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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

601. 23 Sep 2010 15:56


Hopefully, he'll get better Hazer. Do keep us updated.

602. 24 Sep 2010 16:19


Praying for you Hazer.

Grandpa is doing fairly well, the surgery went fine, but he is in a lot of pain. Hopefully he gets to come home soon.

603. 29 Sep 2010 15:59


My husbands condition has steadily been getting worse. I've just left him at the urgent care clinic that thankfully happens to be only a few blocks away from our house. He is getting IV fluids again for the third time this week. We have tried in vain to go through his Dr's office to have him admitted into the hospital where he would be seen by the liver specialist. The Dr at urgent care wanted to get him admitted last night, but if we go that route he cannot choose which hospital he gets sent to, so they recommended I take him to the emergency department of the hospital the specialist works in. They told us to go between 4 and 5 am in order to be evaluated as soon as possible. So that's our plan.

He has always been so healthy and strong, and now he is suddenly so very ill, it breaks my heart that he is suffering and there is nothing I can do to make him better!

The last time we talked to our Dr, he told us that cancer was still a possibility, and that would show up with the liver biopsy if it is there. I hope and pray he will get better. I can't bear to think what I would do without him.

604. 29 Sep 2010 17:21


You really need our prayers... but of course a liver specialist will be the urgent solution. I can't see how your medical system hasn't allowed it yet. Good luck Hazer!

605. 30 Sep 2010 11:48


Dear Hazer,
I'M sorry to hear bad news about your hubby!!! You will be in my prayers always.Put your trust in God and He will surely be at your side in this hour of need!!

606. 30 Sep 2010 12:08


I'm very sorry to hear this Hazer! You and your husband are in my
prayers as always...

607. 30 Sep 2010 13:34


Oh, Hazer... you and your family have had such a difficult year! My thoughts and best wishes are with you. I sincerely hope that your husband will get the help he needs to recover soon. All the best...

608. 30 Sep 2010 21:43


We just got home from spending an exhausting 15 hours in the ER. The doctors finally agreed after 9 hours of deliberating, that it was a mystery to them as to why he was not recovering, and told us that if we came back tomorrow, they would do the liver biopsy. But then, they had just barely left his room and a nurse came back in to say another Dr, that had been doing biopsy's in the hospital that day, had offered to stay late and do one for my husband so he wouldn't have to come back in tomorrow. He was so happy to hear that!!
The biopsy was done and we will have the results in five to ten business days. From the looks of what they removed now his liver is very scarred and doesn't look at all healthy. They just don't know why.
But we are very relieved to be back home having accomplished what we set out to get done and not have to wait until mid November to have the biopsy done.
Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement!

609. 1 Oct 2010 01:17


This has been a terrible ordeal for both of you. It takes strength of character to deal with things like this ... you have my admiration and well wishes.

610. 3 Oct 2010 09:48


Keep up your morale high for your husband.Always in my prayers Hazer!!

611. 3 Oct 2010 12:33


Dear Friend, so sorry to see that things are going so hard for you and your dear husband, your family has been suffering so much lately. May God give you all strength, comfort, and good news!!LIVER IS SUCH A PATIENT ADAPTING ORGAN, when it starts to "complaint" things have already started, but a strong Immunity help, with the great capability of reaction of this organ can give great result. May things get better quickly!!!
You all are in my heart and pray!!

612. 7 Oct 2010 19:52


An update... I have been spending most of my time this week at the hospital with my husband. He has been through quite an ordeal. Lots of tests and procedures and so far no answers. He will have to endure more prodding and poking over the next week or so before they have completed all their tests.

613. 8 Oct 2010 02:52


Thanks for the update and hope all this suffering results in a happy and healthy life after the hospitalization.

614. 8 Oct 2010 06:44


Dear Hazer..

I'm so sorry I missed all of this before, but I'm thinking of you, along with all the other ThinkDrawers.

I think that in a lot of ways it's actually harder for you, because your hubby is in that 'I'm a patient in hospital' context, while you have to deal with real life outside - so my SPECIAL thoughts are with you

615. 8 Oct 2010 22:51


This morning my husband called to say he had bad news. There was a small new lump at the bottom of the bile duct where it empties into the small intestine and the biopsy they did on it confirms that it is cancer. Next week Tuesday or Wednesday they will do an MRI and internal ultrasound to see if the cancer has spread,and when they have all the imaging completed they will call in a surgeon.
I have called his family to come and they are going to spread out their visits over the next couple of weeks. His brother and sister in law arrived tonight with his Mom. I've sent them all to bed already but I wanted to leave a note for you dear TD friends before I turn in.
I must be strong for my husband and our daughters. Our oldest daughter who just lost her baby is taking this news very hard. She and her Dad were always very close.
On Tuesday night I woke up around 1 am feeling like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. I tried to take deep breaths and relax but that didn't work. I took my blood pressure and it was insanely high, so I called my cousin that lives close by. She came over and took me to the nearest fire hall. They called in an ambulance and I was taken to the nearest hospital. After 8 hours of being checked for a heart attack they let me go. There wasn't any sign of heart damage, thank goodness.
The coincidence was that I was in the same hospital that my husband had been booked in to do some tests that morning. He had been brought there from the hospital he had been admitted to by ambulance and had no idea that I had arrived the same way five hours earlier.
I had best get to bed as I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow and I'm so tired now I'm probably not making a lot of sense.
I will update as I can.
Thanks again for your prayers.

616. 9 Oct 2010 04:32


Dear Hazer,

I'm so sorry to hear this news. There are no words that can make any of this easier for you, but, once again, hold the love and support of all of us in your heart as you go through this with your husband and the rest of your family. You've been through so much... be strong, but also allow yourself to be cared for when you need it.

Sending you love, hope and strength...

617. 12 Oct 2010 03:49


Hazer, we are with you! I Don't always comment, but have always watched these prayer requests. Will continue to hold you, hubby, oldest daughter & rest of family in prayer.

618. 12 Oct 2010 12:51


Dear Hazer
I read the sad news about your husband.It is very sad.You must show hope and courage now dear.I know it would be very hard,but remember that God's loving embrace is always there to support you unknowingly.Besides I'm sure all TD community will support you 100% .You are always in my prayers dear Hazer.Courage XXX.

619. 12 Oct 2010 13:30


Dear Hazer, so hard to see how some time bad things happens just one after the other...we are all near to you and your family, my heart is also near to yours..please take care of yourself too, and may God help you all, and your husband to be successfully treated.. a big hug to you all...

620. 12 Oct 2010 13:52


Hazer, I am so sorry to hear this latest turn of events. You have had so much hardship of late. You know you are in our thoughts and that you and yours are in the hollow of God's hand.