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5921. 26 Jan 2010 14:44


Wow I was beginning to wonder if Matthew Albanese was a related to Willy Wonka untill I found these! -Matthew-Albanese-using-materials-including-cotton-wool-faux-fur-patio-tables.html

5922. 26 Jan 2010 16:37


Ok Ive got a recipe for some very lowfat treats that are great for anyone with kids, grandkids or anyone trying to sooth their sweet tooth in a better way. They are also fun and easy for kids to make when they have sleepovers.

Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches

You will need a nice size container that can go in the freezer

1 box chocolate graham crackers
1 tub lowfat or nofat Cool Whip

Break graham crackers in half, place a nice size spoonfull of Cool Whip on top then place other half of craker on top and lightly press together. Place sandwiches in container and seal then place in the freezer to freeze.

So simple but so good!! My kids love them!

5923. 26 Jan 2010 16:56


now that is some very cool artwork. Amazing the details one can create with dog hair.

Thanks for the recipe, Belladonnis. I posted it in my recipe forum, too. Simple and yummy, and not fattening, either. Perfect!

5924. 26 Jan 2010 17:38


Baldur survived the Jeopardy test, though certainly did not ace it.
There were no Brangelina questions!
Oddly the only current television was one that I knew the answer to.
They asked what Fox hit show features Jane Lynch as a gym teacher.
I remember just recently watching a moment of an awards show, she was shown in the audience with 'Jane Lynch- GLEE' for a caption.

5925. 26 Jan 2010 18:01


Baldur's television list
These are the only programs I watch regularly:
Wheel of fortune
Antique Roadshow
Keeping Up Appearances
NFL football
American Idol (love the singing, then I leaver the room)

5926. 26 Jan 2010 18:07


If there are car chases, explosions, gunfights, kidnappings, murders or politicians on a program Baldur has no desire to watch it.
When 'the New Red Green Show' was on locally I would pardon the explosions and watch it.
Other shows that I would watch were they available include
'The French Chef'
'The Carol Burnett Show'
'Star Trek Voyager' (best Trek series ever in my opinion)

5927. 26 Jan 2010 18:08


leaver - r = leave

5928. 26 Jan 2010 18:10


It's actually unfair to include 'Wheel of Fortune' as I only see the last 6 or 7 minutes of it.
When dinner is over I head in to watch 'Jeopardy' and 'Wheel' is usually not quite over yet.

5929. 27 Jan 2010 07:33


It's probably wise to minimize the Wheel Of Fortune anyway, I don't know about you but I have a very low tolerance for Pat Sajak.

5930. 27 Jan 2010 07:35


Dragon does greatly enjoy shows with car chases, gun fights and explosions though. My favorite shows (which cannot be missed) include NCIS, LOST and Bones. We also love Mythbusters and I can't think of a single episode of that show that didn't end up with an explosion of some sort.

5931. 27 Jan 2010 07:43


I like Criminal Minds, and NCIS. But my son thinks I'm the most boring person in the world, because 90% of the time my TV is set to the Food Network. I love the cake and sugar competitions, and Iron Chef. When I was 12 like my boy, though, I would've thought they were the most boring shows, too!

5932. 27 Jan 2010 07:45


And in general, I hate game shows. Don't know why, I just do. Jeopardy is so hard it just makes me feel stupid, and I am quite sure that I have a very high IQ, so I don't appreciate being made to feel stupid! LOL

5933. 27 Jan 2010 07:47


Jeopardy is pretty much the only game show I do like. I forgot about Criminal Minds, that's another one we very much enjoy but we pretty much only watch it in reruns on A&E. The downfall is that you never know what season you're gonna get, the upside is they usually play like 8 in a row so we can get our fill and then go weeks without.

5934. 27 Jan 2010 10:27


It's Italian night at Chez Baldur. There's a cauldron of homemade marinara sauce on the stove simmering gently.
I will be having vegetarian meatballs, Robert an adaptation of an classic dish called Bracchiole. In the original recipe for each serving you take a flat slice of raw beef , (a tough cut of meat sliced as a thin steak) and place a portion of bread dressing on it. Then you roll the meat up around the dressing into a large lozenge shape and truss it with string into a neat bundle.
Next fry the bracchoile in olive oil until it's nicely browned on all sides and place it in a pot of simmering sauce. Cook it for several hours until the meat is quite tender.
Remove it from the sauce, clip the string and carefully remove it. The bracchiole will hold it's shape nicely and can be easily sliced with a table knife.
Here is how my version differed.
For the dressing Baldur took some finely minced onion and minced pepperoni and sauteed it together until browned. Next it was seasoned with oregano, basil, chopped parsley, garlic and ground fennel seed.
I added a little broth and then several slices of bread cut into little cubes.
Instead of beef Baldur used a boneless pork chop. Using my rolling pin the poor little piece of pork was hammered until it was very thin and decidely tender. After being stuffed and trussed it was fried gently in a little olive oil.
This cut of meat is already tender enough so instead of a long cooking process it simply went into an individual casserole dish and got a nice ladling of marinara over it.
Just before dinner it will go in the oven for 30 minutes.

On the side there will be Farfalle (pasta butterflies) and a very simple green salad.

5935. 27 Jan 2010 10:33


For the vegetarian meatballs take a few veggie burgers (the brand I use for this recipe is 'Boca Burger') and allow them to defrost.
Combine them in a bowl with moistened bread crumbs, a raw egg (optional), chopped onion, garlic and whatever Italian style herbs or seasonings you prefer. I use oregano, basil, parsley, ground fennel seed and hot red pepper flakes.
Mix everthing together well and then with wet hands form the mixture into balls.
Place them on a greased baking dish and bake for 20 minutes until firm or fry them in a little oil in a skillet.

You really cannot simmer these for a long time in tomato sauce, they will absorb too much moisture and get soggy.
Ladle sauce over them at serving time.

5936. 27 Jan 2010 10:35


Sounds yummy, and like lots of work goes into it. I get the feeling that Baldur truly enjoys cooking. I always enjoy trying out a new recipe. I love the anticipation of wondering if it's going to turn out as good as I'd hoped.

Baldur, I have a beading question for you. When you're stringing your beads do you use a needle on the thread (or dental floss as the case may be) or do you simply thread the beads directly onto the thread?

5937. 27 Jan 2010 10:41


My method for the perfect Italian dinner is much easier.
Get you beau to pick you up and take you to 'Mama Catastrophe's'
for a romantic evening.
Order a nice Asti to go with the breadsticks.
Enjoy a Caesar salad prepared at tableside.
Listen to the Gypsy violinist (and flirt with him if he looks hot)
Enjoy their homemade pasta and whatever else you are in the mood for.
Linger over coffee and tiramisu.
Dance until dawn.
Afterwards walk along the river arm and arm and watch the stars.

This is much better than cooking all day and then having a messy kitchen.
Although I personally don't do the cooking or the washing up afterwards.

5938. 27 Jan 2010 10:43


I thread the floss thru a needle.
This does however limit me to only beads with reasonable large holes.

5939. 27 Jan 2010 10:44


The smallest gauge bead I've been able to use is a 8/0. I need to be careful when looking at seed beads that the gauge is correct.

5940. 27 Jan 2010 10:46


Don't get the impression that I never cook. Sometimes I do get the urge and will prepare something sinful.
Even then I leave the cleanup to Diego.