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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XXV

61. 22 Oct 2009 17:43


Loved your story. I had to chuckle, I could just see the jar flying through the air.

62. 22 Oct 2009 20:16


Maybe fear and horror are in the mind of the beholder. ooEEooooo.....

63. 23 Oct 2009 09:31


Haha, great story Login. I think I've had those days. I once lived in a house that was infested with wolf spiders (they a horid). One night while just at that place where you're not really awake but not really asleep either I felt something brush my and and thought one of the cats had touched me, then I realized that both cats were curled up on the end of the bed. I was instantly awake and hit the light only to see a wolf spider streaking up the edge of the bed towards my face. It wound up right on my pillow in the dent my head had made moments before. Now the dilemma, if I spray it down with Raid my pillow will be gross, but I can't swat it because that would still make my pillow gross and I might not quite get it. So I went in search of a jar to trap it. By the time I found one the beast was nowhere to be found. I stripped my bed turned the pillow cases inside out, sprayed the entire area with Raid for good measure and slept on the couch. Horrible night, but really Login, your story brought a big smile to my face.

64. 23 Oct 2009 11:05


Dragon & Login: Spider and jars. I thought my sister was the only person who caught spiders in jars and then turned them loose outside. I about had a fit the first time I saw her do that. Not me. SWAT, with the nearest object.

65. 23 Oct 2009 11:39


Oh I don't release them, it's just easier t Raid the crap out of them when they can't escape.

66. 23 Oct 2009 11:39


+o = to

67. 23 Oct 2009 15:07


Oh! I so agree with you. My husband puts them out. They think he's just letting them out for exercise! It's almost guaranteed they'll be back in within the hour.

68. 23 Oct 2009 15:28


I wish I would have thought of that for the viridescent spider. I'm the guy who used to let them out of the house, but I just don't have time for that anymore. I used to trap moths and let them out, too. It was kind of an attempt to prove my "pacifism" in the face of a draft notice, but it also came naturally.

69. 24 Oct 2009 09:28


I'll happily trap and release LadyBugs, Lacewings and Bees but anything else in the house gets the heavy end of a boot from me.

70. 24 Oct 2009 11:09


Bees scare the doodoo out of me. But they're usually smart enough to find their own way out if you give them time.

71. 24 Oct 2009 11:23


I once had a bat get in the house. What an adventure that was to catch and release it.

72. 24 Oct 2009 12:02


In Colorado there is urban sprawl and there are bears, foxes, racoons and snakes coming in their houses. Deer and rabbits are eating their flower gardens. Coyotes are eating their small dogs. There's got to be a good story in that.

73. 25 Oct 2009 08:15


I couldn't let the rest of yen's have all the fun. Here's my humble semi scary addtion to ThinkWrite XXV.

Mr. Higgins

I think it was the viridescent glow of the front window ornamentation that caught my eye first. There was a small luminescent green statue perched on a marble platform smack dead in the center of the windowsill. It cast a soft glow that was more like a greenish black flicker than a harsher bright light. It was an inanimate object for sure, but it seemed to call out to me. I was so focused on the statue and its platform that I nearly snapped my ankle in two pieces as I set foot on the first porch step.

Inching along, cursing under my breath, I felt like a ghost caught in a centrifuge with my head swooning and swirling thinking about what was inside “that” house. I found Mr. Higgins house quite by mistake one day as I delivered my newspapers. Of course, he was not on my route, but I had to pass his monolith of an abode on my way. I once cast a daily onto his scraggly lawn just to see if he would appear, but there it still sits more of a molten volcano of paper Mache.

I was near the door now fully recovered from my misstep. I brushed a small spider from the doorknob and gave it a gentle turn. I was not surprised that it was unlocked. Do I or don’t I? I came this far what could happen. I slipped inside silently or so I thought.

I saw no statue or house actually. Inside, it was a scene from the worst Halloween movie I had ever seen. Blood stained walls coated with mats of hair made me shiver. The whole room spun, or so I thought, as if a poltergeist of a thousand strong had taken hold of what was left of the living room. China flew in concentric circles nearly taking my left leg off as it shattered to what used to be a floor.

I clutched onto the talisman that dangled from a leather chain on my neck and passed out.

When I awoke, I was out on the unkempt lawn and Mr. Higgins house had vanished!

Mr. Higgins ghost stood before me smiling…

74. 25 Oct 2009 08:20


Login: Sorry I haven't commented on your story yet. I thought it was great. It was a chaotic funny journey following the spider everywhere and you took us right with you. Would love to see you contribute to future ThinkWrites.

75. 25 Oct 2009 08:21


Almost forgot, yes my story was exactly 366. Put it thru "wordcount" if ya like.

76. 25 Oct 2009 08:23


Your Pittsburghese is showing. Love the tale. You spin such good yarns. this would be a good one told around a campfire.

77. 25 Oct 2009 08:34


mouse: Lived here since I was 11 so Heinz ketchup runs thru my veins. Just lived thru the Pitt Homecoming drunkfest. If their parents only knew how these "kids" act at 3 a.m. Glad you liked my story. Maybe the newspaper boy should have went to Primanti's instead. (I like extra slaw)

78. 25 Oct 2009 09:59


Doug : you won't believe this, but I have never been to Primanti's.

79. 25 Oct 2009 12:43


Doug. That's the scariest one yet. Kind of believable and kind of not. I like the volcanic newspaper residue. Definitely an expandable tale.

80. 25 Oct 2009 14:55


Good story Doug. There are so many good stories in all the ThinkWrite threads ... they make enjoyable reading.