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Forums - Community - Group Challenge

61. 1 May 2009 22:38


Folks... 30seconds later and I'm out.

But! I lost the picture.

By just hitting "Logout" with the pic sitting up on my screen - when I go back in as this user and go to Draw there is only a single option "Save Draft"... But the canvas is blank. There is nothing to save, view, load or edit.

I'm pretty good with computers. But I did this. I killed the chicken. Me.

I am so, so sorry.

I'm not going to start a replacement.

I feel bad about this.

62. 1 May 2009 23:15


.. and then there was loud wailing and groaning, and the people, in their sorrow, decided to feed Ron to the big, horrible thing with the claws and gnashy teeth that lived in the lake..

63. 2 May 2009 02:28


...but.... BUT.... we'd each saved a Screenie as we went along..... er.. right? RIGHT???

64. 2 May 2009 02:30


...sighs quietly... wanders back in to start that silly Animal one again (figuring from marg's comment that it MUST be the Animal palette one.... we shall see...)

65. 2 May 2009 02:46


aaannnd... I'm out. Getting pretty good at re-doing the first part by now... lol

66. 2 May 2009 02:53


long as I'm up anyway, I'm going in again --to look at the Flowers one this time...

67. 2 May 2009 03:03


Flowers was empty (and I left it that way) but someone had started Fruit.
I added a little to that, SCREENIED, SAVED DRAFT, and I'm out.

68. 2 May 2009 03:58


I actually won't even open the group drawing to look now, and will have to wait until the finished products get submitted.
It's just too risky, I won't be the chicken murderer.

69. 2 May 2009 04:32


Logging out.

70. 2 May 2009 06:09


OK.. I'm just going in to do a quick audit..

71. 2 May 2009 06:39


weeelll.. I did a bit of initial repair, going from my screenshot.. but this one looks REALLY different (animals, that is).. problem is we don't have anywhere to show the screenshots we took..

I added a bit to the fruit one (uninspiring so far, but let's see what developes)..

over and out.. going to play with anonymous ones, now !

72. 2 May 2009 06:56


going in...

73. 2 May 2009 07:07


& out...

74. 2 May 2009 08:02


.. OK..just checking.. won't be long..

75. 2 May 2009 08:07


.. and out.. fruit's coming along nicely, and a weird and wonderful background happening in animals [but I never saw that one after the early additions]..

76. 2 May 2009 08:09


.. oh.. didn't add anything, 'cause I know I've got to wait another day.. grumble, moan, hiss.. BUT.. I did save and took a screenshot of the animals pic

77. 2 May 2009 08:23


Hey folks, let's talk about how we can share screenies.

I recommend using Flickr or a Gmail acct. Flickr would be straightforward, but we'd have to share the pwd, and that would lead to the same issue. But w/ gmail I have a different approach in mind.

One of us would hold a gmail account that everyone could mail to --with attachments. I already have a number of email accts for busines, but I'm easy... matthew or marg or dragon or whoever feels like they could deal with it. The acct holder would then forward the images to whomever wanted 'em, AND/OR post them up on the Flickr acct.

Thoughts? (smiles)

78. 2 May 2009 08:25


going in for a look + screenies...

79. 2 May 2009 08:41


I'm out...
added a bit to Fruit and to Animals, screenied & saved draft each.
Checked the others, all empty.

80. 2 May 2009 08:44


I'm going in for a bit of a play.