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61. 25 May 2009 14:06


I did enjoy your story Iam, I did not consider it less worthy, in fact it would have been among the front runners. I simply didn't include it in the running because there is no control when anyone can post a new word list and make the choice of who wins by logging in under IamAnonymous. Someone could conceivably choose themselves as a winner that way. It was a question of semantics, not worthiness.

62. 25 May 2009 14:19


Umm... Iam, have you no thought about submitting your story thru a separate account that is all yours?

63. 25 May 2009 15:01


I'll leave you with this thought Dragon: If anyone can have more than one account, you can never be sure that someone hasn't already chosen themselves as a winner. Where does that leave your semantics?

64. 25 May 2009 15:57


I didn't say it was impossible for people to have different accounts. I said anyone on this site could use the IamAnon. persona. It was possible that I could have written that story myself under the IamAnon name then chosen it as my favorite and had a second kick at the can. Also, when it came time for the next round to end anyone could have logged in under that name and chosen their own story as a favorite.
I think you are someone who is trying to kill the whole idea of Think Write by trying to stir up more contreversy. If you want your stories to count write under your own name and people will consider it, but stop being such a shit disturber otherwise. Don't expect me to respond again to your baiting.

65. 25 May 2009 17:54


One should realize one cannot write under a universal open ID and expect to be singled out for individual accomplishment. Isn't willingness, even desire, to forgo recognition the point of submitting anonymously?

66. 25 May 2009 19:00


How do you know that Robin and Dragon are not the same person?

67. 25 May 2009 19:05


Irrelevant ... they are not submitting under an ID that is knowingly a group/anyone ID with a password that is assessable to all, and was created to let people submit without individuality, and then whining about not being recognized for an individual accomplishment.

68. 26 May 2009 08:52


Repyling to 67 - my work was an individual accomplishment.

Repling to Dragon and her concerns that Iam might have a second 'kick at the can' - I quote her
"Ron, speaking just for myself I don't think you should limit yourself to just 1 story, if you have another in you go for it. I know I don't feel bad posting multiple stories. I guess the only thing I might say is don't force it, if you find yourself desperate to use the words and not allowing the story to flow then it might be time to sit back and relax a while. There have been several times when I've been inspired by someone elses story and gone on to do another I never would have thought of before."

It seems that it is ok for anybody else to have as many goes as they like, but I'm not even allowed to have one go.

Typical double standards! You might call it, (rather unecessarily, I thought), s*** stirring, but I call it seeking justice and fairness.

69. 26 May 2009 09:25


Second kick at the can referred to chosing the word list and word count and choosing the winner at the end. My note to Ron referred to submitting as many stories as you wanted to the challenge. I'll say it again, if you submit under your own log in name rather than one accessible to everyone your stories will be considered. If you want your 'individual accomplishment' recognized as such post it as an individual, not as Anonymous.

70. 26 May 2009 09:25


There is no double standard. Individual accomplishment or not, you chose to submit under a known group ID -- forgoing recognition as an individual for what you submitted. It was your choice to submit under a group ID that by definition could be anyone at any given time that that ID is used. For some reason, you wanted that kind of anonymity, but now you don't want the parts of it you don't like. Get over it. If you want to be recognized as an individual, submit under an individual ID which does not have a password known to everyone.

71. 26 May 2009 09:28


Thank you, that was exactly what I was trying to say too.

72. 26 May 2009 13:15


Oh I like my ID ron. I hope you enjoyed using yours.

73. 26 May 2009 17:15


Anon, I backed down yesterday and made my apologies, having been slammed by matthew (rightly or wrongly) for making several guesses at your identity. After he read me the riot act, I then assumed you were a particular person that I have I lot of respect for, and I felt very upset and contrite about my outspokenness. For various reasons, I no longer believe you are that particular person. That is not to say I disrespect you ... on the contrary, I don't know you. We are going from the sublime to the ridiculous ... you are now making guesses at the identity of the person who is sharing the IamAnonymous ID with you. You don't appear to be an insensitive person, so can't you see that your use of that 'group ID' is provocative. I don't doubt that you will gain a lot of respect by assuming your original identity and allowing this contentious situation to die a death.

74. 26 May 2009 19:40


I know its late and probably nobody will read it but here is this one... I am going to go to the next one now!!

285 words excluding title

~~~The Prophecy ~~~

“Madam, my apologies but the dreamer is here.”

Looking up her morning mail Tomori asked, “I am sorry Mathias, who?”

“He would only identify himself as the dreamer madam. He said you would know him.”

Sigh, “I do not recall, but please send him in.”

As the man entered he appeared to be in mourning dressed completely in black. He had a gleam in his eye that suggested he was here with less than noble intentions. As he approached Tomori sitting in front of the fire on this brisk cold day he focused his attention to the glass beads that were housed in the display cause just left of the hearth.

Having no time for games as he approached Tomori asked, “May I help you?”

“I am here about the Prophecy of the Manx Cat”

Taken back by his strange words Tomori’s calm demeanor faltered, “I… I’m sorry”

“I dare not repeat those words.”

The irony of his words did not escape her. She remembered stories of the prophecy being told to her as a small girl as she played in the tower of her grand-uncle who was a duke in England, and how careful they were to not utter the name of it, “Please, go on.”

As the man wove his story like a finely braided tapestry, he told her of the prophecy, her grand-uncles decision that ultimately let him to his death, why he must now be avenged, and why she as his closest living relative must take up that task. Pausing only to make sure she understood the man finished by saying, “That is all I can offer you my dear child, the choice is now yours....”

“Yes,” was her only reply…

75. 26 May 2009 19:42


Ohhhhhh I Love it Merc!!!

76. 26 May 2009 20:03


That was wonderful! I can't wait to read what you submit for ThinkWrite VI