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5881. 23 Jan 2010 07:13


hehehe at Gashlycrumb Tinies. I especially like the one who was smothered by a rug.

marius, indeed a curling rink is covered in pebbly ice, it's what allows the curling stones to slide and curl the way they do. Appearantly being able to produce the ice is quite an art form and the people who do it are specialists (at least if what I've been led to beleive is true)

5882. 23 Jan 2010 07:24


5883. 23 Jan 2010 14:23


Hey Dragon, all this talk of curling made me remember this old pic of mine. No pebble for marius to see I'm afraid, so you'll just have to imagine the surface.
Hope you're better soon Baldur!

5884. 23 Jan 2010 15:32


For tonight's musical portion of the show, marius has convinced me to share the one and only country-western tune I have ever written with all of you. First, the background story: My ex-boyfriend worked with this kind of a loser guy with a substance abuse problem and a trashy girlfriend. One day the girlfriend, who lived with the loser, told him she was breaking up with him in 2 weeks and would be moving out and moving in with her new man. My boyfriend thought it was the funniest thing he ever heard to get a 2-week notice for a break-up, and told me I should write a country song about it. So I did. When I wrote the lyrics, I actually had a tune in my head, but have no recollection of the tune now, so you'll have to put it to your own music! LOL!

Two- Weeks Notice

Things seemed to be going along easy
We had built up a life that was great
We both had good jobs
Neither of us was slobs
And the credit card payments weren’t late.

Til the day I decided abruptly
There was too much a job made me miss
So I went to the boss
On his desk there I tossed
A letter that sounded like this:

My life is too short for this bulls*#t,
I’m tired of being abused.
So here is my two week notice.
Good luck finding someone new.

I went home to her and expected
Some understanding sympathy.
But there on the table, in a sealed envelope
Was a letter addressed to me:

My life is too short for this bulls*#t,
I’m tired of being abused.
So here is my two week notice.
Good luck finding someone new.

Now it’s a couple weeks later
Reality’s finally sunk in.
I’m out of a job, and she’s out of love
And she’s already moved in with him.

So today when the landlord comes calling
To ask why the money is late
I’ll give him the same old letter
Since I can’t say it better
And I’ll pack up my things in a crate.

My life is too short for this bulls*#t,
I’m tired of being abused.
So here is my two-week notice.
Good luck finding someone new!

5885. 23 Jan 2010 15:42


For you Baldur. Are you sure this will cheer you up?

5886. 23 Jan 2010 15:43


Robin, I can hear this now in some old honky tonk!! My mom loved country music and did sing in some clubs. She would write tunes and sing them. I'm not a country music fan, but do like the old stuff, that I grew up hearing everyday!! You are a poet, and writer, and wish you could get your works published. This song is fun!!

5887. 23 Jan 2010 15:52


Robin that was hilarious. Like lilalee I'm not a C-W fan but I've heard a lot of it and that was so perfect. Love the fact that the same letter can be used for 3 totally different purposes and still sound custom written for each!

5888. 23 Jan 2010 15:54


puzzler, I loved that curling pic when you first drew it and I still love it now. I think it's wonderful the way you got the curlers pose so perfect and the broom is great!

5889. 23 Jan 2010 16:02


This is not credited but it looks like it was on 'Austin City Limits'

5890. 23 Jan 2010 17:58


Thoroughly enjoyed both musical segments tonight! Thanks Robin and Baldur!

Hope you're getting better, Baldur. Flu is a nasty business but, sleeping well always seemed a good medicine. Hope you're getting some good Z's. Think I'm gonna go get a few myself. Sweet dreams all!

5891. 24 Jan 2010 08:25


Hey Baldur, I think I spotted you as a baby in this video clip advert. I'd know those moves anywhere. Does Auntie B recognise you?

5892. 24 Jan 2010 08:43


I just love the babie commercials, especially the E Trade baby ones!

This one is my fav right now, I'm sure you have all seen it but here it is.

5893. 24 Jan 2010 09:56


puzzler, the baby doing the slalom around the bottles towards the end was my son Nile. As an infant he loved it when his Papi played Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five on his stereo.
I wonder if he is getting compensated? Baldur will forward the clip tohim.

And belladonnis, Baldur had just seen the evil clown commercial for the first time this week. It is now my favorite.

Thank you everyone for posting these exciting finds

5894. 24 Jan 2010 11:56


Sigh... Here is one...

5895. 24 Jan 2010 12:04


I was watching funny "baby" videos and stumbled across this... Now this is funny...

5896. 24 Jan 2010 12:10


I couldn't get the first one to play matthew, after the Haiti commercial it froze up and wouldn't move

5897. 24 Jan 2010 17:55


It's Auntie B again still recovering from her horrible bout of the flu.
I just couldn't contain my excitement over the Saints stunning overtime victory this evening over the Vikings.
If it were possible to wear all my Mardi Gras beads and run out into the street Auntie would be there.
However I have caught so many beads through the years that it would be quite impossible to move under the weight.

5898. 24 Jan 2010 19:29


Auntie B, I think it's wise of you to not strain your back under that excessive weight. And good for you, catching beads! Do you have to shave your chest, first??

Robin was put on call for the first 8 hours of her 12 hours shift today. YAY! I work tomorrow another 12, then off for 10 or 11 days! A STAY-cation! Very ready to regroup. Maybe I'll return to work with a better attitude.

Got to see my friend's baby today. He was born yesterday 3 weeks early. He's only 5 lbs, but healthy and strong. Cute little booger! I made a diaper cake for them.

Time for bed now, though, I'm afraid. 5:45am comes around early.

5899. 24 Jan 2010 19:32


I forgot to mention though, that instead of waking to that damned rooster today, I went outside to get the paper, and there was a whole gaggle of geese surrounding my bird feeder!! Cracked me up! They were scrounging for whatever the other birds had dropped on the ground, in addition to what was there from my son spilling while he fills the feeder. They left their huge, doggie-sized turds all over my driveway. I had to tiptoe to the paper to avoid soiled socks!

5900. 24 Jan 2010 20:33


Just for you, Robin--he he he!