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601. 11 Jun 2009 18:46


+' to make it: matthew and ron's encounter

602. 11 Jun 2009 18:49


To return a few comments it isn'y actually mothballs creating that scent in restrooms. It's a type of deodorizing block that's dropped into urinals.

Sometimes the cure is worse than the symptom, those blocks are possibly one of the worst scents man has ever created to make something smell better.
Really who ever decided it was a pleasant scent to go with?

603. 11 Jun 2009 18:50


-y +t=isn't

604. 11 Jun 2009 18:57


ummm... i did... was i wrong??? I've never been wrong before... I thought I was wrong once... but as it turned out, I was mistaken...

605. 11 Jun 2009 18:59


Years ago they had attendents who were there at all times to clean!

606. 11 Jun 2009 19:03


I've seen that in old movies.
The starlet walks into the restroom at the nightclub and it looks more like a boudoir. There is a matron there who can even make quick sewing repairs if necessary.
In contrast the men's room looks like an abandoned stretch of subway, the only ammenity being the vile scented block sitting in the bottom of the trough.

607. 11 Jun 2009 19:04


matthew you can never be wrong, the universe would crumble around us all.
The best you can hope for is persecution.

608. 11 Jun 2009 19:06


Well Baldur is crawling off to bed, it's time to pull the bear pelt up to my chin and start snoring
Have a great evening everyone.
Baldur out.
"All Baldur, All the Time"

609. 11 Jun 2009 19:58



610. 12 Jun 2009 04:08


Where's the moth band? or a moth punchbowl?

611. 12 Jun 2009 15:06


rofl about the mens room, absolutely true, the only reason i know is because i usually have a job where restroom cleaning is part of my duties ...about the cake, i guess they just needed something really strong...

612. 12 Jun 2009 15:09


always my least favored duty.

613. 12 Jun 2009 15:18


lol... she said doody...

614. 12 Jun 2009 17:24


Baldur just got back from his favorite restaurant for supper.
Robert and I go to the same place every Friday called 'the Western Hotel'.
It has long since ceased to be a hotel but the name remains. Once it was a stage coach stop for people traveling between Providence, Connecticut and other points West.
Now it's a tavern/restaurant serving seafood and Italian food.
Often I have the eggplant over pasta but this evening it was roasted red pepper and mushroom pizza.
They have gotten accustomed to me being one of the few people on this planet that asks for 'less' cheese on his pizza. It's amazing how people think it such an odd request.
To get a mountain of mozzarella on my meal seems a bit overdone to me, I prefer just a scattering of cheese.

615. 12 Jun 2009 17:35


Can you play a request please?

616. 12 Jun 2009 17:40


What would you like to hear Annie?, I'll see if we have it in the archives

617. 12 Jun 2009 17:41


The Western Hotel makes the best deep fried onion rings. I don't order them often as they are a meal in themselves, heaped in an immense pile on a platter

618. 12 Jun 2009 17:42


Robert always offers to help me eat them, and indeed he might eat as many as 2 onion rings, leaving the other 2 dozen for me to deal with alone.

619. 12 Jun 2009 17:45


Play: I Can't Live (If Living Is Without You) by Mariah Carey for ron and matthew.

620. 12 Jun 2009 17:47


This evening he ordered the baked scrod &scallops combo, with french fries.
He hates vegetables other than peas and corn, the waitress doesn't even ask because neither are ever the veggie du jour, she just brings him whatever it is assuming that I'll eat it. Today it was sauteed green beans.
So my meal was pizza and green beans.
I must say there pizza is always excellent even when Al, the old man, isn't in the kitchen. A lot of places that isn't the case but here the food seems to never have a bad day.