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Forums - General Discussion - The Doldrums

61. 15 Sep 2011 09:33


Well said Hazer. Good luck Steve, don't listen to the close minded Doctors who, in all reality, simply don't know what they're talking about. Some Doctors are worse than laymen about this sort of thing because they think that because they have a PhD they know everything there is to know. You're right, he probably doesn't have to live as the people he's deriding do.

62. 15 Sep 2011 10:02


Wow, I never would have guessed there were so many fellow atheists out there. I guess I have lived in the Bible Belt too long. Can't take five steps without running into a church! Hang in there Steve. I hope all goes well with your surgery. My sister had the same one three years ago and has lost 250+ pounds. Many of her health problems diminished or vanished. So, good luck. I understand about the doldrums. I have to do dialysis every four hours, four times a day. Sometimes I just get sick of always timing everything around that. Plus the dietary restrictions. No phosphorous, salt, or potassium. So, no dairy products, or tomato, or nuts. I miss nuts especially. And ice cream! Spaghetti just isn't the same without sauce. Well, enough whining. For now anyway-haha

63. 15 Sep 2011 13:21


Renee355 feel free to use The Doldrums as often as you like to get things off your chest, there are many people on this site who prefer to put faith in fellow human beings and are uncomfortable with Religion. I am sorry you have to endure dialysis regularly. I hope that soon medical science can come to your assistance and the treatment you need administered. I am guessing a kidney transplant! People on Think Draw are amazingly kind and supportive and I know that I and others have received comfort from the words of others. Hazer who is recently bereaved and supported her husband lovingly with so much bravery yet still finds the time for others leaves me with so much hope for people and generosity, so much happens in this world and the generous hearts and minds of kind individuals keeps me optimistic about the future.

64. 15 Sep 2011 15:02


Thanks, Steve. A kidney transplant is an option, eventually. First, I have to have all my teeth removed b/c they are in horrible condition. That is a side effect of the kidney failure. TN has a program to help with the dental expenses. I have used my allotment for this year. Next March I will be able to remove the last three teeth, then I can go on the transplant list.

65. 17 Sep 2011 00:40


A friend of mine got a kidney transplant 3 months ago. He is looking good and getting back into his life. I am rooting for you Renee. And of course for stevedover as well. We sure do need some reform in our health care in the U.S. Renee, I am sorry you have to wait.

66. 17 Sep 2011 04:34


stay strong Steve, we all root for you!!
I appreciate your vivid and immaginative art, your fondness for SF and Fantasy, and your gentle presence on TD, and will you to be still more and more time here around!

67. 17 Sep 2011 04:41


Renee, I can't imagine how hard is to be on a strict routine every day. I was sticked on my bed for 3 months on 2010 (hand and foot plasted) and I would go mad if I had not TD - a gate for spreading inner freedom's wings!

hope you'll can find a transplant and improve your condition soon!

68. 18 Sep 2011 18:31


Clo,you said it. Since I rediscovered TD, I'm here almost every time I hook up for dialysis. It definetely helps. I put all my music on my computer. So, I jam & draw. That is why so many of my titles are songs. I'm too lazy- just name whatever song is playing when I finish!

69. 22 Sep 2011 13:01


Update: Well I'm back, I had my operation which was performed by a surgeon called Mr. Christopher Pring. I'm a little tender and delicate but otherwise well and able to function well. Getting used to my reduced diet and what my adapted body needs. Nurses were brilliant at the Bariatric Center very warm and friendly. Amazing how on Tuesday I was hooked up to a full dependency unit with computers and drips etc. whilst a surgeon used miniature cameras and machines through portals in my body to perform the cuts and joins needed. Then by Thursday I am relatively pain free and fit enough to go home. Medical science is amazing! On the weigh in before surgery I had already lost over 22 Kilograms on the milk diet. Now with this procedure I will continue to drop in weight. I am now post diabetic, I do not need insulin anymore, or any of the drugs for Hypertension, Cholesterol etc that's over 10 tablets I do not need anymore. I will be closely followed whilst I recover, with a district nurse and regular checkups to ensure no complications. Now all I need is this facial nerve to finish healing and I will be as good as new. Thanks for your supportive messages I will keep you posted if there are any problems or changes. Bye xx Steve

70. 22 Sep 2011 16:00


Great news Steve! I hope the healing continues to go well.

71. 22 Sep 2011 20:18


Breathing a sigh of relief that all is well and you are on the road to recovery. Sounds like you are in good hands. All the best!

72. 23 Sep 2011 07:21


Excellent news, steve. Great that you can ditch all those pills, too. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

73. 23 Sep 2011 07:32


Well done Steve - I send best wishes for continued improvement and weight loss - I hope you have lots of wonderful soup recipes so that your new diet will keep you on the right path. You obviously have the determination to make the most of this chance and we all wish you well.

74. 26 Sep 2011 10:45


Glad to hear all went well Steve. And 22 kgs dropped before the surgery! That's amazing. Hope all continues to go swimmingly for you. (Oh and I have a load of soup recipes if you ever need any.;) )

75. 26 Sep 2011 16:05


beautiful news Steve! And you are drawing again, I saw. You now are ready to start a new path!

76. 26 Sep 2011 17:41


Wishing you continued success on your personal journey, Steve!

77. 27 Sep 2011 05:57


It was confirmed today that my Diabetes is in remission (LOUD APPLAUSE) cheers, pageant fanfares and champagne all round. Release the doves, fill the sky with Chinese lanterns and fireworks.

78. 27 Sep 2011 06:16


Also of note is the fact that I have almost healed just one week after key hole surgery. There is no pain, I have no stitches just steri-strips and a regular plaster covering each incision, six small incisions which look like shallow scratches in the skin, each is clean with no sign of infection and no weeping.

79. 27 Sep 2011 17:03


Way to go Steve!!!

80. 27 Sep 2011 17:40


Thank you Hazer, I hope you are well.