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61. 6 Jul 2010 06:14


62. 6 Jul 2010 06:20


Why is puzzler hanging around outside the gates ... doesn't she know that she automatically qualifies for admission to the garden party?

63. 6 Jul 2010 06:33


Come and join us, puzzler. Marg is down by the woodland stream
and there's a fallen tree that's far too pretty to cut up for logs.

64. 6 Jul 2010 06:42


I think Dragon may be heading for a sleepless night she's on the margherita.

Oops! Baldur's fallen down a gopher hole.

65. 6 Jul 2010 06:46


(oops sorry ... margarita)

66. 6 Jul 2010 09:59


Doesn't matter how they're spelled, they still go down way too easy!

67. 6 Jul 2010 16:19


I found my way in through a hole in the fence login. Anyone want to join me on Hazer's tree swing?

68. 6 Jul 2010 17:55


This is a great party. Such a feeling of community...we can forget that it all started as a result of an unkind idea of exclusivity. There are so many wonderful artists on TD and there are others who just like to participate, to enjoy the process. I enjoy the variety . Wouldn't it be strange if all the pictures posted by the preteens were eliminated and childrren were barred from TD? The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those who sang best...and who would decide?
I've brought a case of Yellow Tail Shiraz and I will share.

69. 6 Jul 2010 19:25


Hazer almost missed out, having been fixated on cowboys and rodeos there for a while. But here she comes as fast as her short little legs will carry her, slightly out of breath, and what is that she has tucked inside that huge hand bag?
Oh my...I hope Baldur finds his way out of that gopher hole, cause Hazer has brought a box of chocolate covered candied ginger....mmm, mmm...divine! And what else is in there? Oh it's a special treat from the Canadian prairies...Saskatoon berry pie...sooo good!

70. 6 Jul 2010 22:41


I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn't look the same

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Brigsis brought her walrus, there was magic in the air
'n' over in the corner, much to my surprise
Puzzler hid in Qsilv's shoes wearing her disguise

lott-in-dah-dah-dah, lot-in-dah-dah-dah

Played them all the old songs, thought that's why they came
No one heard the music. we didn't look the same
I said hello to Baldur too, he belongs to Rob
When I sang a song about a honky-tonk, it was time to leave

lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)

Someone opened up a closet door and out stepped Stevedover B. Gair
Playing guitar like a-ringin' a bell and lookin' like he should
If you gotta play at garden parties, I wish you a Login luck
But if memories were all I sang, I rather drive a truck

lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)

'n' it's all right now, learned my lesson well
You see, ya can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself

Garden Party by Ricky Nelson~ slightly modified for your listening pleasure!

71. 6 Jul 2010 23:35


This judgementalism should be nipped in the bud. It's kinda bullyish. Especially for guys. We got called sissies for being artistic - not athletic. Salvador Dali was kicked out of the Surrealist Movement for using recognizable images. True or false TDers? I choose false.

72. 7 Jul 2010 00:20


Steve was savouring some of Baldur's Ginger Liquor, an improvised rope ladder lay next to the empty Gopher hole that had until recently held Baldur, who was now talking to some of the other guests. The liquors fiery taste left a warm glow that complimented the light breeze and the dimming light of the sun setting. An empty plate which until recently was laden with treats now lay against the tree roots that had provided Steve with his own little nook from which he had watched the garden party grow and develop. Music from his i-Pod play-list set the background beat to the melody of voices which began to lull Steve to sleep.

73. 7 Jul 2010 03:21


Erm..loved the song, Lynn. As for Giraffe's comment, not sure Dali wanted to join the gang. He was sort of egocentric/individualistic when it came to his work.

74. 7 Jul 2010 06:46


mmm look wat i brought!! some SHERRY (mmm) and some wine smoothies (u shud try them!) yum! and to eat i hav some strawberries and cream along with a mini chocolate fountain to dip in! (and marshmallows!)

75. 7 Jul 2010 07:44


After he had been expelled, Dali continued to participate in Surrealist exhibitions; after all, the movement needed Dali's magnetic hold on the public,
It's just a quirky piece of trivia, but if you Google Dali surrealist movement, there's lots of info about it. He obviously didn't care if his contemporaries excluded him which is why I mentioned it.

76. 7 Jul 2010 09:35


Dragon reminds herself not to eat the entire Saskatoon berry pie brought by Hazer, but remembers some Saskatoon wine she has stashed away and adds it to the beverage cart for everyone to enjoy.

77. 7 Jul 2010 12:50


Lured from Hazer's swing by the smell of Babyangel's chocolate fountain, Puzzler stmbles into a Gopher hole and in Alice in Wonderland fashion, enters a strange TD world......

78. 7 Jul 2010 15:19


Dragon: "Steve, wake up man, your missing the party"

Steve sputters and forces his eyelids open.

Steve: "Guess that Ginger Liquor is more potent than I thought"

Dragon hands Steve some Saskatoon berry pie.

Dragon: "Here eat this, it'l either make or break yuh!"

Steve hungrily devours the berry pie, juice dribbles down onto his beard.

Dragon: "Whoa slow down there, eat like that and it will come back up, listen, have you seen Polenta anywhere? Last time anybody saw her she was on the swing."

Steve: "After Baldur free'd himself from the Gopher hole, I just settled down with the Ginger Liquor, then I must have fallen asleep, hang on I will help you look."

79. 7 Jul 2010 17:34


We'd better bring some bacon and margaritas to keep us going while we look for Polenta.

80. 7 Jul 2010 17:53


And off go Steve and Dragon in search of the mysteriously missing Polenta....

Meanwhile, Polenta, who has just witnessed the disappearance of Puzzler down the gopher hole, stands pointing at the ground where she saw Puzzler toppling into the hole head first. She tries to scream out but instead slumps to the ground in a dead faint.

This is the scene that Hazer stumbles upon while she's out in search of Indigo, for whom she has reserved the last slice of Saskatoon berry pie.

Dropping her pie in her haste to assist Polenta, Hazer slips and comes within inches of being swallowed up by the same gopher hole that has claimed Puzzler!

Hearing the commotion Steve and Dragon appear just in the nick of time. While Hazer dusts herself off, Steve revives Polenta with the last few drops of Ginger Liquor.

Dragon, after hearing Puzzlers fate, decides to call down the gopher hole...forgetting herself for the moment....and send a huge flame of fire directly into the gopher hole...