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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5961. 27 Jan 2010 19:15


I love these cross-conversations. Imagine what all the Radio Baldur voyeurs must go through to follow all the multiple threads they are part of this dialogue.
For some time Baldur has suspected that many more people follow this channel than is readily apparent.
We all know the regulars who contribute, and the few who chime in occasionally to remind us that we are not alone.
But I often wonder how big our audience really is.
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can coax people into giving us an idea of our market share?

5962. 27 Jan 2010 19:20


Baldur has been involved in several men's groups and was even the last sitting President of the first bear group in RI.
They all seem to dissolve for the same reasons.
Few people want to do the work.
Robert and I host events at Chez Baldur, occasionally serve as officers,
and do a good amount for the groups we've belonged to. Unfortunately many people just want to show up and eat, or be entertained.
Bless the ones who are willing to set up folding chairs, run out to get more ice or man the grill.
Doubly bless the ones who help clean up afterwards.

5963. 27 Jan 2010 19:49


heh heh--cross conversations about goose poop and bear conventions. You just never know what this channel will offer each day. Part of the enduring charm.....

5964. 27 Jan 2010 20:51


hehehe to all of you. marius got caught up on another thread and missed out on much of Channel Baldur during the past week. But hold on to your hats, there are plans to make up for that. (lol - jsut kidding)

Wanted to tell AuntieB that because we used my sister's made up word, I had to send her some stories so she could find new uses for her word, quixmickle. She *particularly* liked AuntieB's story! Said it was a delight. (Yes, we used the same adjectives. Must be genetics.)

Robin, the bane of every bird watcher is the popular misconception that there is such a thing as a "Canadian" goose. If you refer to any decent birding field guide, you will discover that the proper name for these horrible pooping machines is, "Canada goose" or "Canada geese."

Yes, it's a nit-picky thing to tell you this, but you are a nurse so surely you've met a few nit-pickers and know how to deal with them. But, I did want Dragon to understand that no goose is ever American, or Canadian. Although, I think there are Siberian geese.

Now I shall go to bed thinking of goose poop, bear conventions and nit-pickers. Sweet dreams.

5965. 28 Jan 2010 04:56


I will chime in as a R/B Voyer... I don't draw or chat nearly as much as I used to when I could do it AND work... Now that I can not, I still try and keep up...

Some days I skim for highlights & some days I read more in depth. Just I always check the gallery & some days I make a comment on many pictures & some days I only comment on the cream of the crop...

What I do miss is drawing as much as I used to... No more 20 - 30 pics per month... Now I am lucky to squeeze 5 - 10... I am off 1/2 a day today... Maybe... just maybe... ... ... ... nah...

And only because I know how much Baldur loves the emoticons...

5966. 28 Jan 2010 04:57



5967. 28 Jan 2010 07:00


Rats! matthews emoticon made me realize there were no : ) at the appropriate places to let folks know marius was being "tongue in cheek" with her pickyness. Do not *really* care if folks call a goose a gander, a pooping machine, an American or a Canadian. : )

Afterall, whoever named birds did not ask the birds what *they* want to be called, and ... why Canada Goose and not Canadian? There is an American Robin, not America Robin. And ... blue-footed booby? Nuthatch? Titmouse? Plenty of odd naming went on in early days of birding. ; )

5968. 28 Jan 2010 07:03


Canadian, Canada, I really don't care. I'm still holding Dragon personally responsible! And she can indeed blame me for any droppings an American Robin may leave on her stoop. It would only be fair.

5969. 28 Jan 2010 07:07


Tee hee Robin, was just going to share another Missouri Moment.

There is a man who lives not too far from us. He owns two standard-sized poodles. He has trained them to chase geese. People hire him to bring his dogs and remove geese from their properties. Guess it works pretty well, but he often has to go back with his dogs several times before the geese move on.

5970. 28 Jan 2010 07:14


And, I do feel bad for you Robin. Doppings by ANY goose, Siberian or Canada ... are AWFUL! There are parks around here that are not visited much because of goose droppings. I forget all the stuff I used to know about Canada geese, but seems to me that last I heard, their population is estimated to be WAY above pre-settlement days.

It is the same with populations of white-tailed deer. They have become a gigantic problem in area towns and people oppose managed-hunts even though the deer have reached the point of over-population that eventually will mean ... starvation and disease to the deer.

Guess people love Bambi that much. There was a gigantic fuss about the deer Shawnee Mission Park in Kansas (it's near here) and people tried to stop the managed-hunt by doing really rediculous things. (Not sure anyone tied himself to a deer, but it was about that silly.)

5971. 28 Jan 2010 07:15


Hey, maybe you could host a managed goose-hunt on your lawn??? That would be my vote. Good Luck.

5972. 28 Jan 2010 07:17


Place a stuffed poodle on your Roomba and set it to run in your yard.
Of course you may need to purchase a goosepoopplow attachment for it.
It would terrible if your Roomba got mired in the muck.

5973. 28 Jan 2010 07:22


Do not know what "doppings" are, but "droppings" are familiar to me.

I LOVE your idea Baldur! tee hee!

5974. 28 Jan 2010 07:51


this is what you need

5975. 28 Jan 2010 07:58


You know Baldur, iRobot (the makers of Roomba) actually do make a lawnmowing robot too, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to fit it out with a poop-plow and small dog on top. Perhaps the yappy dog next door that so bothered marius a while back would work.

Had to agree with what you said about any social group. It always seems like there are 50-100 people who want to show up and have fun but only 2-3 who are actually willing to do the planning/hosting and all the work. Eventually those 2-3 people get fed up with never getting any help and in my experience the non-helpful people never seem to appreciate all the work, instead they bitch and moan about how the event wasn't done right or what should have happened. Never mind that they refused to so much as lift a finger to help. These clubs go down because eventually the people doing all the work decide they've done quite enough and no one else steps up to fill their shoes.

5976. 28 Jan 2010 08:08


Yes, Baldur! I need a roomba with an attack animal and a plow! (I like how when that cat would smack the dog, it would then licks it's paw to clean off any dog germs it may have been exposed to! LOL).

So, I am going to start a non-profit site to try to earn the money for my goose clean-up. What shall I call it??

5977. 28 Jan 2010 08:09


licks -s = lick

5978. 28 Jan 2010 08:26


Baldur, perhaps this is what happened to all the bears in your group.

5979. 28 Jan 2010 08:49


They would never have picked up the trash (lol)

5980. 28 Jan 2010 13:41


In case marius thinks sheftali was being too serious about Canada vs Canadian geese--not in the least! We're all having fun, I hope.