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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Feature...

61. 4 Feb 2010 20:35


This was my favorite toy, so miss it already. I wonder what happened, why it was taken off or why it is gone.

62. 4 Feb 2010 22:22


aaaaaaaahhh!!!!! IT'S BACK!!!

AND it has a comment I left while it was down.... DARLING people!!!


63. 5 Feb 2010 00:17


Thank you... You aren't too shabby yourself...


... ummm... you meant Rachel & crew didn't you???

64. 5 Feb 2010 03:40


Dear ThinkDraw..

I don't know if you understand how much we've adopted the 'updates' page.. but we're now using it an awful lot, it seems. I don't get to play on TD very often, so it's just wonderful for me (especially being able to check back over the last week).

As for the 'I'm following you' option - well, PLEASE make it private !

Thanks !

65. 5 Feb 2010 08:20


I'm sorry to say this, but the TD server fails very often lately...(There's a <busy server> message displayed). This happened to me 3 times in the last 10 minutes. I hope there's a way to fix it.

66. 5 Feb 2010 10:00


yep... it's happening about two to three times per hour here, though only for about 1 - 2 minutes at a time, AND the couple times I was in the middle of posting it did turn out to have captured/posted when the lights came back on.

I noticed midnightpoet had trouble with that, actually losing posts, last night. And I sure wouldn't pick a busy time to submit a complicated drawing!

My guess is it's just extra busy from the BBC exposure, and should settle down in another week or so as the newness wears off. Then we'll see how many users really remain active.

67. 5 Feb 2010 10:11


All these computers struggling over a server...sounds like a modern war. The funny thing is this is not the peak of the new visitors time. I wanted to submit a pic today and changed my's like Q wisely said: just can't afford taking chances with a busy server.

68. 6 Feb 2010 07:12


marg and others who mentioned this ... marius' vote is for making the "I'm following you" option private too!

And, sorry TD, love the "idea" of favorites, but until I can pick as many favorites as I want (without the limit of five pics per palette, per month) I won't use favorites. Yes, I did use favorites at the start and have left the ones I chose ... but every time I had to leave out a pic I really liked, it hurt and I don't like feeling hurt, so no more favorites for me unless ... the limit is removed! ; )

And ... since voting pics down no longer eliminates them from Top 5, was wondering if TD could offer the option to select ALL pictures for the current month instead of just "this week" and just "last week"?

Thanks for letting us provide input and for all the great changes you've already made, TD!

69. 6 Feb 2010 08:47


Opening up favorites to more than 5 choices opens it up to mass manipulation...

Pics that are voted down can make the top 5 only because of favorites. So if you do not pic your favorites, it is giving power back to the OVB and giving your voice in choosing the top 5 away...

And giving people the ability to see the current month allows the manipulators to see where they stand in the top 5 voting process & allows them to manipulate just enough... I say, leave them in the dark...

70. 6 Feb 2010 09:02


1)there should be also a feature of "autosaving " after certain time say 2 min or so ,that will be easy for us
2)there should also be a eraser so that we can erasewhich is not needed

71. 6 Feb 2010 09:50


Lalitha, if you mean erasing your own drawings, there is a 'delete' facility. Click on the drawing you want to delete and the button is under the drawing.

72. 6 Feb 2010 10:28


Thanks for your explanation matthew, but it is not computing in this brain. (Yes, marius can be amazingly slow.) : )

You wrote: "Pics that are voted down can make the top 5 only because of favorites." Did Rachel say that? It's the first I've heard of it.

Do you know TD's formula for selecting the Top 5? I don't, but was under the impression that TD is not paying attention to 'votes down' anymore when they select Top 5. If that is the case, then how can those who vote down manipulate anything if we're allowed to see the whole month?

And, if you are correct in what you say, that by not picking favorites every month I am "giving (my) voice in choosing the top 5 away" well, sigh, then I guess that's what I'm doing. My thing is ... have never had a favorite color, favorite meal, favorite anything so it goes against everything in me to be limited to five favorites in one palette. To me, that's like saying "pick your five favorite colors." That is something beyond my abilities because I don't have five favorite colors ... maybe 135 favorite colors, but not just five. (Tee hee - maybe this is a genetic anomaly?)

73. 6 Feb 2010 10:30


And since you never know what you can get until you ask ...

What would really fun would be an option to pull up all the pics for any month as a "gallery," that you can arrange by most votes, specific palettes. etc. Yes, there is an option to view most ratings of ALL pictures of all time, but I'd like an easy way to view the most voted pics from earliest to latest months, for all the months.

Tee hee, and while I'm asking for the moon and the sky ... it would also be fun if TD could share some statistics with us by month. For example, # pics drawn that month, # pics drawn in each palette, ... and

... I'd be so nice to be able to go to any page in the gallery without having to click and click to get there. Right now it takes 45 clicks to get from page 3679 to page 3423 in the gallery, plus the time to wait for each page to load. (And, ready to laugh at self ... is there an easier way to get to page 2000 of the gallery that I don't know about? ; )

74. 6 Feb 2010 10:57


marius, as far as I know, there is no easy way to get to a specific page.

Regarding 'favourites', I believe they are now taken into account when Top 5 are selected, effectively giving us 30 extra votes per month (5 x 6 categories) and they can't be used to down vote. I use them to select the drawings that I would most like to see in top 5 ... very limiting but very precious to me all the same.

75. 6 Feb 2010 11:18


Dead easy trick to get from any Gallery page to a much more distant one --

-- just change the number (by hand) up in the URL.

This will take a little prowling around to get comfie with it, but it's quite efficient.


the address of the 10th page is

the address of the 15th page is

76. 6 Feb 2010 11:23


Notice that this works fine elsewhere too --

the 10th page of the current Showcase

5th page of previous (City Life) Showcase

5th page of login's personal gallery n


77. 6 Feb 2010 11:25


Q hugely supports lalitha's request for an "auto-save" feature, by the way! HUGELY!!!

78. 6 Feb 2010 12:55


With all the new users, I love the idea of being able to see when those you know create new pictures. I'm throwing my hat in the ring with Marg and Marius and would like this feature to be private.

79. 6 Feb 2010 13:11


I am at a loss as to why... Are you afraid that you will hurt someones feelings if you don't "follow them"?...

80. 6 Feb 2010 13:34


I love the new feature, but I dont really care to see who is following ME in my updates. I do like to see the new pics of the ones that I follow and the commment on my pics that I might miss, especially when one comments on my old, old pics that I have forgotten about.

As far as favorites......I pick pictures that say something to me as my favorites and not favorite it to be considered as a vote, because I may pick a picture that has only one vote as my favorite simple because I like that pic and want in my favorite album!
I really dont understand the voting process enough to see how the votes could be manipulated, but I'm sure they can be. I just vote on what I like and hope that enough people vote on the same ones I like to put them in the Top 5!