. That game went straight into my favorites list.

6007. 28 Jan 2010 17:34


Let me elaborate on the delicacy of the situation.
An important skill that every woman must learn is how to be righteously offended.
If your reputation is even slightly questioned your horror at the situation must be sincere, immediate and deadly.
Tramps are shameless. Ladies are not.
Do not debate your purity with anyone, ever. The correct response is to keep your head up, look gravely offended and depart quickly.
But do not disappear. Continue with your social rounds.
The accuser will be the one looked at askance.
If it is a catty female be sure to target her husband or beau promptly.
If the accuser is a male scratch him out of your little red book, and your friends will do likewise.
His social life will become rather pathetic

6008. 28 Jan 2010 17:37


AuntieB you are truly awe inspiring!

6009. 28 Jan 2010 17:43


Maybe I give the wrong impression here.
All of my gentlemen friends have not been on intimate terms with Auntie B, though certainly they all pray for the chance.
One must handle these things delicately.
Always give them the hope of future private moments.
They will also be your staunchest defenders if indeed they haven't shacked up with you at all. Their logic is that no one is more likely to curry your favor then they themselves. So if you aren't putting out with them you just obviously are above such base thoughts.
Part of their pride will keep them beholden to you. It does their ego a great deal of good just to be seen escorting you to social functions.
Because of this it is to your advantage to not let someone wait too long between dates. Certainly see each gentleman at least once a year.

6010. 28 Jan 2010 17:45


Oh look we have passed 6000 comments!
I guess it is time to let my Nephew back inside.

6011. 28 Jan 2010 17:47


Auntie B, What have you been up to?


6012. 28 Jan 2010 17:47


The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Radio Baldur, it's sponsors or subsidiaries.

6013. 28 Jan 2010 17:53


Congrats on 6,000 Baldur radio and affiliates!

6014. 28 Jan 2010 17:55


Thank you Thank you.
I cannot however take all the credit.
Without loyal listeners this station is nothing at all.
(and if Auntie B keeps up her antics it will certainly become nothing at all)

6015. 28 Jan 2010 18:54


au contraire... ; >

6016. 28 Jan 2010 19:06


Happy 6000 Channel Baldur!!

6017. 29 Jan 2010 02:41


well.. I, for one, was absolutely rapt with you advice, Auntie B .. and my task tomorrow is to start my list of 100 favoured platonic lovers..

oh, and Auntie B.. do tell your nevvikins 'well done' on his big 6,000.. (he's actually such a sweet lad - I may draw him another bear picture !)

6018. 29 Jan 2010 06:40


Dragon... You called me again...

6019. 29 Jan 2010 07:01


....and Dragon, I was so into my advice last night that your lovely saying about a lady's animals was somewhat pushed aside.
Forgive me for that dear.
Your saying is absolutely correct, 'though personally Auntie prefers fox to mink.
Persian lamb gives me the skeevies.

6020. 29 Jan 2010 07:12


Baldur is in the kitchen making a large pot of soup.
Where he gets his ideas is beyond me.
Late yesterday he pot a pot of gigantic lima beans on to soak.
Auntie thinks lima beans are ok, but I'm cognizant that most people loathe them. My nephew however makes it his life mission to like growing and eating those vegetables that most avoid.
This unlikely soup is turning out to be large white lima beans in a tomato type broth, with tiny little pieces of other veggies. What I can make out is onion, tomato, very little carrot and something in tiny deep green flakes. This could be parsley, spinach perhaps kale, whatever it may be there's hardly enough to bother.
Now the odd thing is that there is a hint of hot pepper, a definite aroma of rosemary and far more black pepper than seems wise.
All in all when I snuck in and tasted this potage it was absolutely wonderful.
It is definitely heavy on the black pepper, and as I saw him tasting it repeatedly as he added more and more it was clearly intentional.
There is a small pot with some peeled and diced (1/2" cubes) of potatoes sitting next to the simmering soup. No doubt he will add those later on.
Auntie B may need to bring some of this home with her for the weekend.