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Forums - Community - Nicknames!

61. 28 May 2010 18:39


LOL yes it is!

And if I had an indian name it would have to be "Me Fall Down"

62. 29 May 2010 05:15


Jocelyn, hahaha...i am clumsy too

63. 2 Jun 2010 10:40


So Gingerninja would you be "The doctor falls down"? lol!

64. 2 Jun 2010 13:13


when i was in second grade, maybe first, not sure, i used to play this game in which the only rule was i was a cat, the only player was me. basically i crawled around pointlessly meowing...LOL! My "name" was Tuna, and "tovah" is Hebrew for "good." so tunatovah means good tuna, in the sense that the cat was being tuna, good kitty! good get the point.
the 50? absolutely NO clue.

if i could change my name... probably something dance related...i am a dancer and would like a nickname to reflect that... oh well... tunatovah50 is quite funny.

65. 2 Jun 2010 16:03


Tunatovah you are a tovah girl.......

66. 2 Jun 2010 16:08


tunatovah, I am also a dancer, What kind of dancing do you do? I do Irish.

67. 3 Jun 2010 08:42


i chose dorris because i love that name!!!!!

68. 3 Jun 2010 11:03


Love your story tunatovah! (When I was a little girl I used to pretend to be a cat too. My favorite thing was to climb on the back of the couch and hang my arms and legs over like I was a leopard sleeping on a tree branch)

69. 3 Jun 2010 11:16


Love your stories tunatovah and Dragon! I love cats....but when I
was a little girl my friends and I would play horses. We had a mom
and a dad and a child and we would run around and neigh like horses
LOL! Horses are my first love. But I love all animals. Indigo came about
because I saw it in a book that I had not far from the computer and then
afterwards when I thought about it, it was a good name for me because I
am a Blue person....I love blue. Blues make me happy. And my Chinese
horoscope is Tiger. ;]

70. 3 Jun 2010 13:37


Indigo, and are tigers blue???
I hope you are not a sad person.

71. 3 Jun 2010 18:54


I'm also a tiger.

72. 3 Jun 2010 19:42


I chose goldiegirl8 cuz Goldie is the name of my dog, i'm a girl and I was 8 when I registered. It is in all caps cuz it looks kewl

73. 3 Jun 2010 19:50


Cool smilies! =o =p

74. 3 Jun 2010 19:51


btw plz call me Goldie if u ever r commenting or something

75. 3 Jun 2010 19:51


The last 2 didn't work, how did you do those? Like this?

76. 3 Jun 2010 19:51


They worked this time!

77. 3 Jun 2010 19:53


: O : P take away the spaces

78. 7 Jun 2010 11:57


Thanks Goldie! I'm bumping this back to the top because of all those unexplained nick names!

79. 15 Jun 2010 21:00


I bump this to the top yet again.

80. 18 Jun 2010 17:29


This is one of the funnest forum theads I've read! I love learning about everyone's names. Mebu27 is my initals and my birthdat is Jan 27th. My brother used to always call me Meb and after I got married I became Mebu!