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Forums - Community - I Know Who The Blitzer Is

61. 13 Feb 2009 11:24


I'm saying it has to be a member of TD. Who else would have reason to do this? Who else would benefit. I'm not even beginning to ask you that. I was going to say that I don't think we are thinking of the same person. It has to be someone belonging to it.

62. 13 Feb 2009 11:30


I was talking about the blitzer - that we have different people in mind for the low votes. I was not talking about your PC/picture issue. I am leaving that to Soda to explain.

63. 13 Feb 2009 11:37


OK. She's the one with access to the answers. I was furious because this person went into my personal space and did something. Otherwise it would just be in the talking stage now. You know out back and forth things. I feel like we're playing "CLUE" don't you? I wish we had In-boxes.

64. 13 Feb 2009 12:11


km, did you leave a message for the person who did the picture for you to see if they deleted it themselves? Like Soda said, the only other way is if three people reported it (or the same person with 3 different accounts)

65. 13 Feb 2009 12:18


I know who's name was on it, that person is not who the name says. There's too many things that I cannot put in here that convinces me who this is. I'm convinced it's one person with three or morel names. A person can only delete their own work, we know that. I have a witness that that drawing was in the gallery. Now it isn't. That it was in my file, now it isn't. Thanks for caring.

66. 13 Feb 2009 12:19


I don't understand what you mean when you say, 3 other people reported it?

67. 13 Feb 2009 12:37


Now I'm getting it more, I thought you lost the picture off of your PC not the group. Now I understand what you are talking about.

68. 13 Feb 2009 12:39


They are talking about the report button for picture they object to.

69. 13 Feb 2009 12:43


Hmm may I ask what the link to this picture was/is?

I am slightly confused when you say a few things... they seem to contradict each other....

Was this picture made by you? (or someone else?)

(I don't really have access to the answers I just have dealt with a lot of problems in the past and computers as well... So my speculations are usually correct.)

70. 13 Feb 2009 12:44


DMarla - It's gone from the Gallery and my Favorites. Thanks for mentioning the button. I've never used those, a few times I wanted to press the report button for questionnable drawings. I thought were upset with me about this. It's hard to put into words this situation. I would do better face to face or on the phone. I'm not a technie but I do use the computer alot and know my way around a bit.

71. 13 Feb 2009 12:48


Mmm so this is not your pic... it was made for you correct?

Also what browser are you using?

(And do you think any of us have seen this picture?)

72. 13 Feb 2009 12:49


Thinking about it, I someone must have fooled with my ratings. I don't pay attention to that. I felt my average should be higher than it is. I know I'm not Rembrandt but my average should be up. I'm involved because it's affected me and what it's done to some very deserving people who should have high ratings. It's like someone stealing your time and talent. Like trying to make a fool of someone. They're just making a fool of themselves. Again, when I say "they're" I'm meaning one person.

73. 13 Feb 2009 12:53


I understand kmkangle....

I just don't like... hmm... unfairness.

It would not matter if I hate a person's pictures or loved them... or hate the person or admired them...

I don't like things that are unfair.

So I have been thinking about it... and I will figure out how to post my words soon enough... I just have to think of all the implications my suggestions will make. If a few of them are implemented it .... would change things but ... well... it is more of combining other's suggestions together to get a more complete whole.

74. 13 Feb 2009 12:58


I am using MSN Explorer. Yes, my neighbor who uses this site saw it. She commented she saw it, that I had gotten a Valentine! Who else saw it, I don't know. I knew who it was without looking, it was with a group of "seedy" looking art that I'll call "scribble". When I go into "Favorites" and click organize favorites you can see the image but on opening the picture isn't there just the notation and think draw logo and such that we we discussed.

75. 13 Feb 2009 13:00


I know this is a task. As though you don't have better things to do. You got it, I'm very big on fairness and honesty. Thanks.

76. 13 Feb 2009 13:01


P.S. If there was a way I'd divulge my suspicions. As it is, I cannot.

77. 13 Feb 2009 13:24


DMarla - I didn't realize there was a favorites button on this site, I never into where all the choices are and that's why I copied and pasted.

78. 13 Feb 2009 13:34


km, you can get my email from my website on the profile page if you would like to write.

79. 13 Feb 2009 13:50


I would like that Luna. I was on your site and saw the art that you deal with. It's beautiful. I could tell by your work you deal with the Masters. I'll talk to you soon.

80. 13 Feb 2009 15:24


KM, I don't know of a favorites button; just put that behind you right now. These ladies will try to help you, I was just checking in to see how it was going.