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61. 21 Aug 2009 18:23


I think my personal favorite is a tie between Pecan Pie and Raisin Pie, both of which my honey does not like Alas. I'm afraid I have a weakness for any kind of danish as well.

inked_gemini, I think I could become a big fan of ketchup if it were always prepared in the puerto rican method! The only way I usually use it is in recipes. Before I met my boyfriend I could make a small bottle of ketchup last several years.

62. 21 Aug 2009 18:31


I am a fan of any of the many varieties of lemon pastries... Also like chocolate cream pies...

63. 21 Aug 2009 18:32


Bella I'm with you on the KEY LIME!!!! Of course LEMON MERINGUE is right beside it!!!

64. 21 Aug 2009 18:33


Lol. I think I have a bottle in the back of the fridge that's older than my daughter (blech). I have never heard of raisin pie. This may be a very dumb question but is a raisin pie indeed made with raisins or is it a clever name for something ants on a log?

65. 21 Aug 2009 18:35


Ive never heard of raisin pie or ant on a log. Do tell!

66. 21 Aug 2009 18:39


Cellery filled with peanut butter topped with raisins = Ants on a log... My daughter likes them... But she will eat ANYTHING... She has no fear of trying new foods & likes nearly everything she trys... I can't think of any dislikes of hers off the top of my head, but I know she has 1 or 2...

67. 21 Aug 2009 18:41


Matthew- cruise control is YOUR car! Just didn't draw all of the sides!

68. 21 Aug 2009 18:48


I have a golf cart??? That's great news...

69. 21 Aug 2009 18:51


I love raisin pie. I use to make it for myself and my was
his favorite. Pumpkin pie is my favorite...but CHOCOLATE CAKE
3 -4 layers, lots of chocolate icing, not too sweet. I also make
a pudding cake that we like a lot. Just a white cake batter,
brown sugar and hot water, very good warm.

70. 21 Aug 2009 19:47


Raisin pie is indeed made with Raisins. Can't believe so many people have never heard of it. It was my dad's favorite and my Grandma made it quite frequently so I have a lot of fond family memories of it. Also I have a total sweet tooth and it's one of the sweetest pies I know.
Actually Ants on a Log is a favorite too. I've also had that made with Cheez Whiz but I think it's disgusting. In my opinion if it were really cheese they wouldn't have to spell it with a Z. I feel it's just a way to get people to eat Petroleum byproducts and think they're eating healthy.

71. 21 Aug 2009 19:50


Mmmmm... Petroleum... Mmmmm

72. 22 Aug 2009 11:24


It seems everybody has a sweet tooth. As for the best international SWEET cuisine, which would you say is the most delicious?
For example:
British sweets, Vietnamese sweets, Mexican sweets, German, Polish, Japanese, French, Thai, Portuguese etc.
I'm curious because I have my own answer for that. You all mentioned cakes with certain ingredients but not traditional SWEET CUISINES . Which countrie/s is/are the best for sweet things in your opinion?

73. 22 Aug 2009 11:55


I have spent several weeks there and every bakery is amazing

74. 22 Aug 2009 12:09


Mexican! No doubt! They have these little fried things covered in cinnamon!

75. 22 Aug 2009 12:31


I would probably have to say France, I don't indulge in many
sweets...savory is my thing, but I have eaten some fine French

76. 22 Aug 2009 12:45


Please, more answers. You see how people vary in their tastes. I'm curious about Oriental sweets. I've only tasted Middle East or Armenian cakes like Baklavah( spelling???) and others that are full of nuts and honey. I definitely have MY OWN OPINION WHICH I SHARE WITH MY HUSBAND but I want to see what other people think. I'll tell you later.

77. 22 Aug 2009 12:56


The Mexican things that I mentioned earlier must be really good because I'm very picky and I love them!

78. 22 Aug 2009 13:34


The Mexican desert is called Churros, & they are good!!

79. 22 Aug 2009 14:44


Right this minute, I think Dorset Apple Cake is the best thing since sliced bread.

80. 22 Aug 2009 14:51


Actually Polenta you probably have had Chinese sweets. From what I understand the dishes we think of as main dishes like Ginger Beef and Sweet and Sour Pork are actually considered desserts in China. That's probably why so many of those foods have such sweet sauces on them.

As for the best sweets, I would probably say Germany or Switzerland. If you're looking for chocolate anyway. I've had Suiss chocolate that melts in your mouth like butter and leaves none of that aftertase that make you need to drink a big glass of milk or something. So different from the cheap chocolate flavoured wax bars we get here.