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61. 1 Jul 2009 04:59


Ron, it seems you are the only one who's willing to offer criticism. And I enjoy reading your responses more than anyones because they're well thought out and not just being nice.

I don't know how to do this. I don't think I'm a good enough writer to be criticizing other's writing.

I'm also really afraid of offending people or seeming like I think I'm better in some way.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is I will make more of an effort to comment with something other than "great!" or "I love it!", but it will be really really hard for me. I am a severe introvert, and feel foolish when I come out of my shell.

But I will try. To keep ThinkWrite going, because TW means so much to me.

62. 1 Jul 2009 10:32


Thank you so much charity! I'll try to come up with some good words for the next list. I do find myself falling into the category of just commenting on the stories I like too. (Though sometimes I get so behind in checking in there's so many contrubutions that I just don't comment unless one really captures me) I'll try in the future to come up with some contructive criticism too.
Alrighty, I'll think up my word list and post it on a new thread, Ciao for now.

63. 1 Jul 2009 13:13


You're welcome Dragon! I really liked your Air Raid piece, I guess I'm a little naive because I didn't see the ending coming at all! It was a fun & engaging story! I look forward to your new list!

OH and to explain my tardiness the other day...geesh was that yesterday? I have two kiddos, ages 2 & 4 months so my days are very unpredicatble and honestly I simply had a ton of things to do, manage, keep sanity going, My days can sometimes get pretty hectic because even though I have a great family & a really connected community, many people (even grandparent age) stll work, or have other commitments so MUCH of the raising is solely my responsiblity. My hubby does so much for us, he works his tail off for us so I can stay home with the kiddos, but those 5 words mean a whole lot of work. No one really seemed to care, but I don't like making people wait on me lol

In response to the criticism comments, I think constructive criticism is just that, constructive, it's usually not insulting because it has a point. HOWEVER, if the writer is simply writing to have fun (not necessarily in pursuit of 'getting better as a writer'), it may be construed as insulting simply because they aren't interested in the actual quality of their work. Know what I mean? Sometimes it's very healthy just to enjoy something for the sake of enjoying it, not necessarily being in pursuit of being a "great writer". lol

Either way, I love TW and I think it's great to comment on someones work, period, it means it's been noticed and appreciated in some way. It always makes my day, even if it is critical (with a nice helping of niceities (sp?) too lol)

64. 1 Jul 2009 19:47


I'm a little buzzed tonight (as with most nights haha) but Charity - you raise an interesting point I'd like to address.

And I'm gonna be blunt on this one because it's kind of a pet peeve of mine.

Every point you make is on-point. But there is one - one point which I have a problem with...

(This is all regards to criticism...)

When you say "However" and go on to defend the writer who is just having fun and not necessarily in pusuit of "getting better" I completely, one-hundred percent understand and agree. (I'll refer to Lenny and Freda as a case-in-point)

But - let me ask this. How does the reader know that? Or the critic?

One thing I know about language is that it's full of subtleties. And spoken language is so full of nuance and facial expression and body language.

But plain text has none of these things. Just words...

Let me back-pedal a moment.

I did post a message recently begging us all to post "lighter" pieces as well as any "serious" ones. This for the benefit of anyone exploring this thread but possibly intimidated by the caliber and seriousness of some pieces.

But I've also posted recently begging for constructive criticism. And now I'm challenging the idea of 'how does the critic know the difference'...

What a hole I've dug myself into...

I want it all...

I want the bar raised. I want to hear my dialogs suck. I want to know if someone laughs, cries or stares in disbelief at something I've posted.

I'm willing to tell people the same things. Even if, at times, offensive.

I always try to be 'nice' about it.

And I want new contributors.

Perhaps I want too much. But I continue to hope not.

And I think, maybe, we're all walking this tightrope together and not doing a too-bad job of it.

In absolute blatant honesty "Air Raid" should not have "won" this iteration. Which is why I keep repeating that there is no winner - just a torch bearer. And that the pieces are, ultimately, judged according to their interest to the the current torch-bearer - not their intrinsic writing style or craft.

Air Raid is my absolute favorite piece this week. But as a critic I'd say it's too comical and whimsical and too revealing. But I'm both praising and criticizing Dragon's effort.

But I'm not being "mean". Heck! Can I say it again - I loved it.

But at the same time I know Dragon could've done better. I KNOW that!

Midnight: You mention you don't think you're a good enough writer to criticize other's writing. But criticism isn't about writers. It's about readers.

I have no idea what my point is any longer...

I just love this thread. I want us all to continue contributing. But I crave and desire actual critcal looks at our efforts - not just pats on the back. I 'always' want the best piece to be noticed but I could care less what the definition of "best" is in the torch-holder's mind.

Critics aren't bad. They are good.

And I got nothing else...


Dragon - nice new list but hard. Moondance is gonna stump me for a bit...

65. 3 Jul 2009 20:07


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