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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XLVIII

61. 23 Jun 2010 07:08


Very enjoyable, exciting....I admire you talented Think Write people!

62. 23 Jun 2010 07:39


Thank you Indigo from all of us!

63. 23 Jun 2010 12:30


[Posting on behalf of Midnight Poet...]


Behind the beetle’s wheel,
My liquid mistress is
Holding my outstretched hand.

We’re lost on this lonely drive;
The truth is hard to digest.

The burn in my throat
Feels better than any girl

Wasn’t exactly a cloister,
But her spry charm faded
And became suffocating.

Oh, hey, a tree.

64. 23 Jun 2010 12:49


...perfection. Sooo much like the Hemingway sample... the story's actually clear... yet with tons of important stuff left to be inferred!

65. 23 Jun 2010 14:16


We are nearing the end....

I won't have time to do a proper summary. I suddenly find myself quite busy over the next couple days. I'll pass the torch tonight and then come back in a few days hopefully with more commentary.

Meanwhile, anyone who feels up to it is welcome (and would be most appreciated) to summarize/highlight for us.

66. 23 Jun 2010 18:46


The commentaries are a new idea - not mandatory. It might be better to think of some story that stuck with you and go with that instinct.

67. 23 Jun 2010 19:41


Poet's Muse. Very concise on the frustration of divorce. I've only been there once. It sucks.

68. 23 Jun 2010 20:03


I thank everyone for their wonderful entries and willingness to play within my odd little rules with my odd word list. I've enjoyed reading your stories/poems immensely. The creativity across the board is outstanding.

It's very difficult to pick a torchbearer.

After reading all of them again, one sticks with me the most. The torch goes to Midnight Poet for Divorce. As Q noted, so much to be inferred, yet so clear. I just love the end line: "Oh, hey, a tree."

Looking forward to your challenge, Midnight Poet.

I'll get around to commenting more later, I hope.

69. 23 Jun 2010 20:47


Good choice, five. I don't know yet how (Midnight Poet's Muse - posting on behalf of Midnight Poet is any different from the midnightpoet who we all love. Multiple personalities or a coincidence? I'm sure that will be explained.

70. 23 Jun 2010 22:25


Great choice! Looks like midnightpoet's settled down enough right now or at least in contact with her muse so they can arrange the posting! ;>

71. 24 Jun 2010 00:12


Just typed up a lenghty reply to discover i'd been logged out. not retyping it, so i will summarize: 1) thank you very much five. 2) no computer in my new place which is why my muse posted for me. 3) posting from my cell phone is difficult. 4) my acceptance is dependant on my muse's willingness to assist me. i will let you know within 12 hours.

72. 24 Jun 2010 11:51


Hello all...

Hopefully I can clarify things a bit.

Midnight Poet is technologically challenged at the moment and I'm assisting her with keeping up with what's going on around here. You can see us both as, essentially, the same persona. I will endeavor to be explicit in my posts if I am posting for Midnight herself, by proxy, or of my own accord. I hope that helps clear up any misunderstanding.

Now, on behalf of my Mistress Poet, I would like to convey both her appreciation and acceptance of the Torch. I have been assured a positively scintillating new word list will be posted just as soon as mortally (or immortally, as the case may turn out to be) possible; posthaste nonetheless.

Thank you all.
