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61. 16 Jun 2010 04:51


I get tattoo artist out of that with lots of good psycho-drama. Am I on the right track? Or just sleepy?

62. 16 Jun 2010 05:20


I knew there were a few stories hiding out there yet! Bravo giraffe! A wonderful dance, loved the why you ran the dialog. Morshy, very nice! Good word pictures, and lots of fun to read.

63. 16 Jun 2010 06:08


You enthralled me, giraffe. And that doesn't happen very often. Good job!

morshy... Ouch... I read Inkheart four times... loved it!

64. 16 Jun 2010 10:36


Okay! Will post the new Torchbearer in the next hour, hopefully.

65. 16 Jun 2010 11:55


Is that You? - giraffe
Her depth of understanding only made me more deep in my resolve. I would never condone any harm to her.

The Glass House – marius
What actually happened is much more true to real life: the judgmental ones found more to judge, the compassionate more to love, the timid found more to fear, the insightful more to see, the gossip more to talk about, the hateful more to hate ... and so forth.

Cold - giraffe
This isn't what the Druids had in mind. To me, the Phoenix rises from the ashes with a single feather.

No title - morshy
It was not a task the knight carried out with any great relish, nor did he condone it, but Polgar was paranoid, and that made Herrick a wary man.

Fitful Sleep - Doug
Fields of poppies, leafy oaks blowing in a gentle breeze curling just at the tips and purple floating feathers all meshed together to create a cataclysm of beautiful waves played out in front of me.

(title) - Qsilv
Greens blended into pale wheat-gold, and that in turn bled into a delicate violet hue… blood of the horizons, she thought.

No title - notanotherone
Imagine a roller coaster. And the turnstiles. And seeing the same people over and over. Now imagine those turnstiles a mile long.

Interruption - five
Charles stared silently at Alice, then turned his eyes to the wooden ball nestled in brown grass. The grass needed rain.

Collecting - Doug
It seemed to be a safe choice full of feathery softness that had a strong inner core that would grow my retirement savings.

Opposing Masters - giraffe
It was patrolled by police who thought they were knights or something. They didn't seem to realize that we were all like pieces controlled by opposing masters.

Harbinger - five
The lone cow, a stranger to the lyre, quietly nibbled the clover sward. A thick haze feathered out like a plume of ash, darkening the afternoon sky like night come early, and danced around the cow. The extrinsic veil lifted as dramatically and quickly as it came. The cow raised it’s head, snorted a mild riposte, and returned to chewing as though nothing had occurred: it seemed to condone the harbinger.

Camelot Was Not - five
Yet, nothing seemed more futile than burying memories where love took hold.

Selena - Doug
The breath of warm air that came with those loving words tickled him and he melted like butter on a hot cob.

The Second Fall of Man – morshy
The feather had shaken her, and suddenly the history of stringed instruments, the lyre to the guitar, could not command her attention.

She made me feel like there was someone on the outside who cared.

Dance with the Queen - giraffe
"Yes, M'lady." He walked off wanting to click his heels. Maybe this was the first of his dances with the future Queen.

Inkheart- morshy
The harsh electric light dances on the needle, and there is beauty in the pain she creates.

So I was asked to post the winner (bows to Nylecoj) but I think we did choose together, sort of. Good job everyone, I was impressed by your tales and wanderings. Welcome to notanotherone, hope you stay around and keep writing, enjoyed your work!
(My mind just went blank... how shall I word this...)
The Torchbearer for ThinkWrite XLVIII shall be five, and if there was a specific story you were awarded this honor for, Nyle will know. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with five! Happy Writing!!

66. 16 Jun 2010 13:27


Thanks. I am honored! I enjoyed working with the word list and learning/relearning a couple words. I had never heard the word, "sward," before and I had to be reminded on the meaning of "riposte."

67. 16 Jun 2010 14:20


Congratulations five! Well said Lady H.

Sward has always been one of my favorite words though it seldom finds its way into my writings.
One more comment on the word list, the word ash was never used how I had thought of it when it was chosen. As an Ash tree.